[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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PSNI loses ‘vindictive’ costs case

breennuj.jpg The northern editor of the Sunday Tribune Suzanne Breen said she felt further vindicated by a ruling yesterday on legal costs in her case against the PSNI police.

Published December 7, 2009

Sinn Fein, DUP in slapfight over deadlock

mcguinnessrobinsonchuckle.jpg Sinn Fein has called on the DUP leader Peter Robinson to let people know exactly why he is still refusing to agree a date for the transfer of justice responsibilities from the Westminster parliament in London to the Stormont Assembly in Belfast.

Published December 7, 2009

Israeli police compare notes with PSNI

israelipolice.jpg The PSNI and the Israel police force have controversially held meetings to compare their ongoing operations in the north of Ireland and middle East respectively.

Published December 7, 2009

Confusion and anger as budget looms

cowentongue.jpg The Dublin government has been accused of dithering and weakness after it backed away from a potential deal with the public service trade unions to avert strike action.

Published December 3, 2009

Ardoyne activists gassed, arrested by PSNI

meehanarrest.jpg The son of a former prominent Sinn Fein councillor has accused the PSNI of “political and heavy-handed policing” alter being sprayed with CS gas and arrested in north Belfast on Sunday night.

Published December 3, 2009

Dissident republicans okay, says PSNI Chief

mattbaggott.jpg In his first full interview since taking up his new post, PSNI police chief Matt Baggott has said that he has “no problems with dissident republicanism” but that the use of armed struggle “is just meant to intimidate and take people back to a day when the streets were full of the [British] Army.”

Published December 3, 2009

Assembly member joins Fianna Fail

gerrymchughff.jpg Assembly member Gerry McHugh who quit Sinn Fein two years ago has joined Fianna Fail, prompting speculation of a potential shift in nationalist and republican politics in the Six Counties.

Published December 3, 2009

PSNI admits ‘facilitating’ sectarian mob

loyalisttext.jpg The PSNI have confirmed they agreed to a loyalist mob gathering in Portadown shortly before a 200-strong crowd rioted outside a bar in the town centre.

Published December 3, 2009

New York event to mark MacBride anniversary

seanmacbride.jpg An event will take place in New York City Hall next week will mark the silver anniversary of the MacBride Principles on Fair Employment.

Published December 3, 2009

Stormont doubts grow

cowenbrown.jpg The British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and the 26-County Taoiseach, Brian Cowen, met again in London today [Monday] for talks on the deadlock over the devolution of policing and justice powers to Belfast.

Published November 30, 2009

Cowen defers to church over abuse report

churchabuse.jpg Victims of clerical chid abuse have criticised the response of the Dublin government to revelations that three decades of abuse by paedophiles in the Dublin Archdiocese were covered up by the church hierarchy.

Published November 30, 2009

Loyalist mob lays claim to Portadown centre

portadownloyalists.jpg A loyalist mob staged a ‘show of strength’ on Saturday to intimidate Catholics from entering the town centre despite the PSNI having advance knowledge of the planned incident.

Published November 30, 2009

Parades decision a ‘sick joke’

shankillstar.jpg The Parades Commission has said it will allow a loyalist band commemorating a unionist paramilitary killer to parade past the scene where one of his victims was killed.

Published November 30, 2009

Solidarity protests over Basque arrests

basqueyouth.jpg Protests took place in Belfast and Dublin on Saturday in solidarity with the Basque struggle and the latest victims of Spanish state repression.

Published November 30, 2009

Scottish independence plans published

saltire.jpg Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond published details today of a planned referendum on Scottish independence, setting out the case for breaking the 300-year-old union with England.

Published November 30, 2009

Govt apologises over abuse, blames church

dermotahern.jpg The Dublin government this afternoon apologised for “failures” by the State in dealing with clerical child abuse and said the “deference” shown to the church in this regard had been “misplaced”.

Published November 26, 2009

SRR planned Fermanagh ambush

recon.jpg The British Army’s elite Special Reconnaisance Regiment were involved in the ambush in county Fermanagh last week in which a number of shots were fired, it has emerged.

Published November 26, 2009

Civil servants set to strike again

picketinto.jpg Around a quarter of a million workers took to picket lines across the Twenty-Six Counties today [Tuesday] as public sector staff struggle to protect their pay and conditions.

Published November 26, 2009

UDA gang wins Shoukri release

andreshoukri.jpg Leading loyalist Andre Shoukri had to be re-released from prison after a threat that his arrest could end hopes of a start to the UDA’s decommissioning of its weapons in north Belfast.

Published November 26, 2009

New transition for political chameleon

billyleonard.jpg A former member of the hated RUC police and a member of the Orange Order has become Sinn Fein’s newest Assembly member.

Published November 26, 2009


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