[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Scottish nationalist triumph challenges union

Scotland moved closer to independence after the Scottish National Party (SNP) became the largest party in the Scottish parliament this week.

Published May 8, 2007

Devolution restored

British Direct Ruler Peter Hain has signed the order paving the way for a new era of power-sharing to begin.

Published May 7, 2007

UVF issue statement on new role

The unionist paramilitary UVF has said it “will assume a non-military, civilianised, role” from midnight and claimed that its arms have been “put beyond reach”.

Published May 3, 2007

EU chief in Belfast backs power-sharing


The President of the European Commission Jose Barroso visited Belfast on Tuesday to announce financial aid and support for the new Six-County administration.

Published May 2, 2007

Ahern address at Westminster sparks debate

A row how has broken out over plans by the 26 County leader Bertie Ahern to make a high-profile address to the London parliament at the height of the 26 Countyh election campaign.

Published May 2, 2007

Important find vindicates ‘Save Tara’ campaign

Just 24 hours after the 26 County Minister for Transport ‘turned the sod’ on the billion-Euro M3 motorway project in Co Meath it has been confirmed that a site of major archaeological importance has been discovered.

Published May 2, 2007

Official IRA mark death of Johnny White

A man has been arrested after shots were fired at the funeral of former Official IRA leader Johnny White.

Published May 2, 2007

SNP within reach of historic victory

Campaigning is today drawing to a close in the British local elections which could see Scottish nationalists become the largest group in the devolved Scottish parliament at Holyrood.

Published May 2, 2007

Election called in the South

The Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, has set Thursday May 24th as the date for the general election in the 26 Counties.

Published April 29, 2007

Paisley to join Ahern in Boyne visit

DUP leader Ian Paisley and the 26-County Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, will visit the site of the Battle of the Boyne together next month, it has been confirmed.

Published April 27, 2007

UVF will wait and see on arms

A political representative of the UVF has said unionist paramilitaries will wait to see whether power-sharing between Sinn Féin and the DUP succeeds before decommissioning their weapons.

Published April 27, 2007

Nominees to Policing Board ‘not cheerleaders’

Former IRA prisoner Martina Anderson, who will be one of three Sinn Féin nominees to the newly-constituted Policing Board, has said she will be going in to hold the PSNI to account.

Published April 27, 2007

Martin Ferris arrested

Sinn Féin TD Martin Ferris was arrested on suspicion of drink-driving at the weekend, the party has confirmed.

Published April 27, 2007

Award for Rossport activist

Mayo farmer Willie Corduff, who was jailed for three months in 2005 over his opposition to Shell’s inland gas refinery at Rossport and high-pressure pipeline through his farm, has been awarded the world’s most prestigious environmental prize.

Published April 27, 2007

Sinn Féin meets Policing Board

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has said his party is set to take up its positions on the Policing Board following a first ever meeting with the controversial body.

Published April 21, 2007

Back-room Garvaghy deal denied

Sinn Féin has dismissed accusations that it is negotiating a deal with the DUP to allow the Protestant Orange Order march through the nationalist Garvaghy Road in Portadown.

Published April 21, 2007

Paisley to see out full term

The DUP leader Ian Paisley has stated that he will see out the full four-year term of the Belfast Assembly as First Minister, despite the initial understanding that he would resign within the first two years.

Published April 21, 2007

UDA and UVF listed as charities

A British government document has described unionist murder gangs as voluntary organisations in the same bracket as children’s charities.

Published April 21, 2007

No peace process for McDowell

The 26-County Minister for Justice, Michael McDowell, has refused to allow a jailed IRA Volunteer temporary release to sit a college entrance exam.

Published April 21, 2007

Special Branch linked to Ormeau Road massacre

A number of Catholic families whose loved ones were murdered in the 1990s have asked the Police Ombudmsman’s office to investigate the role of self-confessed RUC/PSNI Special Branch agent Stephen ‘Inch’ McFerran in some twenty killings.

Published April 15, 2007


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