[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Brexit blame game underway

mayflags.jpg Claims by the British government that they wish to impose no additional border reinforcements in Ireland following their departure from the European Union are being treated with scepticism.

Published August 19, 2017

Youths riot over bonfire raids

creditfallsfire.jpg A one-sided approach by council authorities to bonfires has been blamed for a riotous conflagration in nationalist areas of Belfast city centre this week which threatened to reignite conflict at sectarian interfaces in the city.

Published August 12, 2017

Historic Dáil document on peaceful unification

unitingdoc.jpg An Irish parliamentary report on achieving Irish unity has placed the republican goal of a united Ireland in the context of 26 County constitutional parliamentary politics for the first time.

Published August 5, 2017

PSNI’s Glenanne cover-up fails

glenannefamilies2.jpg In a dramatic vindication for the grieving families, the High Court in Belfast has accepted that the PSNI wrecked an investigation into collusion by Britain in the notorious Glenanne Gang, which was responsible for killing 130 Catholics.

Published July 29, 2017

Orange Order not shamed by hate fiesta

popecostume.jpg The Orange Order has refused to apologise after photographs emerged of supporters in Scotland wearing bizarre and shocking costumes expressing racist and sectarian hate.

Published July 22, 2017

Sickening sectarianism

mcguinnessbonfire.jpg The Democratic Unionist Party has caused a furore by issuing conflicting statements about the burning of a coffin effigy of the late Sinn Fein leader Martin McGuinness on a loyalist bonfire in east Belfast on Tuesday.

Published July 15, 2017

Culture of hate

carrickfergusbonfire.jpg Stung by criticism that it has conspired in loyalist paramilitary crime, Belfast city councillors have now attempted to limit the size of four ‘Eleventh Night’ bonfires, despite having previously funded and supported the infamously sectarian displays.

Published July 8, 2017

DUP triumphant as peace deal is shredded

dupno10.jpg A deal between the Tories and the Democratic Unionist Party could allow the unionist hardliners to control British policy in the north of Ireland for the lifetime of the current Westminster parliament.

Published July 1, 2017

‘Brexit to them gently’

queensspeech.jpg English royals Elizabeth and Charles Windsor have delivered the legislative agenda of the presumptive minority government in London for the next two years which revolves around its uncertain plans to withdraw from the European Union.

Published June 24, 2017

Peace warnings as May plays the Orange card

newsfdowningst.jpg An attempt by British Prime Minister Theresa May to placate the North of Ireland parties over her plans to form a pact with hardline unionists saw Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams tell her that her government is “in clear breach of the Good Friday Agreement”.

Published June 17, 2017

The devil and the DUP

duptheresamay.jpg Sinn Fein has played down the impact of a deal between unionists and Conservatives as it emerged the Democratic Unionist Party will support a minority Tory government in London.

Published June 10, 2017

Brazen murder as UDA rewards DUP with election support

hornerfoster.jpg A brutal murder by the unionist paramilitary UDA of a feud rival and its subsequent election endorsement of the DUP has dramatically raised the issue of collusion between unionist politicians and loyalist murder gangs ahead of next week’s Westminster election.

Published June 3, 2017

Rogue statelet

fitzpatrick.jpg The collapse of the trial of notorious Irish bankster Sean FitzPatrick has increased suspicions that the 26 County state is deliberately facilitating white collar crime.

Published May 27, 2017

Varadkar set to become next Taoiseach

varadkarcoveney.jpg The current Minister for Social Protection Leo Varadkar looks well placed to win the Fine Gael leadership contest and take over as head of the Dublin government.

Published May 20, 2017

Peace messages and protest amid royal tour

adamscharles2017.jpg A visit by British royals to Ireland has again polarised republicans, with protests organised as leading Sinn Fein figures greeted Charles Windsor and his wife Camilla.

Published May 13, 2017

ONH denies ceasefire reports

onhpic.jpg The republican armed group known as Oglaigh na hEireann has denied reports that it is involved in talks with the British or 26 County governments or that it is on the verge of disbanding.

Published May 6, 2017

EU backs united Ireland plan

kennytusk.jpg An official statement by the European Union that it will accept a future united Ireland into the EU has been cautiously welcomed by republicans as bringing international diplomatic recognition for impending Irish unification.

Published April 29, 2017

Talks abandoned until after Westminster election

stormontnoentry.jpg Crisis talks in the north of Ireland have been suspended until June following the decision of the British Prime Minister to call a snap general election, an unexpected move which angered politicians in Belfast and cast new uncertainty over the future of Stormont and its powersharing institutions.

Published April 22, 2017

‘Clear names of Scap’s victims’

scapbig.jpg Sinn Fein has been urged to exonerate those republicans and others who were executed as ‘informers’ on the orders of a British double agent operating inside the Provisional IRA.

Published April 14, 2017

Kenny’s Brexit breakdown

kennymerkel.jpg The Dublin government’s failure to secure any kind of veto for Ireland in the negotiations following Brexit has been strongly criticised as a dereliction of its duties.

Published April 7, 2017


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