[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Row over policing of sectarian marches

orangemarch.jpg The issue of who should police contentious loyalist parades reached a head this week after dissident republicans accused former Provisional IRA prisoners of facilitating a coat-trailing sectarian parade through republican north Belfast.

Published June 26, 2009

Immigrants abandon ‘racist statelet’

romanians.jpg Intolerance is growing in the Six Counties, with a new survey showing the isolated statelet increasingly turning inward.

Published June 26, 2009

Union Jack to be hoisted over Belfast City Hall

armedforcesday.jpg Relatives of people killed by the British Army in the north of Ireland have protested over official plans for Belfast city council to celebrate ‘British Armed Forces Day’.

Published June 26, 2009

Dublin govt admits role in economic crash

lenihan.jpg Two reports have predicted a huge contraction in the 26-County economy and surging unemployment next year as Fianna Fail admitted its mistakes have fuelled the crisis.

Published June 26, 2009

Hunger strike furore continues

blanketman.jpg A meeting to tackle the controversy over the handling of the 1981 hunger strike has failed to resolve the debate.

Published June 26, 2009

PSNI prosecution of journalist defeated

breenwig.jpg A journalist has won legal recognition for her right to keep confidential her sources of information on the ‘Real IRA’ after the PSNI police had ordered her to surrender her documents.

Published June 19, 2009

Britain claims progress on loyalist decommissioning

udaguns.jpg Suggestions by the British government that unionist paramilitaries have begun to decommission their weapons are being treated with caution.

Published June 19, 2009

You can do it, Adams tells NY audience

adamsny09.jpg Sinn Féin has held the first in a series of international conferences discussing the issue of Irish unity.

Published June 19, 2009

Collusion victims to bring civil case

rfj.jpg A nationalist victims’ group has signalled its intention to take an Omagh-style civil action against senior British government ministers in connection to state killings of unarmed civilians.

Published June 19, 2009

Colonial rents paid for Irish lough

loughfoyleferry.jpg The British Crown is charging rent for the use of Lough Foyle, between Donegal and Derry, it has emerged.

Published June 19, 2009

Coalition clings to power

cowengormley.jpg The Dublin government appears determined to cling to power despite its overwhelming rejection at the hands of voters in the 26 Counties.

Published June 12, 2009

Diplock deception continues

nojustice.jpg The British government timed a decision to announce the retention of non-jury Diplock courts for a further two years to coincide with one of the busiest news days of the year.

Published June 12, 2009

Prisoner assaulted by ‘delinquent’ warders

maghaberry.jpg A Republican prisoner has been seriously assaulted in his cell in Maghaberry jail this Wednesday, according to Republican Sinn Féin.

Published June 12, 2009

Omagh civil case ends with inquiry call

omaghbomb.jpg So-called ‘dissident’ Michael McKevitt has announced he is appealing a judgment that found him and three other men financially responsible for the 1998 Omagh bombing.

Published June 12, 2009

Appeal to save ‘Foinse’

foinse.jpg The only Irish-language newspaper in existence, Foinse, says it may be forced top cease publication after this weekend.

Published June 12, 2009

Christy Burke resigns from Sinn Féin

Dublin city councillor Christy Burke has resigned from Sinn Féin, it has been confirmed. He will remain on the council as an independent.

Published June 9, 2009

de Brun elected; Ferris, McDonald miss out

Sinn Féin MEP Bairbre de Brun’s emphatic re-election today in Belfast on the first count -- the first time a nationalist party has headed a Six County election -- has been tempered by the party’s loss of its sitting MEP in Dublin, Mary Lou McDonald.

Published June 8, 2009

Ferris in hunt for Euro seat; RSF wins county council seat

In the European elections, the first counts are in and have revealed a swing to the left.

Published June 7, 2009

‘A good election for SF’ - Adams

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams said the election had been a good one for the party and that key gains have been made.

Published June 7, 2009

Coalition suffers heavy losses

The Dublin coalition government has suffered a major drop in support in local and European elections, according to early tallies as well as an exit poll released today.

Published June 6, 2009


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