[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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McGuinness backs Lillis release

mcguinnessflat.jpg Members of the two main nationalist parties in the North are to join the partner of critically ill prisoner Brendan Lillis in a meeting with the Six-County Justice Minister later today [Wednesday] to plead for his release from Maghaberry jail on compassionate grounds.

Published August 3, 2011

Shell ‘goons’ battle protestors as pipe construction begins

irms.jpg A day of action by environmental protestors was greeted with violence as full construction work on a gas pipeline by Shell and contractors in north County Mayo began at the weekend.

Published August 3, 2011

Housing project spiked by new DUP minister

girdwoodsite.jpg A project to build 200 houses at a former north Belfast British Army barracks has been blocked by unionists for naked territorial and sectarian reasons.

Published August 3, 2011

Child abuse scandal hits Presidential campaign

davidnorris.jpg Senator David Norris yesterday withdrew his candidacy from the 26-County presidential election in the autumn after a scandal erupted over his intervention on behalf of an Israeli man, a former lover, who was convicted of the statutory rape of a 15-year-old boy in 1992.

Published August 3, 2011

SDLP’s Ritchie facing leadership threat

ritchiemcglone.jpg The deputy leader of the SDLP has said he will stand against current leader Margaret Ritchie for the post at the party’s annual conference in November.

Published August 3, 2011

Policing in ‘cloud-cuckoo-land’

baggottmcguinness.jpg A heavy-handed series of arrest operations against families of prominent republicans backfired significantly on the PSNI this week as public opinion turned against them.

Published July 29, 2011

No compassion for dying prisoner

lillisprotestbelfast.jpg The Life Sentence Review Commission has refused release of critically ill republican prisoner Brendan Lillis on compassionate grounds as a growing human rights campaign continues to demand his release.

Published July 29, 2011

PSNI ignoring loyalist violence - SF

racistloyalists.jpg Sinn Fein has accused the PSNI of an “obvious disparity” between how riots in loyalist and nationalist areas are policed.

Published July 29, 2011

Orangemen attempt Garvaghy march

orangemen2.jpg The Orange Order yesterday [Wednesday] attempted to stage a march along part of the nationalist Garvaghy Road in Portadown.

Published July 29, 2011

New tax inspires public boycott

taxboycott.jpg Householders in the 26-County state face hundreds of euro in new charges, starting with a flat-rate charge in January and separate water and property charges by 2014.

Published July 29, 2011

Presidential election date named

arasanuachtaran.jpg The coalition government in Dublin has named Thursday, October 27th, as the date for the presidential election and two constitutional referenda.

Published July 29, 2011

Reject Stormont brutality

lilliscamp.jpg The Six-County administration is still resisting intense pressure to release dying prisoner Brendan Lillis, who remains critically ill at Maghaberry prison despite having the charges which put him there withdrawn.

Published July 24, 2011

Marian Price charged over 2009 attack

marianpriceaddress.jpg Veteran republican Marian Price has been charged by the PSNI in a move widely seen as a political response to the growing controversy over selective internment and the plight of Brendan Lillis.

Published July 24, 2011

‘Twelfth’ fallout continues

orangemarch.jpg A Ballycastle man assaulted on the Twelfth of July has said he was set upon only because he had walked across the road during a contentious parade by the anti-Catholic Orange Order.

Published July 24, 2011

No justice for abuse victims as Kenny blasts Vatican

kennydail.jpg The Taoiseach Enda Kenny has mounted a strong verbal attack on the Catholic church as pressure again grows in Ireland for action to be taken in the wake of the latest child abuse scandal.

Published July 24, 2011

EU forced to cut Irish interest rate

sarkozymerkel.jpg A lowering of the interest rate being charged by the European Union for its share of the current 85 billion euro bailout loan will not deflect the Dublin government from implementing further cuts to services as well as new stealth taxes, the government has said.

Published July 24, 2011

PSNI invade wedding, arrest couple, question guests

sunmcelwee.jpg The PSNI in Derry have been accused of mixing sectarianism with racism as they interrupted a wedding ceremony between a local man and a woman who had moved to Ireland from China, and arrested the couple.

Published July 24, 2011

Blanketman on the threshold

brendanlillisbed.jpg Supporters of critically ill Maghaberry prisoner Brendan Lillis are to stage a hunger protest in a last-ditch attempt to convince the Stormont and British authorities to release him from prison before he dies.

Published July 19, 2011

Mid-Ulster UVF blamed for Portadown attack

uvf.jpg Over 100 loyalists were involved in a serious mob assault at a ‘peaceline’ in Portadown on Friday night, throwing bricks, bottles, paint-bombs, fireworks and at least one blast bomb.

Published July 19, 2011

Stormont buries its head after riots

riotoildrum.jpg The Six-County administration at Stormont has been criticised for adopting a ‘securocrat’ response to the marching season.

Published July 19, 2011


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