[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Tensions mount over water meter protests, corruption

waterarrest.jpg A public campaign against the installation of water meters in the 26 Counties has further escalated following the official start of billing of the public by Irish Water, the new state-owned water utility board.

Published October 4, 2014

Files destroyed as RUC team vet shoot-to-kill reports

drewharris.jpg Top secret files relating to the killing of nine men in County Armagh more than 30 years ago were destroyed just weeks before an inquest into the deaths was due to begin, it has emerged. Other files are still being edited for ‘sensitive’ information by former members of the murderous RUC Special Branch.

Published September 27, 2014

Recruitment, harassment ‘justified’, says Ombudsman

seanhanna.jpg The PSNI police was justified in attempting to recruit a high-profile County Antrim nationalist as an informer, the Police Ombudsman in the North has found.

Published September 27, 2014

Radicalised Scots transform political map

snprally.jpg A surge of support for Scottish independence following that country’s referendum last week has seen nearly 40,000 people swell the ranks of the Scottish National Party (SNP). The party’s membership is now the third largest in Britain, behind only the Conservative and Labour parties.

Published September 27, 2014

Robinson ousts dissidents in reshuffle

poots.jpg An internal split within the DUP has exploded into the open after party leader Peter Robinson sacked two DUP Ministers and lashed out at colleagues who he said had the “strategic vision of a lemming”.

Published September 27, 2014

Giant British Army exercise contrary to demilitarisation claim

britexercse.jpg The biggest British Army training exercise to be held in the north of Ireland since before the conflict is being held in the north west next week. About 500 British soldiers are taking part in areas around County Derry.

Published September 27, 2014

Kenny battles party dissent over cronyism

kennypresser.jpg The 26-County Taoiseach Enda Kenny has been forced to apologise after appointing a Fine Gael insider to an arts board in order to boost his claim to a seat in the Irish Senate, ahead of three more qualified women candidates.

Published September 27, 2014

Upheaval for the union

nazisglasgow.jpg Loyalists have engaged in a violent ‘show of strength’ in the centre of Glasgow as Britain faces unprecedented constitutional change following a narrow defeat for Scottish independence in Thursday’s referendum.

Published September 20, 2014

Irish consider democratic options after Scottish vote

mcguinnesssalmond.jpg Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness has repeated a call for a vote within the north of Ireland following the Scottish independence referendum.

Published September 20, 2014

Distressing leak of ambush killings video

clonoemartyrsbig.jpg The family of a County Tyrone man shot dead by the SAS has accused British forces of leaking shocking footage of the ambush scene.

Published September 20, 2014

Spy devices found on Tyrone man’s car

carbug.jpg High-tech bugging equipment has been found in a car owned by a senior County Tyrone republican. The suspected listening device and tracker were recently discovered in the Cappagh area by the former political prisoner.

Published September 20, 2014

Water charges anger as Dáil resumes

burtondail.jpg There have been sharp exchanges between the political parties in the 26 Counties following the end of the Dublin parliament’s summer recess and ahead of next month’s delivery of the national financial budget for the forthcoming year.

Published September 20, 2014

William Wallace

williamwallace.jpg William Wallace - ‘The Wallace’ - is world famous; a national hero who fought and died to free Scotland from English rule.

Published September 20, 2014

Cameron and Salmond clash as Scotland count concludes

camerondowning.jpg Scotland is to remain under London rule after voters rejected Thursday’s independence referendum by 55 per cent to 45 per cent.

Published September 19, 2014

Scotland independence vote likely to fall short

scotlandyessad.jpg A fear campaign by the London establishment appears to have succeeded in preventing a vote in favour of Scottish independence, according to early results this morning.

Published September 19, 2014

Scotland decides in historic referendum

scottishlady.jpg Scottish voters have gone to the polls to decide whether they’ll become an independent state. A record 97 percent of residents, or 4.2 million people, are registered to vote in a referendum which could have major repercussions for Ireland.

Published September 18, 2014

Robinson demands new peace deal

stormontbig.jpg Sinn Fein has accepted that the North’s political process is in serious trouble following a call by the DUP for the St Andrew’s Agreement to be renegotiated.

Published September 13, 2014

Paisley: A demagogue in a dog collar

paisleyflat.jpg Ian Paisley's uncompromising self-belief made him the most divisive figure in Ireland in the second half of the twentieth century.

Published September 13, 2014

Eyes of the world on Scotland

scotreferendum.jpg Scotland is on the “cusp of making history” by voting for independence next week, its First Minister Alex Salmond has said.

Published September 13, 2014

Judge finds litany of lies in shoot-to-kill case

martinmcauleybig.jpg A prominent republican is to sue for compensation after a senior judge admitted that he had been the victim of a perversion of the course of justice.

Published September 13, 2014


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