[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Families deserve judicial inquiry into collusion

There are many files in many filing cabinets in government offices in Dublin, Belfast and London, containing reports into collusion arising from enquiries.

Published December 18, 2006

US Action Alert

An action alert was issued by the IAUC on the issue of collusion following the publication of the report of the Cassel panel on the issue.

Published December 13, 2006

Forensic framework unravels

There is a great deal at stake in the dock of the Belfast Diplock courtroom.

Published December 7, 2006

Policing debate

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams and Willie Gallagher of the Irish Republican Socialist Party this week presented their differing views on the policing issue.

Published December 1, 2006

Adams address to transitional Assembly

The text of the address by Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams MP speaking at Friday’s meeting of the transitional Assembly, when he nominated Martin McGuinness for the position of Deputy First Minister.

Published November 25, 2006

Some republicans sowing seeds of confusion

The news at the start of this week that a tiny number of disaffected former IRA personnel, members of the INLA and other micro groups, are threatening the lives of Sinn Féin’s leadership is causing great anger among republicans, disbelief among nationalists and is a source of deep concern.

Published November 19, 2006

Address to RSF Ard Fheis

The full text of the President Address by Republican Sinn Féin leader Ruairi O Bradaigh to his party’s annual Ard-Fheis in Dublin at the weekend.

Published November 14, 2006

A question which won’t go away

A question haunts reports into collusion -- how high up the chain did knowledge of and complicity in these atrocities go?

Published November 9, 2006

The Burning of Long Kesh

The first in a series of articles looking back at the history of Long Kesh prison.

Published November 4, 2006

Negotiating war and peace

An extract from Lives Entangled, an essay by Bernadette McAliskey included in Britain & Ireland: Lives Entwined II.

Published October 30, 2006

Noel Maguire appeal

An action alert on behalf of the Irish Political Status Coalition.

Published October 25, 2006

History of Whitewash Continues

The British have a long history of setting-up what are variously named inquiries, commissions or tribunals as part of a blatant strategy of whitewash or cover-up.

Published October 20, 2006

Much work to be done - Adams

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has said “bringing rejectionist unionism into the peace process would be an enormous achievement”.

Published October 16, 2006

A great loss to cause of Ireland’s freedom

Michael Ferguson's death is a great loss not only to his family but to Sinn Féin and to the cause of Ireland’s freedom.

Published October 10, 2006

Current prisoner list

A partial list of republican prisoners published earlier this month.

Published October 5, 2006

DNA and Diplock: A Recipe for Injustice

Fears are being voiced that “Birmingham Six” style justice is about to be meted out to South Armagh Republican Sean Hoey, with suspect DNA evidence being the lynchpin of the framework.

Published September 30, 2006

Hunger strike message echoes down the years

The prisoners died but a generation later as one contributor describes it, “....they shine a light that is purer than ever and that points a steady beam to our future”.

Published September 25, 2006

Equality - the rhetoric and the reality

A new report by the Belfast-based civil liberties group, the Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ), has criticised the British government's sectarian approach to targeting social need.

Published September 19, 2006

Healthcare is a right

A summary of Sinn Féin’s new all-Ireland policy document on healthcare.

Published September 15, 2006

Irish process is template for peace worldwide

Gerry Adams has brought a message of hope to the Israeli and Palestinian people.

Published September 10, 2006


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