[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Legal fight against British oppression

justicestatue.jpg An Irish citizen is set to go to the Supreme Court over being forced to inform authorities about trips outside British jurisdiction.

Published September 28, 2019

Stardust justice campaign wins new inquests

stardustfamilies.jpg The 26 County Attorney General has confirmed that fresh inquests will be held into 48 deaths at the 1981 Stardust fire in Dublin.

Published September 28, 2019

British govt challenged over inaction on Finucane case

patfinucane2.jpg The widow of murdered Belfast defence lawyer Pat Finucane has lodged High Court proceedings in a fresh bid to get a public inquiry into her husband’s killing.

Published September 28, 2019

Supreme Court ruling restores Westminster, Johnson under pressure

londonsupremecourt.jpg Political parties across Britain and Ireland have urged British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to resign following an unprecedented ruling today by the Supreme Court in London that his suspension of the Westminster parliament was unlawful.

Published September 24, 2019

First hearing in Bloody Sunday trial

sundaytrialhearing.jpg After almost 48 years, the case of a British soldier accused of murder during the Bloody Sunday massacre, the first and only prosecution for the 1972 killing spree, finally began at Derry’s courthouse on Wednesday. However, proceedings were adjourned until December.

Published September 21, 2019

Vulnerable woman subjected to shocking PSNI harassment

searchspecialneeds.jpg The PSNI have been condemned after using draconian stop-and-search legislation against a woman with special needs in Newry.

Published September 21, 2019

Justice hope for Hooded Men after investigation ordered

hoodedmen19.jpg The Court of Appeal in Belfast has ruled an investigation must be carried out into the treatment of fourteen republican internees who were tortured by the British Crown Forces in 1971.

Published September 21, 2019

Attempted rocket attack claimed as tensions increase

mortarsstrabane0919.jpg The New IRA have claimed responsibility for an attempted mortar rocket attack on a PSNI base in Tyrone earlier this month.

Published September 21, 2019

Movement at last in legacy inquests

inquests0919.jpg A review of legacy inquests involving a number of British state killings and suspected collusion began at Belfast Coroner’s Court on Monday.

Published September 21, 2019

Lawyer takes action against PSNI intimidation

brentnall.jpg A Belfast lawyer has accused the PSNI of attempting to intimidate and harass him as the Police Ombudsman upheld three of his complaints against the force.

Published September 21, 2019

British politics in meltdown

commonsprorogued.jpg There were extraordinary scenes in the London parliament this week as opposition MPs staged an angry protest against the suspension of Westminster and accused the British Prime Minister of lying to the English queen in order to secure the Crown’s authority for the shutdown.

Published September 14, 2019

DUP look to control border as Tories lose interest

johnsonvaradkar.jpg After a meeting between the British Prime Minister and Taoiseach Leo Varadkar failed to make headway in resolving the dispute over the border, Sinn Féin is to oppose any attempt by the DUP to veto the backstop at the Stormont Assembly in Belfast.

Published September 14, 2019

Derry riot after PSNI force evacuation

derryriot0919.jpg Rioting erupted in the Creggan area of Derry this week as scores of PSNI carried out raids in the area. Petrol bombs were thrown at a line of police Landrovers on Monday in Creggan Heights.

Published September 14, 2019

Parties consider election pacts

remainleaders.jpg Sinn Féin has signalled a willingness to co-operate with other anti-Brexit parties to challenge unionist candidates if and when a Westminster general election is called.

Published September 14, 2019

Secret papers sought in murder of IPLO Volunteer

eoinmorley.jpg Lawyers for the mother of Eoin Morley, an alleged victim of an IRA informer, are appealing a decision to deny them access to secret files in the possession of the Police Ombudsman.

Published September 14, 2019

Soldiers resist courtroom questioning

soldiersballymurphy.jpg Soldiers of the British Army’s Parachute Regiment have been accused of putting up a “virtual wall of silence” against an inquest into the shooting of 10 people in Belfast.

Published September 14, 2019

Barbaric Brits threaten kids

psnibyrne.jpg The chief of the PSNI police is under pressure to resign after proposing one of the most inhumane public control strategies of any Crown Force leader in the past 50 years, the removal and detention of innocent nationalist children.

Published September 7, 2019

Westminster election on standby as opposition takes control

mogglying.jpg The political parties in the North have put themselves on a general election footing as continuing manoeuvres over Brexit at Westminster mean that a poll may not take place until the end of November.

Published September 7, 2019

CIRA claim bomb attacks

ciraswedish.jpg A Continuity IRA spokesman has claimed responsibility for recent bomb attacks in north Armagh and south Fermanagh, warning that more attacks are imminent as it has “regrouped and rearmed”.

Published September 7, 2019

Contest for post of Sinn Féin Deputy Leader

oneillodowd.jpg Former Stormont education minister and Upper Bann Assembly member John O’Dowd has said he is to run for the party’s deputy leader’s job. The post is currently held by Mid-Ulster Assembly member and former Six County Agricuture and Health Minister Michelle O’Neill.

Published September 7, 2019


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