[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Govts turning backs on innocent Irish people

paddyhillgerryconolonold.jpg Gerry Conlon and Paddy Hill, two men who suffered among the worst miscarriages of justice in British history have accused the Irish and British governments of turning their backs on innocent people sent to prison.

Published March 22, 2014

Derry’s great escape artist

hughmcateer.jpg Seventy-one years ago Derry republican Hugh McAteer pulled off a series of daring feats and in the process made headlines around the world. Michael McMonagle looks at his extraordinary life.

Published March 22, 2014

Tony Benn

tonybenn.jpg Former British cabinet minister and lifelong radical Tony Benn died today [Friday] at the age of 88.

Published March 15, 2014

Indomitable spirit of hunger striker lives on

bobbysandsplain.jpg There are events in one’s life, big and small, which are life-defining and life-shaping, even though at the time you might not know it. Meeting Bobby Sands for the first time became for me life-defining.

Published March 15, 2014

Murney describes Maghaberry horror

stephenmurney2.jpg Eirigi press officer Stephen Murney has given an account of the physical and mental torture he endured while interned at Maghaberry prison, outside Lisburn over the past 14 months.

Published March 8, 2014

“We broke Armagh, it never broke us”

armaghwomenreturn.jpg The reflections of a group of republican women ex-prisoners and the trauma, emotional and physical, that many of these women suffered and overcame during their time in prison.

Published March 8, 2014

The death of Sam Marshall

johnware.jpg As preliminary hearings into his inquest get underway, a look at the murder of Sam Marshall, a close friend of veteran Irish Republican Colin Duffy, which took place 24 years ago this week, and the efforts of assassinated human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson to pursue justice in the case.

Published March 1, 2014

Basque group moves to disarm

basquesdisarm.jpg The Basque armed group ETA has made a significant step towards decommissioning the weapons used in its campaign for independence and freedom -- but the Spanish government immediately rejected the move.

Published February 21, 2014

Geraldine Finucane ‘determined, not angry’

geraldinefinucanebig.jpg The widow of Pat Finucane has said she believes the full truth behind his murder has yet to be exposed - but when it is, it will affect other families.

Published February 15, 2014

Removing barriers to reconciliation

declankearneyardfheis.jpg In an address to the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis this [Friday] evening, Declan Kearney examines the state of the political process in the north of Ireland.

Published February 7, 2014

Mapping out the future

breandanmaccionnaith2.jpg Breandan Mac Cionnaith, general secretary of eirigi, sets out his party’s views on the conflict in the Six Counties and the challenge to republicanism.

Published February 7, 2014

Bloody Sunday revisited

sundaymarchforjustice.jpg Despite the report of the Saville Inquiry in 2010, Eamonn McCann doesn’t believe that the British have told the whole truth about Bloody Sunday.

Published January 31, 2014

Stories of ordinary volunteers in the Easter Rising

risingvolunteers.jpg A new collection of personal stories contained in the Military Service Pensions Collection has now been published online.

Published January 17, 2014

Bloody Sunday March for Justice 2014

bloodysundayposter2014.jpg A look at the background and current context of this year’s Bloody Sunday March for Justice, which will mark the anniversary of a massacre in which 14 civil rights protestors were shot dead by the British Army.

Published January 11, 2014

An Gal Greine

sunburstflag.jpg As politicians examine the issue of flags and symbols, a look at the Gal Greine or Sunburst Flag (Banner), one of the few symbols that can claim to have authentic native Irish roots.

Published January 4, 2014

New Year statements

2014.jpg A round-up of the statements issued at the turn of the New Year by various republican groups.

Published January 4, 2014

The 1983 papers

archivesbig.jpg A review of the other main stories which emerged from this year’s release of previously classified papers under the 30-year rule.

Published December 28, 2013

Remembering Irish political prisoners at Christmas

christmasprisonersbig.jpg Christmas is the time when republicans traditionally think of those imprisoned for their beliefs by sending them a greeting card.

Published December 20, 2013

Remembering the Dunnes Stores strike

dunnesstrike.jpg A group of brave Dubliners are currently in South Africa to attend the funeral and other events to commemorate the life of the former South African President, revolutionary and statesman Nelson Mandela. This is their story and their lesson.

Published December 14, 2013

Nelson Mandela - Comrade Madiba

adamsmandelabig.jpg I want to extend to the family of President Mandela, to President Zuma and to the people of South Africa, my sincere and heartfelt condolences at the death of Madiba on my own behalf and that of Sinn Fein.

Published December 6, 2013


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