[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Death of Eddie Keenan

eddiekeenan.jpg Veteran republican Eddie Keenan died at his home in Twinbrook outside west Belfast last week, aged 88.

Published March 6, 2009

Workers in struggle

ictumarch2.jpg The turnout of over 120,000 at Saturday’s national demonstration in Dublin showed the depth of anger among workers at the handling of the economic crisis by the 26 County government.

Published February 27, 2009

Britain ‘cherry picking’ legacy proposals

bradleyeames.jpg British Direct Ruler Shaun Woodward has ruled out implementing so-called “recognition payments” to families of victims as a means of tackling issues of truth, justice and reconciliation arising from the conflict.

Published February 27, 2009

Pursuit of justice goes on

plasticbulletpsni.jpg The husband of a woman killed by an RUC police plastic bullet nearly 28 years ago has won permission to challenge a decision by British Crown prosecutors not to charge anyone with her murder.

Published February 27, 2009

Prisoners’ discrimination case for House of Lords

discrimination.jpg Two former IRA PoWs who were denied jobs with a top charity have taken their case to Britain’s House of Lords.

Published February 27, 2009

Call for ‘new alignment’ at Sinn Féin Ard Fheis

adamssfaf09.jpg Sinn Féin’s annual conference at the weekend was dominated by the economic recession and the upcoming elections in the 26 Counties.

Published February 27, 2009

Adams's address to Sinn Fein Ard Fheis

The full text of this year's address by Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams to his party's annual conference.

Published February 21, 2009

100,000 march in national protest

The protest against the manner in which the financial crisis is being handled by the Dublin government today has seen the largest march in the capital in several years.

Published February 21, 2009

New armed group declares readiness

maskedgunman.jpg A man described as a spokesman for the Oglaigh na hEireann group has said that it is made up principally of former members of the Provisional IRA and denied it is linked to the ‘Real IRA’

Published February 20, 2009

Finucane inquiry under threat

finucaneinquiry.jpg The family of murdered Belfast defence lawyer Pat Finucane have warned that the British government has suggested that it could abandon a proposed public inquiry into his murder.

Published February 20, 2009

Sinn Féin holds conference on day of protest

sfardfheis09.jpg The Sinn Féin Ard Fheis 2009 is taking place this Friday and Saturday February 20th and 21st at the RDS in Dublin.

Published February 20, 2009

John Davey remembered

johndavey.jpg Sinn Féin has marked the 20th anniversary of the murder of a veteran councillor who “laid the foundation stone for republicanism” in south Derry.

Published February 20, 2009

‘Vindictive’ fine for McGlinchey

mcglinchey.jpg Republican group eirigi hit out yesterday at fines imposed on the son of murdered INLA leader Dominic McGlinchey for his part in protests at Stormont against the Iraq war.

Published February 20, 2009

RSF blasts appeal for ‘informers’

rsf.jpg Republican hardliners have accused Sinn Fein of telling “Irish people to become informers”.

Published February 13, 2009

Banks: The seven billion Euro run-around

banks.jpg The scandal over the dodgy dealings of Ireland’s top bankers took another turn this week when it emerged that vast sums of money were shuffled between institutions last year in order to conceal grave financial difficulties.

Published February 13, 2009

Support for coalition crashes amid jobs crisis

govtpoll.jpg Fianna Fail has now slumped into third place behind Fine Gael and the Labour Party in the latest poll of public opinion in the 26 Counties.

Published February 13, 2009

Omagh families fobbed off again

omaghbomb.jpg Omagh bomb victims’ families held what they said was a heated but unproductive meeting with British prime minister Gordon Brown yesterday over the role of British intelligence in the attack.

Published February 13, 2009

Vigil held on Finucane anniversary

finucanemural.jpg A vigil has been held in north Belfast to mark the 20th anniversary of the murder of defence lawyer Pat Finucane.

Published February 13, 2009

Massive bomb defused amid Belfast tension

bombunit.jpg A bomb weighing 300lb intended for use against a British military base in County Down was abandoned by republican militants last week.

Published February 6, 2009

McCrea admits meetings with serial killer

mccreawright.jpg DUP MP Willie McCrea has been urged to set out in detail the extent and nature of his relationship with loyalist murder gang leader Billy Wright.

Published February 6, 2009


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