[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Funeral of republican allowed use flags

coffinflags.jpg There are hopes that a church ban on the use of Irish flags to honour republicans will be dropped after a priest fulfilled the dying wish of a lifelong republican and allowed his coffin to be draped in the Irish tricolour and Starry Plough.

Published September 23, 2017

Shell to hell as flames erupt from refinery

shellflaring.jpg A fault at the controversial Corrib gas terminal operated by Shell in County Mayo has terrified local residents who do not believe a “burning off” process at the plant is safe.

Published September 23, 2017

Trump administration seen turning its back to Ireland

trumphand.jpg The US administration has been urged to reverse a decision to abolish the post of special envoy to the north of Ireland.

Published September 23, 2017

Unionists urged to “fill up” social housing

dunmurryhighschool.jpg Unionists have expressed their support for a residents’ group which has called for a social housing development to be “filled up with people from the loyalist/unionist community”.

Published September 23, 2017

Injustice upon injustice in supergrass ‘trial’

portlaoisesupergrass.jpg There have been protests against the planned use of a paid informer in the non-jury trial of republican political activist Kevin Braney, the chairperson of Saoradh in Dublin.

Published September 16, 2017

Disbelief as RHC murder gang seeks respectability

rhcreps2017.jpg Using a long-standing cover name, loyalist paramilitaries in the UVF have sought to be legalised in a plan which has brought anger and incredulity to its victims.

Published September 16, 2017

Border checkpoints ‘would be a provocation’

passportcontrol.jpg The president of Republican Sinn Fein, Des Dalton, has warned that that border checkpoints following Brexit could become a target for militant republicans amid a surge in interest in republican politics.

Published September 16, 2017

Loyalists planned to set fire to ‘every street corner’

mervyngibson.jpg Loyalists planned widespread disturbances across the Six Counties in response to council threats against their bonfires, it has been revealed.

Published September 16, 2017

Bereaved son wins recognition of investigation’s failings

anthonyfox600.jpg A man whose parents were killed when loyalist paramilitaries colluded with British Crown forces has won High Court permission to challenge the refusal of the state to oversee and fund an effective investigation.

Published September 16, 2017

Fine Gael MEP indicates Irish neutrality on offer to EU

brianhayes.jpg There are concerns that Irish neutrality could be the price paid by the Dublin government for the European Union to defend its interest in the Brexit negotiations with Britain.

Published September 16, 2017

Garda Commissioner Noirin O’Sullivan quits

noirinosullivan.jpg The Garda police Commissioner in the 26 Counties, Noirin O’Sullivan, has announced that she is retiring after a litany of scandals and disgraces finally overwhelmed fierce resistance in government circles to her relinquishing the post.

Published September 10, 2017

Coalition closer as Adams to step back

thinkin17.jpg Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams has made the first step in his gradual withdrawal from front-line politics in a historic shift which he believes will help pave the way for a new generation of party leaders.

Published September 9, 2017

New financial scandal hits DUP

paisleylanka.jpg In the latest financial scandal to embroil the North’s largest unionist party, a newspaper has alleged that prominent DUP MP Ian Paisley Jr accepted holidays worth a hundred thousand pounds from a country he is now helping to secure a trade deal.

Published September 9, 2017

Joint authority ‘is out’ - Theresa May

jointauthoritymay.jpg A belligerent British government statement, apparently ruling out a role for the 26 County government in the running of the Six Counties, has cast a shadow over efforts to restart powersharing talks in Belfast.

Published September 9, 2017

Prison authorities up harassment of republicans

duffyjr.jpg The mother of a two-year-old boy has told how they were refused entry to Maghaberry prison for a family visit because her son was wearing camouflage-patterned shoes.

Published September 9, 2017

‘Sinister’ MI5 effort targets RNU figure

carlreilly600.jpg A prisoner support organisation has said they have passed on a recording of a conservation in which a member of British military intelligence attempted to extract information about recently released remand prisoner Carl Reilly.

Published September 9, 2017

Six Counties made to disappear by Irish TV

latelatemap.jpg The flagship chat show of Ireland’s state-run TV network sparked outrage when a map of Ireland showed the Six Counties of the north of Ireland cut off.

Published September 9, 2017

Glenanne plot ‘went to the top’

johnweir600.jpg A former RUC police officer this week said he believed the British government was aware of the activities of the Glenanne Gang’s death squads at the very highest level.

Published September 2, 2017

Equality denied as Foster demands return to government

fosterramada.jpg A decoy talks proposal by Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) leader Arlene Foster for a ‘parallel’ process alongside the Stormont Assembly has been dismissed by northern nationalists as an attempt to muddy the political waters.

Published September 2, 2017

Special Brexit deal likely as ‘nobody’ wants to do border checks

passportcontrol.jpg Sinn Fein has urged the Dublin government to block talks on future ties between Britain and the European Union as not enough progress has been made on agreeing the status of the border through Ireland once Britain exits the EU.

Published September 2, 2017


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