[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Kenny’s blame game

endakennydavos.jpg Taoiseach Enda Kenny is the focus of mounting anger in the 26 Counties after criticising the Irish people for their “greed” and “mad” borrowing-- just days after he paid one and a quarter billion euros of public funds to international bond speculators.

Published January 27, 2012

RUC killers rehired by PSNI

rucpsniposter.jpg Former RUC Special Branch police who were forced to retire as part of the policing reform process have been rehired as civilian contractors for the PSNI, it has emerged.

Published January 20, 2012

PSNI silence over film set nightmare

jamesturley.jpg A vicious attempt to murder Catholic teenagers last Friday was covered up by the North’s police for over three days before details finally emerged.

Published January 13, 2012

Betrayal and bloody-mindedness

moloneymcintyre.jpg Participants in Boston College’s ‘Troubles Archive’ project have demanded the return or destruction of all of its taped interviews after parts of the archive were delivered to the British Crown forces.

Published January 6, 2012

Provocative ‘history’

margaretthatcher2.jpg The publication of declassified papers from thirty years ago has brought new controversy over the British view of the 1981 hunger strike, in which ten men, including Bobby Sands, died.

Published December 30, 2011

A liberty shredded by Britain

liberty.jpg Pressure is growing for the immediate release form jail of former republican spokeswoman Marian Price after it was admitted that a royal pardon central to her case has been shredded by the British government.

Published December 23, 2011

An appeal for the truth

jackalruc.jpg There have been new calls for a truth commission in the north of Ireland following confirmation that one of the North’s deadliest terrorists was a police agent.

Published December 16, 2011

‘Neither King nor Kanzler’

cameronmerkel.jpg A historic Franco-German drive for a new superstate has seen the Eurocrats of Brussels demand political and fiscal powers to rival those of the US federal government in Washington.

Published December 9, 2011

Police killings shelved

shoottokill1982.jpg A total of 49 cases in which members of the RUC/PSNI police were responsible for extra-judicial killings have been consigned to a “legal limbo”, according to reports.

Published December 2, 2011

The DNA of a frame-up

duffyshiverscourt.jpg There is growing concern that the trial of two men for the Real IRA attack on Massareene British Army base two years ago, currently underway, could result in a major miscarriage of justice.

Published November 25, 2011

No to Berlin’s budget

studentprotest1111.jpg It was revealed today that members of the German parliament have already discussed details of the forthcoming 26-County Budget, including a planned 2% hike in VAT (sales tax).

Published November 17, 2011

Ireland's kleptocrats

aherncowennoonankenny.jpg Over a hundred former government ministers are sharing an annual cash pot of almost nine million euro, it has been revealed. The figures were supplied in response to a Sinn Fein parliamentary question.

Published November 10, 2011

The billion dollar giveaway

euimfprotest.jpg Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams led a walk-out from the Dublin parliament this week in protest over the coalition government’s decision to hand over more than 700 million euro (more than 1 billion dollars) to an unknown private investor in the failed Anglo Irish Bank.

Published November 3, 2011

The fixer, unmasked

seangallagher.jpg The 26-County presidential election campaign erupted in a major controversy in its final days as so-called independent candidate Sean Gallagher admitted he secured substantial Fianna Fail ‘donations’ in exchange for dinner in the company of then Taoiseach Brian Cowen.

Published October 26, 2011

The search for a new Judas

cashenvelope.jpg British Intelligence agencies sent the wife of a former IRA prisoner an envelope stuffed with cash in an extraordinary attempt to recruit her as an informer.

Published October 20, 2011


finucanesdowning.jpg The peace process was rocked this week by the sudden British declaration that a public inquiry will not now be held into the assassination of Pat Finucane.

Published October 14, 2011

The uncivil war

mcguinnessmitchell.jpg A hysterical attempt by Fine Gael and their media allies to attack Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness has seen a surge in support for Mr McGuinness’s campaign and propelled Sinn Fein into second place in the polls.

Published October 7, 2011

Historic campaign underway

aras11.jpg A large crowd turned out in Derry on Thursday as Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness launched his Presidential election campaign.

Published September 30, 2011

Carnival of reaction

mcguinnesscampaign.jpg The nomination of Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness for next month’s election to the President of Ireland has provoked a chaotic and bitter response from the 26-County ‘elite’.

Published September 24, 2011

A Presidential opportunity

martinmcguinnesssmile.jpg On the centenary of the Easter Rising in 2016, it could be Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness taking the salute outside the GPO in Dublin, following a dramatic and imaginative proposal by the party this weekend for his nomination in next month’s Presidential election.

Published September 18, 2011


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