[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Informer told not to return

So-called ‘supergrass’ Raymond Gilmour has been warned he will be targeted by the Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) if he tries to set foot back in Derry.

Published February 10, 2007

‘Devolution or dissolution’ threat as DUP stalls

The future of the northern Six Counties must lie in a local, accountable, devolved, power-sharing government, 26-County Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has said at the conclusion of a meeting with the British Direct Ruler Peter Hain.

Published February 5, 2007

New plastic bullets found to be more lethal

So-called safer plastic bullets, first fired in 2005, have caused more harm than those used previously, according to research on people struck by them in the North of Ireland.

Published February 5, 2007

Northern committee back on Leinster House agenda

Plans for Six County members of the Westminster parliament in London to take part in a special committee of the Dublin parliament have been welcomed as a step forward by nationalist politicians in the North.

Published February 5, 2007

Republicans consider electoral strategy

An umbrella group led by former republican prisoners opposed to Sinn Féin’s new political direction is due to meet in the Gasyard Centre later today [Monday] to plan a strategy ahead of the Assembly elections in March.

Published February 5, 2007

Policing Board faces new controversies

The Policing Board, which oversees policing in the North of Ireland, is to be reconstituted with Sinn Féin representatives for the first time later this month.

Published February 5, 2007

DUP press home policing demands

Pressure has mounted on the DUP to accept power sharing in light of Sinn Fein’s latest concessions, but DUP deputy leader Peter Robinson said his party will wait to see if Sinn Fein displayed support for the PSNI “on the ground”.

Published February 1, 2007

Bloody Sunday victims remembered 35 years on

The 35th anniversary of Bloody Sunday was marked with a rally attended by several thousand people in Derry on Sunday. The massive crowd, believed to have been significantly larger than last year’s, retraced the steps of the civil rights and anti-internment marchers of January 30 1972 from Creggan to the Bogside.

Published February 1, 2007

Assembly election is called

Elections to the Belfast Assembly are to go ahead on March 7 despite the continuing failure of Ian Paisley’s DUP to agree a power-sharing deal.

Published February 1, 2007

MI5 attempt recruitment of former PoW

MI5 unlawfully detained a former republican prisoner last week before apparently attempting to recruit the man as an informer, it has emerged.

Published February 1, 2007

McAllister unable to attend family funeral

The family of a former republican PoW, who is fighting deportation from the US, say he is devastated at being unable to attend his father’s funeral in Belfast.

Published February 1, 2007

SF Ard Fheis backs policing motion

In a show of hands, a specially convened Sinn Féin ardfheis (party conference) has voted strongly in favour of a leadership motion expressing support for the PSNI police.

Published January 28, 2007

Adams address to the special SF Ard Fheis

The full prepared text of Gerry Adams's address to the special Sinn Féin conference on policing policy, currently taking place in the RDS in Dublin.

Published January 28, 2007

Adams makes late appeal for PSNI support

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has made a last-ditch appeal to party supporters to sign up to support the PSNI police and British courts in the North of Ireland ahead of a crucial party conference on the issue.

Published January 27, 2007

Derry name dispute to continue

The High Court in Belfast has ruled that Derry City Council must use the British colonial name ‘Londonderry’ for the city.

Published January 27, 2007

‘Upside-down’ UDR victims’ fund

A proposed fund for families of the Ulster Defence Regiment killed in the conflict has been criticised as offensive and one-sided.

Published January 27, 2007

DUP may veto Dublin’s cross-border projects

DUP deputy leader Peter Robinson has said his party might move to block attempts by the Dublin government to fund projects north of the border.

Published January 27, 2007

Tohill backs kidnappers

A high-profile republican whose kidnapping prompted a crisis in the peace process in 2004 has delivered “a plea for mercy” on behalf of two of his kidnappers who are due to be sentenced next month.

Published January 27, 2007

Sinn Féin united - Adams

Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams has said he does not think there will be a serious split in his party ahead of a special conference to debate supporting the PSNI police.

Published January 22, 2007

Debate appeal rejected as PR stunt

A call by Sinn Féin to meet with and “brief” the leaderships of three republican armed groups -- the INLA, Continuity IRA and Real IRA -- about the current situation has received a cool response.

Published January 22, 2007


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