[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Torture case to go back to Europe

hoodedmanwounds.jpg The Dublin government referred the case of British torture victims in the north of Ireland back to the European courts this week.

Published December 6, 2014

Adams’s exclusion from Gaza ‘an example of apartheid’

adamsgazawall.jpg Gerry Adams has said Israel has barred him from making a planned visit to the Gaza Strip during a three-day tour of the region. Mr Adams expressed disappointment at the decision preventing Friday’s trip to Gaza and added he was not given a reason for it.

Published December 6, 2014

Concerns over Irish role in British GCHQ spy operation

gchq2.jpg New documents released this week via the US whistleblower Edward Snowden outline how Irish subsea telecommunications cables have been extensively abused by British intelligence.

Published December 6, 2014

Talks efforts escalate ahead of Christmas deadline

cameronrobinsonmcguinness.jpg A more intense period of negotiations is to take place at Stormont to avoid the collapse of the Six County Assembly.

Published December 6, 2014

Election campaign ‘underway’

adamskenny3.jpg Fine Gael has drawn the opening lines of attack for the next election, targeting Sinn Fein on economic policy and setting the scene for a new left/right alignment in Irish politics.

Published November 29, 2014

Sinn Fein figures arrested and released

storeymccaul.jpg The PSNI has been accused of returning to “unaccountable policing” after the Sinn Fein northern chairman Bobby Storey and a party councillor were separately arrested and released.

Published November 29, 2014

Stormont talks in the toilet?

gregorycampellyoghurt.jpg In a stinging blow to the multi-party talks underway at Stormont, DUP hardliner Gregory Campbell has told Sinn Fein his party “will treat their entire wish list as no more than toilet paper.”

Published November 29, 2014

Calls for urgent action on torture case

hoodedmen2014.jpg Amnesty International has demanded the reopening of a landmark case against Britain over the use of torture in the north of Ireland. The Dublin government took the case of the so-called ‘Hooded Men’ to the European Court of Human Rights in 1971.

Published November 29, 2014

One soldier linked to deaths of 16

sassoldier.jpg The role of a single British soldier in planning up to eight murderous ambushes is to be closely examined at an upcoming inquest, it has emerged.

Published November 29, 2014

Assassination cover-up blamed for inquest delays

drewharris.jpg The British government has been accused of frustrating the release of files that could expose a state-sponsored programme of assassination in the north of Ireland.

Published November 29, 2014

Tactical retreat for PSNI

grenadelauncher.jpg The PSNI have withdrawn from an area in republican north Belfast following a grenade attack by the ‘new IRA’.

Published November 22, 2014

Water protests defy clampdown, smears

pepperspraygirls.jpg A government backbench TD has described water charge protestors in Dublin as “parasites” and warned that Ireland faces “an ISIS situation” if protests are not “nipped in the bud”.

Published November 22, 2014

Prisoners detained inside Maghaberry canteen

maghaberrybig2.jpg Republican prisoners at Maghaberry were locked into a canteen by prison staff on Thursday after renewed attempts to implement a four-year-old agreement appeared to break down.

Published November 22, 2014

Troika behind the scenes as flat charges announced

alankelly.jpg The battle over the 26 County state’s austerity programme has again seen the malign involvement of international officials seeking to dictate the state’s fiscal measures.

Published November 22, 2014

Obama order gives hope for emigrants

obamasbelfast.jpg Irish emigrant groups have welcomed US President Barack Obama’s executive order on Thursday changing US deportation laws, which could allow many ‘illegal’ Irish to return to Ireland and visit their families.

Published November 22, 2014

Progress seen in 1916 commemorations

1916video.jpg A video and website that was used by the Dublin government to launch its programme for the anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising are set to be scrapped following a public outcry.

Published November 22, 2014

1916 redacted

ireland2016kenny.jpg The Dublin government has been accused of attempting to erase the 1916 Easter Rising from the history books following a disastrous and deeply conflicted launch of commemorative events for the anniversary.

Published November 15, 2014

Dáil boils over

maryloumcdonaldangry.jpg Sinn Fein’s Deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald staged a sit-in that lasted almost four hours in the Dublin parliament this week as frayed tempers finally erupted.

Published November 15, 2014

Massacre families defy British injustice

joanconnolly.jpg New evidence that victims were allowed to bleed to death has led to demands for a new inquest into the 1971 Ballymurphy massacre. Meanwhile, a decision to wind down criminal proceedings arising from the Bloody Sunday massacre is to face a legal challenge.

Published November 15, 2014

Praise for stand against poppy witch-hunt

jamesmccleanbig.jpg There has been praise for an Irish soccer player who refused to bow to pressure to wear a poppy, the symbol of the British Army’s war dead, on Remembrance Sunday.

Published November 15, 2014


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