[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Stormont talks dismissed as pointless

stormontsfpress.jpg In some of its frankest criticism of the North’s political process in recent years, Sinn Féin has accused the British government of indulging in a “sham” and a “merry-go-round”.

Published February 16, 2019

‘Dial moving’ for a border poll

mcdonaldmarr.jpg There are signs of a growing acceptance in London that a referendum on unity in the Six Counties will be required in the circumstances of Britain’s departure from the EU.

Published February 9, 2019

Minister under pressure over false statements

harrisdail.jpg Pressure is mounting on the 26 County Minister for Health Simon Harris to resign after he stood accused of misleading parliament about when he was told about the ballooning cost of a new children’s hospital in Dublin.

Published February 9, 2019

Inquest ordered into murder of special needs man

paddymcelhone.jpg Britain’s Attorney General for the Six Counties has directed that a fresh inquest be carried out into the killing of an unarmed Tyrone man who was shot in the back by the British Army in August 1974.

Published February 9, 2019

Incident 2 - a cold-blooded massacre

incident2.jpg Paratroopers “just opened up” on a group of people standing near a church hall which had they taken over as a British Army base, the Ballymurphy Inquest has heard.

Published February 9, 2019

Irish-America wakens to Brexit crisis

ahcpgfa.jpg A committee to protect the 1998 Good Friday Agreement has been established by a group of leading Irish Americans in the wake of what they describe as the erosion of the deal by Tories, “almost to the point of dismissing it as irrelevant even though it is a binding international peace agreement”.

Published February 9, 2019

Radioactive border dump plan

nuclearwaste.jpg The town of Newry is being considered as a location to dispose of British nuclear waste in a move which is being met with incredulity in a border town already bracing for the impact of Brexit.

Published February 9, 2019

Help sought from America as Tories bin peace deal

congressboyle.jpg US Congressmen could once again be called on to act in support of peace in Ireland after the British government openly reneged on a deal to prevent a hard border after Brexit.

Published February 2, 2019

UVF seen behind brutal killing of east Belfast man

ianogle.jpg Loyalist paramilitaries have been blamed for the murder of prominent east Belfast loyalist Ian Ogle, who was killed following a long vendetta with the east Belfast Ulster Volunteer Force.

Published February 2, 2019

‘Our fight goes on’ - bomb attack claimed

bombedcar.jpg The new IRA has said it carried out a bomb attack on the courthouse in Derry last weekend. In a statement issued to the media, they said “the IRA won’t be going anywhere”.

Published February 2, 2019

Derry Four win compensation from the PSNI

derryfour.jpg Four Derry men wrongly accused of killing a British soldier have accepted an out-of-court settlement from the PSNI after four decades of fighting for the truth about police brutality, threats and a shocking conspiracy to pursue a miscarriage of justice.

Published February 2, 2019

Groups organise as Brexit looms

brexitgig.jpg A ‘civic nationalism’ event has drawn an estimated audience of 1,500 to a conference in Belfast’s Waterfront Hall to discuss a response to Brexit.

Published February 2, 2019

‘End the delays - start the prosecutions’

sunday2019.jpg A crowd of thousands took to the streets in this year’s annual Bloody Sunday march in Derry, supported by a range of republican and civil rights and justice groups.

Published February 2, 2019

Nurses strike over pay inequality

inmostrike.jpg Some 40,000 nurses have gone on strike in the 26 Counties over salary scales that are believed to be the lowest among paid workers in Ireland with degree status.

Published January 30, 2019

A century of armed struggle

derrybomb19.jpg A spectacular bomb attack at Derry courthouse last weekend followed by a series of hoaxes appears designed to deliver a message about the continuing ability of the ‘new IRA’ to carry on its armed campaign.

Published January 26, 2019

Varadkar in u-turn on Brexit militarisation, Good Friday Agreement

varadkardavos.jpg The 26 County Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has admitted that British soldiers could return to the border through Ireland in the event of a crash Brexit in March. He also said that in such an event, Britain would have to reach a new deal with the 26 County state in order to honour its obligations under the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.

Published January 26, 2019

Dáil passes Bill to ban Israeli settlement products

settlements.jpg A bill to outlaw trade in goods from Israeli settlements in Palestine has been passed by the lower house of the Dublin parliament, a major step on its journey into law.

Published January 26, 2019

Call for end to prosecution delays after massacre suspect dies

bloodysoldiers.jpg The family of one of those killed on Bloody Sunday has called for a final decision to be made about prosecutions after one of the British Army paratroopers who carried out the 1972 massacre died this week.

Published January 26, 2019

Prisoners fight for right to use Irish language

donalbillings2.jpg A republican prisoner who is appealing his conviction is also taking a legal action against the 26 County state in defense of his right to use the Irish language after the Special Criminal Court in Dublin refused to provide a transcript of proceedings in the Irish language.

Published January 26, 2019

Dan McGandy remembered

mcgandy.jpg The first casualty of the Irish War of Independence on the IRA side was Volunteer Dan McGandy, who died 100 years ago this week.

Published January 26, 2019


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