[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Complete 2014 election results

boylanelected2.jpg Facts and figures of a historic election for Sinn Fein, in which it won 21% of the national vote across all 32 counties and officially became the largest party in Ireland.

Published May 31, 2014

Massacres recalled as demands for truth grow

dmfortiethwreath.jpg A number of events took place last weekend to remember those killed in the Dublin and Monaghan bombings, and wreathes were laid at the Talbot Street memorial in Dublin and in Monaghan town centre.

Published May 22, 2014

Noonan revisits failed Fianna Fail policies

trumpshannon.jpg The 26-County Minister for Finance Michael Noonan took part in a grovelling welcoming party for billionaire businessman Donald Trump at Shannon airport earlier this week.

Published May 17, 2014

European and local election candidates

sfeurocandidates.jpg The most recent compiled list of Sinn Fein and other republican candidates contesting this week’s elections, with short biographies of the Euro candidates.

Published May 17, 2014

What were my accusers’ motives?

adamsconfused.jpg His four days of interrogation was an assault on the peace process itself, writes Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams.

Published May 10, 2014

Petition to retain name of Raymond McCreesh park

raymondmccreeshpark.jpg A petition calling for a children’s play park to continue to be named after IRA hunger striker Raymond McCreesh has so far received more than 1,000 signatures of support.

Published May 3, 2014

Easter statements 2014

milltowneaster2014.jpg A round up of the statements and orations delivered this week to mark the anniversary of the Easter Rising in 1916.

Published April 26, 2014

Drawing on the memory of the heroes of 1916

eamonceannt.jpg Dave Kenny’s family is steeped in Easter Rising history. Here he recalls finding a letter from the Eamonn Ceannt’s son, revealing how he lived his life in his father’s shadow.

Published April 26, 2014

Calls for recognition of Travellers’ distinct identity

travellers.jpg A committee of the Dublin parliament has recommended that Travellers be recognised as an ethnic minority to combat discrimination as the issue begins featuring in local election campaigns in the 26 Counties.

Published April 19, 2014

The Battle of Clontarf

brianboru.jpg A struggle to free Ireland of foreign domination resulted in a heroic victory -- but the death of a great Irish leader -- a thousand years ago this week.

Published April 19, 2014

Five things we know after last night in Windsor

queenmcguinnesstoast.jpg Relations between Britain and Ireland have now entered the realm of the surreal.

Published April 11, 2014

The legacy of Cumann na mBan

cumannnamban.jpg The revolutionary women’s movement, Cumann na mBan, was set up 100 years ago this week. It maintained the struggle for independence following the Easter Rising and in 1921 became the first organisation to reject the treaty which partitioned Ireland. A look at their stand for equality and unity.

Published April 5, 2014

The Shannon One

margarettaout.jpg 79-year-old Irish peace activist Margaretta D’Arcy’s was this week released from prison, after serving a three month sentence for protesting the use of Shannon Airport by those engaged in war crimes.

Published March 29, 2014

Govts turning backs on innocent Irish people

paddyhillgerryconolonold.jpg Gerry Conlon and Paddy Hill, two men who suffered among the worst miscarriages of justice in British history have accused the Irish and British governments of turning their backs on innocent people sent to prison.

Published March 22, 2014

Derry’s great escape artist

hughmcateer.jpg Seventy-one years ago Derry republican Hugh McAteer pulled off a series of daring feats and in the process made headlines around the world. Michael McMonagle looks at his extraordinary life.

Published March 22, 2014

Tony Benn

tonybenn.jpg Former British cabinet minister and lifelong radical Tony Benn died today [Friday] at the age of 88.

Published March 15, 2014

Indomitable spirit of hunger striker lives on

bobbysandsplain.jpg There are events in one’s life, big and small, which are life-defining and life-shaping, even though at the time you might not know it. Meeting Bobby Sands for the first time became for me life-defining.

Published March 15, 2014

Murney describes Maghaberry horror

stephenmurney2.jpg Eirigi press officer Stephen Murney has given an account of the physical and mental torture he endured while interned at Maghaberry prison, outside Lisburn over the past 14 months.

Published March 8, 2014

“We broke Armagh, it never broke us”

armaghwomenreturn.jpg The reflections of a group of republican women ex-prisoners and the trauma, emotional and physical, that many of these women suffered and overcame during their time in prison.

Published March 8, 2014

The death of Sam Marshall

johnware.jpg As preliminary hearings into his inquest get underway, a look at the murder of Sam Marshall, a close friend of veteran Irish Republican Colin Duffy, which took place 24 years ago this week, and the efforts of assassinated human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson to pursue justice in the case.

Published March 1, 2014


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