[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Demand for island strategy as virus deaths mount

islanddistance.jpg The North’s political leaders must depart from the British government’s coronavirus strategy and urgently harmonise with the South, a leading medical professor has said.

Published April 3, 2020

Anger as vital equipment runs short

ppe.jpg Government politicians who paid tribute to healthcare workers this week have been accused of hypocrisy over their failure to supply enough equipment to protect the workers or to take care of the ill.

Published March 27, 2020

Tories back away from ‘herd cull’ plan

johnsonvirus.jpg Amid warnings that health care systems in Britain and the north of Ireland were facing a potentially catastrophic meltdown, both Tories and unionists in Ireland have ended their hands-off approach to the coronavirus health crisis.

Published March 20, 2020

Ireland divided along border by virus response

viruspress.jpg Efforts to contain the spread of Coronavirus have become dangerously split across the island of Ireland after a division emerged between governments in Dublin and London on how quickly the virus should be allowed to spread.

Published March 13, 2020

State report confirms East Tyrone collusion

cappagh91.jpg Concern within the British Crown Forces over MI5’s involvement in a killing campaign has emerged in a report released to families of the victims of the Cappagh killings. It is the first time a state report has confirmed collusion, according to a lawyer for the families.

Published March 6, 2020

A State in limbo as political elite panic

nazisfrally.jpg Efforts by the establishment in Dublin to demonise Sinn Féin have reached unprecedented levels in the aftermath of their performance in the 26 County general election, with politicians going so far as to compare a series of Sinn Féin public meetings to the Nuremburg rallies of Nazi Germany.

Published February 28, 2020

Smears fly as reaction carnival continues

drewharrishat.jpg Efforts by the right in Ireland to counter and undermine Sinn Féin’s advance in the recent 26 County general election have reached extraordinary levels of desperation following an intervention by the Garda police Commissioner, Drew Harris.

Published February 21, 2020

Establishment circles the wagon

electionmap102.jpg A sense of crisis has gripped the Irish ruling classes after Sinn Féin nearly tripled its vote in last weekend’s election to Leinster House and took the first steps in the formation of a new government in Dublin.

Published February 14, 2020

Sinn Féin at the threshold of Cabinet power

sfge2020.jpg With Sinn Fein topping opinion polls in the 26 Counties for the first time, an ambush of party leader Mary Lou McDonald by state broadcaster RTE over a comment by a party colleague 13 years ago has jeopardised what is still widely expected to be a good election for the party.

Published February 7, 2020

Britain waves goodbye


Britain is set to formally quit the European Union late Friday, closing the chapter on nearly half a century of integration with its European neighbours and leaving the north of Ireland in a limbo between two powerful economies

Published January 31, 2020

British Army was behind Miami Showband massacre

showbandbomb.jpg Shocking new documents have disclosed that British Army intelligence officer Robert Nairac was responsible for the planning and execution of the Miami Showband Massacre, in which three innocent band-members were killed.

Published January 24, 2020

Varadkar’s election plan unravels

varadkarflanagankeane.jpg The 26 County election campaign has had the most shocking start imaginable after body parts of a murdered 17-year-old boy were found in a bag in north Dublin.

Published January 17, 2020

Sinn Féin agree to return to Stormont

returntostormont2.jpg Three years after they collapsed, Sinn Féin has made a decision to return to the partitionist institutions at Stormont, with party leader Mary Lou McDonald stating that it is the “responsibility of every party to ensure the Executive meets”.

Published January 10, 2020

A century of cover-up for miscarriages of justice

conlonreleased.jpg More than 1,000 files on the Guildford Four, Maguire Seven and Birmingham Six, notorious miscarriage of justice cases involving innocent Irish civilians living in England, are to remain secret almost a century longer than they were supposed.

Published January 3, 2020

DUP’s death grip on Stormont

dupsmithhandshake.jpg The DUP have come under pressure to relinquish their veto over political change at Stormont following round-table talks over the future of the Belfast Assembly this week. Both the London and Dublin governments accused the party of blocking a pre-Christmas deal on restoring the North’s suspended political institutions.

Published December 21, 2019

Belfast goes green

cands19.jpg The north of Ireland has voted for more nationalists than unionists in a Westminster parliamentary election for the first time after two hardline unionists were voted out.

Published December 14, 2019

DUP in distress

ulsterhalldup.jpg The north of Ireland appears set for an extended period of unionist protest after an event took place on Friday night at the Ulster Hall, the latest in a series of meetings organised by loyalists which have echoed with the word ‘betrayal’.

Published December 7, 2019

Republicans come together for unity

unitymarchlifford.jpg Thousands of people took to the streets of County Donegal and County Tyrone last weekend to demand a united Ireland.

Published November 30, 2019

Sinister UDA figures behind hate banners

finucanebanner2.jpg Unionist banners have been erected by the UDA targeting the family of Pat Finucane, the Belfast defence lawyer who in 1989 was assassinated by a UDA paramilitary death squad in collusion with British military intelligence.

Published November 23, 2019

DUP hypocrisy amid poster war

19wmelecposters.jpg Sinn Féin has accused the DUP of forming electoral alliances with active paramilitaries and demonising republicans and nationalists in an attempt to provide itself with cover.

Published November 16, 2019


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