[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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British reaction to Adams’s first visa to US was extreme

adamsustv1994.jpg The significance of Bill Clinton’s decision to grant former Sinn Fein leader’s Gerry Adams a visa is laid bare in state papers which reveal that the British government was shaken by the move.

Published January 5, 2019

‘You are now entering Free Derry’ - Liam Hillen’s legacy

freederry1969.jpg The safe arrival of a major civil rights march into Derry, after it had come under repeated attack by the B-Specials, inspired Liam Hillen to write one of the most famous slogans of the conflict. Liam passed away this week, almost 50 years to the day after those historic events.

Published January 5, 2019

The new Land War

strokestownaftermath.jpg A country farmhouse in County Roscommon became a battle zone last week after a brutal and illegal eviction of a farming family by hired loyalist mercenaries was dramatically overturned by a “flying column” of anti-eviction activists. The perpetrators were beaten or put to flight, and their vehicles torched.

Published December 22, 2018

Legal victories for republican accused

christineconnor3.jpg North Belfast woman Christine Connor has won an appeal against a 16-year prison sentence in one of a clutch of legal setbacks for the British occupation in the north of Ireland.

Published December 22, 2018

Eviction bank targeted by protestors, arsonists

kbcprotest.jpg Branches of KBC bank have been attacked amid increasingly angry protests over the role of bankers in the housing and evictions crises.

Published December 22, 2018

Light sentences for loyalist murder

proctormccauley.jpg Two loyalists have been sentenced to a total of just 13 years for the roles they played in the barbaric murder of Derry civil servant Paul McCauley.

Published December 22, 2018

Key ruling for Dublin/Monaghan campaigners

dubmonfamilies.jpg Victims of the worst single massacre of the conflict have secured an order for disclosure of secret state documents in a major legal action over British state collusion with a loyalist murder gang.

Published December 22, 2018

Christmas greetings enrage unionists

nollaigcard.jpg Unionist councillors in Country Antrim have generated a seasonal news absurdity by complaining over the use of Irish in the annual Mayor’s Christmas card.

Published December 22, 2018

‘The Irish should know their place’

tories.jpg Some British politicians have grown resentful of Ireland’s influence throughout Brexit talks, says the BBC, as fears mount that a deal that will prevent a remilitarisation of the border will not be agreed in time.

Published December 15, 2018

Former Para says Bloody Sunday massacre was justified

bloodysundaybody5.jpg A former paratrooper being investigated for his part in the Bloody Sunday massacre has said he believes it was a “job well done”.

Published December 15, 2018

Death of former OIRA leader Sean Garland

seangarland2.jpg There have been tributes to Sean Garland, a former IRA leader who helped to bring about the 1972 ceasefire by the Official IRA. He died on Thursday at his home in County Meath after a long illness.

Published December 15, 2018

‘Guilty’ of remembering fallen INLA Volunteers

seancarlin.jpg In what is said to be is the first case of its kind, a Belfast court has found a member of the Irish Republican Socialist Party guilty of carrying an Irish National Liberation Army flag during an Easter Sunday commemoration.

Published December 15, 2018

Ballymurphy inquest continues amid disclosure concerns

johnmckerr.jpg The Ballymurphy massacre inquest has heard details of the murder of John McKerr, a 49-year-old joiner from nearby Andersonstown who had been working at Corpus Christi Church in west Belfast on August 11 1971 when he was shot.

Published December 15, 2018

Royal scandal over city hall knobs

charlescamillacork.jpg Cork City Council has been humiliated after it emerged that it spent almost 6,000 euros on polishing door handles at city hall to prepare for a one-day stop by British royals Charles and his wife, Camilla.

Published December 15, 2018

May wins confidence vote as Brexit chaos continues

theresamayxmas.jpg British Prime Minister Theresa May has tonight defeated a challenge to her leadership of the Tory Party, winning a confidence vote by 200 MPs to 117.

Published December 12, 2018

Fury as top Tory warns: ‘We can starve the Irish’

pritipatel.jpg Anglo-Irish relations are at their worst in decades after a senior British Tory MP suggested using the possibility of food shortages in Ireland to coerce negotiators into dropping their opposition to the remilitarisation of the border area after Brexit.

Published December 8, 2018

‘I saw soldier spray crowd with bullets’

edwarddoherty.jpg A witness to one of the killings of the 1971 Ballymurphy massacre, who has suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder since, has given his first-ever statement on the atrocity to the coroner of the current inquest.

Published December 8, 2018

Gem Bar was collusion target, papers indicate

mcgurks2.jpg It has emerged that the British Army raided the pub which was the original target of the McGurk’s Bar bombers, two nights before the massacre in which collusion is strongly suspected.

Published December 8, 2018

Foster admits making ‘wrong’ statements under oath

fosterrhi2.jpg DUP leader Arlene Foster is under renewed pressure to quit politics after acknowledging that some of her sworn evidence to a public corruption inquiry is likely false.

Published December 8, 2018

Bloody Sunday commemoration to focus on military top brass

bloodysunday2019.jpg The 47th Bloody Sunday march has been launched with the focus returned to the issue to making those ultimately responsible for the slaughter of 13 innocent civilians accountable for their actions.

Published December 8, 2018


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