A summary of Sinn Féin’s new all-Ireland policy
document on healthcare.
Sinn Féin Core Policy Proposals
A new universal public health system for Ireland that provides care
to all free at the point of delivery, on the basis of need alone, and
funded from general fair and progressive taxation.
Fundamental re-orientation of the health system to adopt a central
focus on prevention, health promotion and primary care (including
mental health care), and on ultimately eliminating the underlying
social and structural causes of ill-health and premature death, such as
poverty and inequality.
Immediate establishment of a Health Funding Commission to report
within a reasonable timeframe on the projected costs of the transition
to an all-Ireland system of universal provision, taking into account
all spending on health services under the current systems, including
state funding and spending on private insurance, and make
recommendations on how the state can best harness these resources in
the interests of more equitable and efficient delivery.
Healthcare is a right
Enshrine the right to health and the right to healthcare in a future
all-Ireland Charter of Rights and a future United Irish Constitution,
and seek in the meantime to amend the current 1937 Irish Constitution
to include these rights.
Enshrine the right to healthcare in legislation, and make this a
fully enforceable right in Irish Courts.
Establish a Health Ombudsman to provide an administrative remedy
short of the courts, in the interests of speedier and less expensive
resolution of disputes and redress regarding violations of the right to
Introduce equality-proofing and human rights-proofing to all health
policy, law and practice, and introduce public health-proofing of other
areas of law and policy.
Pursue other aspects of our economic and social programme, as
increased social and economic equality will have a positive impact on
health outcomes.
Interim Policy Proposals - 26 Counties
Invest all health funding in the public system, immediately end tax
breaks for private hospitals and the land gift scheme, phase out public
subsidisation of and ultimately replace the private system within an
agreed timetable.
Medical cards for all under-18s (as a transitional measure towards a
fully-universal public access service).
Rollout of the promised Primary Care Centres throughout the state on
an accelerated timetable.
A timetabled and fully resourced strategy to deliver the additional
3,000 hospital beds required.
Halting the over-centralisation of hospital facilities and reversal
of cutbacks in services at local hospitals.
A plan for enhanced provision of essential public nursing home beds,
community care facilities and home care.
Ensuring working conditions, promotion prospects and remuneration
sufficient to maintain trained staff in the health services, halting
the exodus from the public system and from the country.
All new hospital consultant posts to be public-only.
Interim proposals - Six Counties
Increased health funding from the British Government in fulfillment
of their obligation to the people of Ireland in a period of conflict
resolution and political transition.
Restoration of local democratic accountability through the Assembly
and All-Ireland Ministerial Council, including ministerial
responsibility for health and social services.
Investment in structural and management reorganisation and full
implementation of the previously agreed health strategy Investing for
All-Ireland co-operation and progressive integration of health
services, to maximise health resources on the island as a whole.
Resistance to privatisation of healthcare.
A Single, All-Ireland Strategic Health Executive
Sinn Féin proposes the establishment of an All-Ireland Strategic Health
Executive that will progressively subsume the Health Service Executive
in the 26 Counties and the Strategic Health Authority in the 6 Counties
(proposed under the recent Review of Public Administration).
The All-Ireland Strategic Health Executive will have overall
responsibility for ensuring national level coordination of the delivery
of health services on the island. Its remit will cover
primary/community care (including pharmacy and dental services) and
hospital services.
To ensure public accountability, the Board of the Strategic Health
Executive will include not only service management but also directly
elected political, service user, and advocacy representation, and staff
representation elected by health service workers.
Community Health Partnerships for Accountable, Effective Delivery
Sinn Féin proposes the establishment of Community Health Partnerships
(CHPs) that will be accountable for the delivery of all healthcare
within their geographically defined areas.
Community Health Partnerships will be managed by a unique cooperative
of local public representatives, service users, advocates, health
professionals and systems experts. Reflecting at local level the
governance structures of the All-Ireland Strategic Health Executive,
they will be democratically accountable to the local communities they
serve and act as a standing mechanism for community participation in
healthcare decision-making.
Community Health Partnerships will be responsible for the strategic
planning and oversight of all community-based services and local
hospital services. For the first time, local health needs will be at
the centre of planning and delivering local health services.
A New Emphasis on Primary Care
Introduce comprehensive community-based primary health and social
care services for all, free at the point of delivery, including General
Practitioner and dental services and abolish all prescription charges.
Configure primary care services on an all-Ireland basis.
Develop a network of modern and accessible Primary Care Treatment
Establish a network of properly-resourced Primary Care Teams to
oversee the delivery of primary care services in Community Health
Partnership areas. These groups will be multi-disciplinary and
multi-agency in nature.
Appoint salaried GPs to work in the Primary Care Teams and negotiate
to phase-in salaried contracts for all other GPs.
Prioritise prevention and early intervention.
Make advanced screening services (i.e., national breast and cervical
cancer screening) available locally, promptly and widely - based on
risk criteria rather than age alone - to ensure early detection of
cancers and other illnesses.
Equality in Hospital Care
Introduce a comprehensive hospital care system that is free at the
point of use.
Configure hospital services on an all-Ireland basis.
Institute a national plan for the provision and resourcing of
hospital care, including clear access targets.
Configure all hospitals to ensure that emergency services are
available as locally as possible. For the vast majority of the
population, these services should be located less than 45 minutes
travel time away. No one should be more than one hour’s travel time
from an A&E Unit, when the three critical access factors are taken into
account: hospital location, road conditions and ambulance provision.
Transfer the management of local hospital services to the Community
Health Partnerships.
Extend Rural Community Rapid Responder schemes nationwide.
Invest significantly in the ambulance service, including upgrading of
the existing fleet and introducing an air ambulance fleet.
A New Emphasis on Mental Health Care
Interim Proposals
Build on the groundwork laid in the 6 and 26 Counties including:
- Full implementation of the 26 Counties’ Mental Health Act 2001.
- Full implementation of the 26 Counties’ Department of Health and
Children Mental Health Expert Group’s recommendations as set out in A
Vision for Change (2006).
Introduce a spending programme to remediate decades of under-funding,
followed by ringfencing at least 12% of the health budget for mental
health services, as recommended by the WHO.
Establish an All-Ireland Mental Health Commission, to promote and
implement the best standards of care within the mental health services
and to fund research on an all-Ireland basis.
Sinn Féin Policy Proposals
Legislation to introduce statutory rights to equality and
self-determination for people with mental ill-health, to ensure
empowerment of people with mental health needs, and guarantee a right
to participation in decisions affecting them and to advocacy if
Legislation to introduce a statutory right to timely access to
appropriate mental health services.
Reconfigure primary, secondary and children’s/adolescent mental
health care services to manage a shift away from secondary services
over the next 5-10 years, such that the vast majority of mental health
care is provided by Primary Mental Health Care Teams (providing a 24
hour service).
Establish a network of step-down services and other comprehensive
community supports for those making a transition out of secondary care
Establish a network of fully-resourced Child and Adolescent Mental
Health Services throughout Ireland, coterminous with the Primary Mental
Health Care Teams.
Suicide Prevention
Make suicide prevention an area of co-operation under the all-Ireland
Ministerial Council to give the issue the strategic co-ordination it
A fully resourced, comprehensive All-Ireland Suicide Prevention
Invest in further clinical and community-based research on suicide
Develop national mental health awareness and anti-stigma campaigns to
help tackle the issue of suicide (the See Me Campaign in Scotland
provides a positive example).
Include ‘parasuicides’, people at risk of suicide, families bereaved
by suicide, and families of people at risk of suicide in policy-making
on this issue.
Full-Spectrum Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services
Dedicate adequate funding to significantly expand the availability of
drug and alcohol treatment, and to eliminate waiting lists for
Expand the spectrum of services available so that all drug and
alcohol users who want to avail of treatment and other services can do
so, and have these meet their needs - whether they want to establish a
drug-free life or plan to continue to use these substances for the time
being and want to do so more safely.
Ensure drug and alcohol users also have access to the other
counselling and medical services they need, without discrimination.
Denial of such access can lead to unnecessary illness and even
preventable death.
Urgent Appeal
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