[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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The Cheshire Cat called Commonwealth

commonwealthcats.jpg The British Empire is a bit like the Cheshire cat in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland: over the years it has faded until all you’re left with is a bland smile.

Published April 28, 2018

Sean McNeela and Tony D’Arcy

mcneeladarcy.jpg Sean McNeela and Tony D’Arcy died on hunger strike against the criminalisation of republican prisoners at St Bricin’s Military Hospital in Dublin, 78 years ago this week.

Published April 21, 2018

The Proclamation and William Henry West

proclamation600.jpg Another story of the many from the Easter Rising of 1916 -- the English protestant printer who supplied the type for the Irish Proclamation.

Published March 31, 2018

Martin McGuinness - Looking to the future

mcguinnessportrait.jpg Martin McGuinness was a good friend and a great leader. He made compromises where he believed they could help peace and reconciliation. He never stopped taking risks for peace, writes Gerry Adams.

Published March 24, 2018

Memories of Mairead Farrell

maireadfarrell2.jpg On the 30th anniversary of IRA Volunteers Mairead Farrell, Sean Savage and Dan McCann, murdered by the SAS in a shoot to kill operation on 6th March 1988 in Gibraltar, Saoradh activist and former IRA POW Breige-Anne McCaughley shares her memories of Volunteer Mairead Farrell.

Published March 10, 2018

Tory boy’s mask slips

projectireland.jpg The real Leo Varadkar was the one who stood up in the Dail last Tuesday and the public would do well to remember that when his party comes looking for votes in the near future.

Published March 3, 2018

No-one admits to being a bigot

dupnegotiating.jpg The collapse of talks to restore the power sharing arrangement in the North of Ireland has come as no surprise to many.

Published February 24, 2018

The Civil Rights Association

nicramarch.jpg Contrasting views of the North’s Civil Rights Association and how it relates to where we are as we approach the 50th anniversary of its first campaign.

Published February 10, 2018

A new chapter

adamsoldmic.jpg I’m sure that there is a little nervousness within Sinn Fein as Gerry Adams steps down as president of the party, having led it to great electoral success across Ireland, and having been, along with the late Martin McGuinness, at the forefront of the republican struggle for decades.

Published February 10, 2018

Inquiries, ‘collusion’ and seeking truth

loughinisland600.jpg If the NI Retired Police Officers’ Association wins on Loughinisland, it will have succeeded in closing down an important official source of information about alleged collusion and its scale, small or large. John Ware looks at a crucial upcoming ruling.

Published January 13, 2018

It’s time for a united Ireland

brexitireland.jpg At last it’s becoming clear to the Brexiteers, and the right-wing British media, that the question of the Irish border will be the defining issue of the Brexit negotiations.

Published December 2, 2017

The Manchester Martyrs

manchestermartyrs600.jpg 150 years on from their execution, a historical look back at three Fenians whose bravery in giving their lives in struggle helped to sustain it.

Published November 25, 2017

The Rohingya

rohingya.jpg The Rohingya are often described as “the world’s most persecuted minority”.

Published November 18, 2017

No Stone Unturned - review

nostoneunturned.jpg Oscar-winning documentarian Alex Gibney exposes the collusion which shielded the perpetrators of the 1994 Loughinisland massacre from justice. The shocking No Stone Unturned finally names the chief suspects while revealing the RUC’s deliberate mishandling of the multiple murder inquiry.

Published November 18, 2017

The funerals of Frank Stagg

frankstagggrave.jpg Frank Stagg who died on hunger strike aged 33, had three funerals and two burials. One funeral had no body and one burial was done in darkness. His life is commemorated on three headstones in Leigue Cemetery, Ballina, County Mayo.

Published November 11, 2017

The racist worldview of Arthur Balfour

balfour.jpg Arthur James Balfour will, no doubt, be praised effusively by supporters of Israel for a brief document he signed 100 years ago.

Published November 4, 2017

Why we need to support Catalonia

franco.jpg During the years of Franco’s dictatorship, Catalonia was one of Spain’s strongholds of resistance, and the Catalan people suffered enormously for it.

Published October 28, 2017

Sheena Campbell and a hurricane of pain

sheenacampbell.jpg Twenty-five years ago, Sheena Campbell, then a 29-year-old law student at Queen’s University, was shot dead by a UVF gang.

Published October 21, 2017

Stop political extradition

ddmclaughlin.jpg An open letter to the Irish people from Portlaoise jail by republican political prisoner DD McLaughlin.

Published October 14, 2017

The United Irishmen

unitedirishmen.jpg The Society of United Irishmen, founded in 1791, embraced Catholics, Protestants and Dissenters in its aim to remove English control from Irish affairs.

Published October 14, 2017


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