[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Royal rally hits handshake plan

queenmcguinness.jpg Sinn Fein has said it was caught off guard by the announcement last Friday that the visit of British royal Elizabeth Windsor to Stormont later this month will involve a giant celebration by tens of thousands of unionists.

Published June 15, 2012

Derry tensions escalate

psniderryprotest.jpg Vigilante group RAAD have claimed responsibility for a grenade-style attack on a PSNI patrol in Derry during aggressive Crown force raids in the nationalist Creggan area last weekend.

Published June 8, 2012

No to inequality

nofatcats.jpg At this time, the people of the 26 County state have already begun voting in the EU fiscal treaty referendum. They are facing another crucial decision on the future governance of their state, and rarely have they been so misinformed or deceived.

Published May 31, 2012

Morning raids terrorise communities

psnifinger.jpg The PSNI police have been accused of the outright repression of republicans following a wave of dramatic heavy-handed raids across the North.

Published May 25, 2012

The Fine ‘Gaffe’ party

kennynoonanbruton.jpg Taoiseach Enda Kenny told an unemployed man protesting against budget cuts to get a job, while his Employment Minister Richard Bruton revealed that a referendum re-run has already been considered, in a series of embarrassing campaign gaffes by Fine Gael's leadership this week.

Published May 18, 2012

Marian Price case collapses

marianpriceportrait.jpg The campaign for the release of Marian Price has taken a dramatic turn after a judge dismissed charges against her and three other republicans. Despite the decision, British officials have said the interned former spokesperson for the 32 County Sovereignty Committee will remain behind bars.

Published May 11, 2012

Border bomb warning

borderbomb.jpg A large bomb left on the border last week appears to have signalled an escalation of the armed campaign by the breakaway IRA groups.

Published May 4, 2012

The spies in our midst

armygardaiseanadrevenue.jpg British intelligence agents operate across the 32 counties of Ireland and have received information from politicians, members of An Garda police, Revenue tax officials and the 26-County Army, the Smithwick Tribunal has heard.

Published April 27, 2012

Bleeding us dry

waterchargesbanner.jpg The coalition government’s plans for the introduction of new water taxes has generated a new wave of resentment at the financial pressures being imposed on people in the 26 Counties.

Published April 20, 2012

“There is only one IRA”

riraeaster2012.jpg A member of the breakaway ‘Real IRA’ has told a public Easter commemoration in Derry that the group will continue its armed struggle against British rule in the north of Ireland.

Published April 13, 2012

Unionists see a golden era

nesbittrobinson.jpg The former news anchorman of ‘Ulster Television’, Mike Nesbitt, who was elected new leader of the Ulster Unionist Party last weekend, has said “there has never been a better time” for unionism and said he wants to address Sinn Fein’s Ard Fheis.

Published April 6, 2012

Can’t pay, won’t pay

chargeconcerthall.jpg Over a million households have boycotted the 100 euro household charge in an extraordinary act of public defiance against an austerity flat tax imposed by the Dublin government.

Published March 30, 2012

Decades of lies

bertieahernflat.jpg Corruption affected every level of government from cabinet ministers to local councillors during two decades of political dominance by Fianna Fáil, according to the final report of the Mahon planning tribunal.

Published March 23, 2012

Adams rejects British statements

patersoncameron.jpg A referendum within the Six Counties on the future of the border in Ireland is “inevitable”, Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has said.

Published March 16, 2012

A managed murder

sammarshall.jpg The family of Sam Marshall are to seek a full inquest into his death after it was revealed this week that he was under observation by at least nine British soldiers when he was killed in 1990.

Published March 9, 2012

Kenny signs treaty

kennysignstreaty.jpg Fine Gael leader and 26-County Taoiseach Enda Kenny provoked the wrath of a large swathe of Irish public opinion this morning when he signed the EU’s Fiscal Compact Treaty, without waiting for a referendum of the people of the State.

Published March 2, 2012

UVF show trial shame

uvftrialenglish.jpg The end of a loyalist ‘supergrass’ trial, which saw twelve alleged unionist paramilitaries cleared of the murder of UDA leader Tommy English in 2000, has again raised fresh question marks over the credibility of the so-called ‘justice system’ in the North of Ireland.

Published February 24, 2012

The Clonoe 514

clonoeposter.jpg More than 500 bullets were fired at four IRA Volunteers who were killed in an undercover British army ambush 20 years ago this week, it has emerged.

Published February 17, 2012

‘Inform or we’ll have you executed’

declanmcnally.jpg A well-known County Derry pub-owner has had a gun held to his head by a member ofthe British Crown forces who threatened to have him killed if he did not become an informer.

Published February 10, 2012


kennysarkozypatted.jpg Amid outrage over the government’s intensive efforts to avoid a referendum, the leader of the main opposition groups in the 26 Counties have issued separate calls for the people to have a say on Europe’s draconian new finance plan.

Published February 3, 2012


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