[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Westminster vote undermines 1998 peace deal

westminsterbrexit.jpg In a potentially historic development, the London parliament has voted to allow the British government renege on the 1998 Good Friday peace agreement as part of its negotiations to leave the European Union.

Published February 10, 2017

‘Frictionless’ border checks as Britain waives the rules

gardacheckpoint600.jpg The British government appears to be planning a return of customs controls across the Six County border and may even be hoping to push all of Ireland out of the EU following hardline statements on its Brexit plans this week.

Published February 3, 2017

PSNI man shot as tensions mount in Belfast

psnishot1701.jpg The ‘New IRA’ has claimed responsibility for the ambush of a PSNI patrol in North Belfast on Sunday in which a member of the force was struck twice. The attack, which took place on the Crumlin Road close to a north Belfast interface left the victim with injuries to his arm.

Published January 27, 2017

McGuinness bows out

mcguinnessretiresbogside.jpg An emotional Martin McGuinness has said he wants to become an ambassador for peace after the former Sinn Fein deputy First Minister quit electoral politics this week due to ill-health.

Published January 20, 2017

Crisis talks fail, election due

sftalksrhi.jpg The north of Ireland is inexorably heading for an election following the resignation of Sinn Fein’s Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness and the failure of last-minute talks efforts by the two governments.

Published January 13, 2017

Stormont in the balance as DUP defy corruption scandal

fosterarrogant.jpg Sinn Fein has issued repeated warnings that the Six County institutions are now at a “defining point” after the unionist First Minister Arlene Foster again refused to step down over allegations that she and her Democratic Unionist Party orchestrated the enrichment of insiders, supporters and party donors through a bogus ‘green energy’ scheme.

Published January 6, 2017

Making hope and hunger rhyme

foodparcels.jpg The centenary year of the 1916 Rising ends with new optimism over a campaign of direct action against inequality headed by a motley group of musicians, actors and writers. However, the sight of thousands of people braving the cold to receive food handouts in Dublin and Limerick has highlighted the scale of the challenge.

Published December 24, 2016

Sinn Fein could turn against corrupt DUP

bellfoster.jpg Over a thousand people have attended protests in Belfast and Derry calling for DUP leader Arlene Foster to resign as Six County First Minister after a public display of DUP infighting over corruption allegations.

Published December 17, 2016

Process in crisis as Stormont rots

rpgvideo.jpg There are concerns over the political direction in the north of Ireland after a video emerged which appears to show a heavily armed breakaway IRA unit on patrol in north Belfast -- in the same week that the police confirmed that unionist paramilitary activities are being illegally funded from Stormont.

Published December 10, 2016

Adams hits back after e-mail ‘leak’

brianstackbig.jpg Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams is facing another battery of accusations and condemnations after it emerged that earlier this year he emailed the names of four senior republicans allegedly involved in an unsanctioned 1983 IRA killing to the Garda police Commissioner.

Published December 3, 2016

PSNI ‘targeting our kids’

saoradhkid.jpg There was outrage in west Belfast this week after a ten year old girl was pictured being harassed by the PSNI.

Published November 26, 2016

Extradition ordered over 1996 PIRA attack

jimmycorry.jpg The High Court in Dublin has ordered the extradition of a man accused of being involved in a Provisional IRA mortar attack on a British army barracks in Germany 20 years ago.

Published November 19, 2016

Discretion trumps all

trumpvictory.jpg Despite consternation and disbelief in Ireland at the result of the US Presidential election, political leaders including 26 County Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams were among those to congratulate Donald Trump this week on his election as US President.

Published November 12, 2016

Sinn Fein ‘faces immense challenge’ on Brexit

sfwestminster.jpg There was a potentially significant development in the Brexit crisis this week when Sinn Fein’s Deputy First Minister, Martin McGuinness, refused to rule out his party taking up its four seats in Westminster ahead of a potentially critical vote on the issue in the London parliament.

Published November 5, 2016

Death of a traitor

raymondgilmour.jpg The lonely death of an IRA informer has drawn attention to the contempt which British agencies hold for those who have betrayed their own communities to take the queen’s shilling.

Published October 29, 2016

Child’s political conviction over water protest

jobstownprotest.jpg There have been international protests after a judge in Dublin convicted a 15-year-old boy of illegally “imprisoning” the Irish Tanaiste [Deputy Prime Minister] by peacefully demonstrating against water charges in front of her police-escorted car.

Published October 22, 2016

Shifting lines as Brexit tempo increases

borderprotest.jpg The first shot in Britain’s departure from the EU has been fired across Irish bows after its governor in the north of Ireland, James Brokenshire, said Ireland should form part of Britain’s new immigration controls.

Published October 15, 2016

Tories lurch towards the extreme

maythatcher.jpg British Prime Minister Theresa May has drawn comparisons to Margaret Thatcher after she outright rejected Irish and Scottish concerns over Brexit and moved to quash the right of Irish and other EU citizens to live and work in Britain and the north of Ireland.

Published October 8, 2016

Orange parade ‘returns’ after 3 years

garcprotest0916.jpg An Orange Order parade was forced through the greater Ardoyne area in north Belfast on Saturday morning, October 1, amid a military-style policing operation and a bitter war of words among nationalists.

Published October 1, 2016

Soldiers reveals spying, shoot-to-kill bid

charlieone.jpg A former British army soldier has admitted he planted listening devices in the homes of senior politicians in the north of Ireland, years after the 1994 ceasefires and some still thought to be in use today.

Published September 24, 2016


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