[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Government, union figures named in slush fund scandal

dailcommitteeslushfund.jpg A blame game has erupted over a fund which was uncovered earlier this year involving the 26-County Department of Health, the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the powerful SIPTU trade union.

Published October 8, 2010

Bomb explodes in Derry

A car bomb exploded in Derry city tonight in a commercial riverside district near the junction of the Strand Road and Culmore Road.

Published October 5, 2010

Dublin's fight for survival

cowenlenihanbanks.jpg The Taoiseach Brian Cowen has denied the sovereignty of the 26-County state has been jeopardised by the banking and budget crises, even as European officials began dictating Irish economic policy.

Published October 4, 2010

‘Real IRA’ claims killings

riragraffiti2.jpg The ‘Real IRA’ has admitted killing drug dealers on both sides of the border, according to a Belfast-based newspaper.

Published October 4, 2010

Judge prohibits Mass attendance

bradyfuneral.jpg A man facing charges over the firing of shots over the coffin of a Strabane republican has been banned from attending his memorial Mass.

Published October 4, 2010

Asylum application used against McGeough

gerrymcgeoughbw.jpg An application for political asylum in Sweden allegedly made almost 30 years ago by Gerry McGeough from Tyrone is due to be used as evidence against him in a Belfast court.

Published October 4, 2010

Israel deports Irish Nobel laureate

maireadmaguire.jpg Irish Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Corrigan Maguire is to be deported from Israel following a ruling by Israel’s Supreme Court.

Published October 4, 2010

Shell pipeline blamed on weak government

shelldrilling.jpg The state’s unprecedented use of law and order forces against its own citizens while protecting private commercial interests augurs badly for a remote community in north Mayo and for the State as a whole, a planning hearing has been told.

Published October 4, 2010

The fifty billion Euro robbery

anglotruckprotest.jpg A massively increased price-tag for the bank bailout by the Fianna Fail/Green Party government has left the 26-County state braced for deeper cuts and rising taxes and blighted the state’s finances for a generation.

Published October 1, 2010

‘Shame’ campaign targets child

psnichildabuse.jpg The family of a 14-year-old boy whose face was published in newspapers and leaflets as part of a PSNI police “naming and shaming” tactic have taken a legal challenge against his treatment.

Published October 1, 2010

New UVF supergrass emerges

garyhaggarty.jpg One of the UVF’s most senior members has turned ‘supergrass’ and is ready to give evidence against other members of the loyalist murder gang, it has been revealed.

Published October 1, 2010

PSNI clash with eirigi over Newry alert

psniraids.jpg The PSNI were accused of using of repressive legislation to harass a nationalist community on Tuesday as the force launched a major “security operation” on the outskirts of the Derrybeg estate in Newry.

Published October 1, 2010

Shoot-to-kill inquest challenge thrown out

shoottokill.jpg Relatives of those killed in Britain’s shoot-to-kill campaign of assassination seem set to finally see reports on the cases - albeit censored.

Published October 1, 2010

Questions mount as truth process stalls

truthandjustice.jpg The family of a Derry man say they will lobby outside Downing Street if police are not given clearance to question MI5 about his death.

Published October 1, 2010

Parades agreement collapses

paradeprotest.jpg The Protestant Orange Order has refused to back new laws to deal with sectarian marches in the North of Ireland, ensuring the controversial Parades Commission will remain in place for at least another marching season.

Published September 27, 2010

McGeough suffers heart attack

gerrymcgeoughbaby.jpg The trial of Gerry McGeough has been postponed after he became ill and required immediate heart surgery.

Published September 27, 2010

Cowen is international joke

cowendrunk.jpg The world’s most-famous chat show star has dubbed 26-County Taoiseach Brian Cowen a “drunken moron” following his infamous “hoarse” interview on morning radio in Ireland.

Published September 27, 2010

Grenade attack claimed

crumlinpsni.jpg A booby-trap device left at a PSNI base in Crumlin village earlier this month has been claimed by the breakaway IRA group using the name Oglaigh na hEireann.

Published September 27, 2010

New leader for old Labour

edmiliband.jpg The views on Ireland of the British Labour Party’s new leader, Ed Miliband, remain a mystery despite his election to the post at the weekend.

Published September 27, 2010

Republicans blamed as Lenihan flees unemployed

conorlenihan.jpg A Junior minister was allegedly told to leave the studios of Ireland’s state broadcaster, RTE, over fears that republicans were among a group of unemployed audience members of Pat Kenny’s Frontline programme.

Published September 27, 2010


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