[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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McGeough sentencing deferred after strip-search drama

gerrymcgeoughbaby.jpg Prominent republican Gerry McGeough developed chest pains while refusing to be strip-searched before his court appearance in Belfast on Monday.

Published March 25, 2011

Low standards in public office confirmed

michaellowry.jpg The Dublin government has been accused of seeking to cover up the findings of the Moriarty report, which found former Fine Gael minister Michael Lowry had acted in “profoundly corrupt” manner.

Published March 25, 2011

Britain ends equality in PSNI hiring

stormontpsni.jpg Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams TD has attacked a decision by the British Secretary to scrap the 50-50 recruitment procedure to the PSNI police, under which equal numbers of Catholics and Protestants were employed by the force.

Published March 25, 2011

Coalition cop-out in Brussels

endakennyelection.jpg Despite his previous prediction two weeks ago, Taoiseach Enda Kenny has failed to secure reduction in the interest rate on the EU bailout for the 26-County State at a summit of European leaders today.

Published March 25, 2011

Orwellian Ministry strikes again

nelsonmccausland.jpg The DUP’s Six-County ‘Minister for Culture’ Nelson McCausland has insisted an annual arts festival held in south central Belfast include pro-Israeli views and Christian music in its line-up, according to a BBC report.

Published March 25, 2011

Tribunal finds former Minister guilty of corruption

In its final report, the Moriarty Tribunal in Dublin has accused former Fine Gael minister Michael Lowry of “profoundly corrupt” dealings and a “venal abuse of office”.

Published March 22, 2011


obamaqueenclowns.jpg One of the largest military operations in the history of the 26-County State is being prepared in advance of the back-to-back state visits of British monarch Elizabeth Windsor and US President Barack Obama.

Published March 21, 2011

High spirits at White House bash

obamakennyshamrock.jpg US President Barack Obama has described an “incredible bond” between the US and Ireland at the annual St Patrick’s Day party at the White House.

Published March 21, 2011

Fine Gael faces backbone test

endakenny.jpg Speculation is growing that the new Dublin government will this week be forced to require that at least some bond-holders ‘share the burden’ of losses in the Irish banking system as tensions mount within the European Union over the cost and scale of the international bailout loan plan for the 26-County State.

Published March 21, 2011

Spy data was destroyed, court hears

recon.jpg The British Army had secretly bugged a car belonging to a County Armagh teenager on the night he is accused of involvement in a Continuity IRA attack on a member of the PSNI in 2009, it has been revealed.

Published March 21, 2011

Sinn Fein displays cross-border unity

sfdailteam.jpg Sinn Fein brings its strengthened team of southern representatives to Stormont today [Monday] for the first time since the party’s General Election gains in the 26 Counties.

Published March 21, 2011

Heritage plan sought for Dublin city centre

gpo.jpg Dublin Sinn Fein TD Aengus O Snodaigh has called for the establishment of a 1916 Quarter encompassing the GPO and the historic buildings on Moore Street and for a Ceathru Gaelteachta [Irish speaking quarter] to develop the Irish language in the city.

Published March 21, 2011

Obama to visit Ireland

US President Barack Obama has said he intends to visit Ireland in May.

Published March 17, 2011

A week to betrayal

kennygilmorehandshake.jpg The new Fine Gael-Labour coalition has already backed away from pre-election promises to give the people a say on the EU-IMF bailout deal.

Published March 16, 2011

Nelson report suppressed until after election

rosemarynelson.jpg The British government has said it is carrying out “checks” the findings of a public inquiry into the murder of human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson, which it is now feared will be withheld until after the May 5 election.

Published March 16, 2011

St Patrick’s Day controversy

tricolourpaddys.jpg A row has erupted over the flying of the tricolour at a St Patrick’s Day parade in Downpatrick, County Down.

Published March 16, 2011

Nuclear concerns follows Japanese calamity

sellafield.jpg Taoiseach Enda Kenny is to raise the issue of the Sellafield nuclear plant on the west coast of England following fresh anxiety in Ireland in the wake of the partial meltdown of a number of reactors in the northeast of Japan.

Published March 16, 2011

Ballymurphy families join in USA visit

capitol.jpg Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness will join DUP leader Peter Robinson and 26-County Taoiseach Enda Kenny among a smaller coterie of Irish politicians than usual to visit Washington DC for the annual St Patrick’s day bash at the White House this wee

Published March 16, 2011

Deaths of Sean Cronin, Brian Moore

seancronin.jpg Leading republicans have expressed their sadness at the death of well-known IRA veteran, author and journalist Sean Cronin.

Published March 16, 2011

A fresh start

31stdail.jpg A new government has started work following a day in which a significant change in the political order in the 26 Counties finally became tangible at Leinster House.

Published March 10, 2011


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