[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Stopping Sinn Fein

adamsmcguinnessold.jpg The Dublin government was deeply concerned at the British government’s failure to counter growing support for Sinn Fein in 1983, historical papers have revealed. Taoiseach Garret FitzGerald even believed a British policy was in place to support the party and protect its leaders from arrest.

Published December 28, 2013

Haass talks falter after unionist ‘histrionics’

haassosullivan2.jpg US mediator Richard Haass has been forced to remove a reference to the Irish tricolour flag as unionists ratcheted up their demands in ongoing talks on flags, parades and the past in the north of Ireland.

Published December 20, 2013

Second ONH bomb explodes

stannesbombonh.jpg A small bomb exploded Friday night in the centre of Belfast, causing no injuries but raising fresh fears of a return to a more serious level of conflict in the north of Ireland.

Published December 14, 2013

Tribunal of spin

breenbuchanan.jpg Eight years after it was established, the report of the Smithwick Tribunal was finally published on Tuesday evening, but its contradictory conclusions immediately sparked a storm of spin and recrimination.

Published December 6, 2013

Troops raid homes over IRA ‘surge’

ardoynesoldiers.jpg British soldiers have taken part in raids on homes in north Belfast this week after the chief of the PSNI police warned of a sharp increase in the activity of breakaway IRA groups.

Published November 29, 2013

The murder and repression force

mrfattack.jpg A BBC Panorama documentary in which former plain-clothes British soldiers admitted carrying out undercover gun attacks in nationalist west Belfast has led to a public outcry and demands for an inquiry.

Published November 23, 2013

British police to patrol Irish streets

britishpolice.jpg Police from England, Scotland and Wales could become a permanent feature of the PSNI’s patrols in the north of Ireland as an alternative to the return of the British Army, it has emerged.

Published November 15, 2013

All-Ireland soccer team proposed

faiifa.jpg The prospect of an all-Ireland soccer team was dramatically raised by the 26-County Taoiseach Enda Kenny at a sports reconciliation conference in Armagh City this [Friday] morning.

Published November 8, 2013

Special Branch link to death of prisoner

johnbradybig.jpg A hearing before the North’s senior coroner has heard an admission that PSNI Special Branch visited an interrogation suite where a Strabane republican was found dead four years ago.

Published November 2, 2013

The assassination agenda

lethalalliessplash.jpg Members of the British Crown forces were central to the orchestrated murder of prominent Catholics, according to new research based on official state investigations and military files.

Published October 25, 2013

A one-way ticket for Irish youth

emigrationbig.jpg A shocking Famine-era ‘solution’ to the problem of youth unemployment has dominated this year’s announcement of Budget plans by the coalition government in Dublin.

Published October 18, 2013

Mayhem as militants fill political vacuum

kevinkearney.jpg The organisation describing itself as the ‘new’ IRA said this week it had executed a major drug dealer in north Belfast amid escalating violence on the streets of the Six Counties.

Published October 11, 2013

Senators facing the axe

seanadnocampaign.jpg Turnout in today's 26-County referenda could be close to a record low as voters appear to be staying away from a potentially historic ballot on the abolition of the Seanad, the upper chamber of the 26-County parliament.

Published October 4, 2013

Peter Robinson, First Bigot

peterrobinsonstormont.jpg A sectarian outburst by the DUP leader Peter Robinson has disgusted nationalists and escalated the sense of crisis in the North’s political process.

Published September 27, 2013

Pushing back

gardapepperspray.jpg Garda police resorted to pepper spray and brute force on Wednesday in one of the most violent days of protest yet seen on the streets of Dublin against the austerity program of the 26 County state.

Published September 20, 2013

Tense exchanges ahead of talks

talkspresshaass.jpg Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams has accused the British Direct Ruler Theresa Villiers of an “unacceptable intervention” ahead of talks about dealing with the past as well as the issues of parades and flags.

Published September 13, 2013

Strip-search ‘had impact of sexual assault’

sharonrafferty.jpg Details have emerged this week about the brutal strip-searching of a female republican prisoner at Hydebank Wood Prison.

Published September 6, 2013

UVF arms threat

holeingroundarms.jpg There are fears that loyalist paramilitaries may be rearming after one of the largest weapons caches found in the North in two decades was uncovered entirely by accident this week.

Published August 30, 2013

Price’s torment continues

marianpricebig3.jpg A conviction against former internee Marian Price has been rescinded by a court the day after it was imposed in the latest twist to the saga of harassment and oppression of the former republican prisoner.

Published August 23, 2013

Historic H-Blocks in jeopardy

longkeshbig.jpg The Stormont administration has suffered another blow to its credibility after the DUP ended its support for a plan to develop a peace centre at the site of the former Long Kesh H-Blocks.

Published August 17, 2013


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