[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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We must talk about referendums more, not less

profharvey.jpg There is almost an unwillingness to contemplate asking people to make a choice in a border poll, combined with a worry about the implications.

Published March 27, 2021

Crossbarry – a major victory for the IRA

tombarry.jpg The success of Tom Barry’s flying column plagued British forces and posed a serious and consistent threat to the authorities in West Cork. A historical account of the Crossbarry ambush, 100 years ago this week.

Published March 20, 2021

Ireland’s misfortune to have Micheál Martin in charge

michealmartin3.jpg A leader with vision would be acting now to promote a managed reworking of the constitutional arrangements in these islands.

Published March 20, 2021

‘The Two Brendans’ — Moley And Burns

twobrendans.jpg In South Armagh Republican folklore, the lives and tragic deaths of two young Irishmen will be forever intertwined, with the names of Brendan Moley and Brendan Burns — ‘The Two Brendans’ as they are popularly remembered — writ large into the story of the struggle for a sovereign and free Ireland.

Published March 6, 2021

Anti-Irish bigotry in Britain has not gone away

antiirish.jpg Where elements of the British press have gone out of their way to pay lip service to the historical wrongs committed against other minority groups, Ireland remains a peculiar blind spot.

Published March 6, 2021

Bobby Sands’ Hunger Strike Diary


Forty years ago today, Bobby Sands began his hunger strike. In order to fight Thatcher’s policy of criminalisation and secure their status as Irish political prisoners, he and his comrades were willing to fast until death. In doing so, they changed the course of Irish history.

Published March 1, 2021

Unionists selling supporters a false prospectus

davidtrimble2.jpg Who said this? Johnson’s Withdrawal Agreement which established an Irish Sea border is “a great step forward and is fully in accordance within the spirit of the Good Friday Agreement.” David Trimble. That was October 2019.

Published February 27, 2021

The Kilmainham jail escape

kilmainhamjail.jpg An article by Liz Gillis for Kilmainham Tales on one of the most dramatic episodes in the history of the prison, which took place 100 years ago this week.

Published February 20, 2021

Memories of childhood Belfast

seangraham600.jpg Memories of the Lower Ormeau Road at a turning point in history.

Published February 13, 2021

A new plan for Moore Street

newmoorest.jpg The Save 16 Moore Street Committee and the Families of the Signatories of the 1916 Proclamation have published the first images of a regeneration plan for the area.

Published February 6, 2021

Nothing reckless about affording people a democratic choice

mcdonaldspeaks.jpg If ever we needed a reminder of the stark flaws and practical problems associated with the partition of our island, then the coronavirus pandemic and Brexit have exposed them like never before.

Published January 30, 2021

Avoidance and denying rights is not sustainable

letterrelatives.jpg A total of 3,500 relatives of victims have signed an open letter calling on the London and Dublin governments to implement previously agreed proposals to deal with the legacy of the recent conflict in the north of Ireland. A commentary by Mark Thompson of Relatives for Justice on the background to the letter, included below.

Published January 22, 2021

Not preparing for a United Ireland is irresponsible

crossflag.jpg The young people of Ireland know that the key to a better, stronger and brighter future lies in their hands. The time is coming, very shortly, where they will seize the opportunity that is being presented to them.

Published January 16, 2021

DUP disparages constitutional change while denying it

borderready.jpg One of the more enjoyable aspects of last week was watching the mental gymnastics of Arlene Foster and other representatives of the Democratic Unionist Party.

Published January 9, 2021

DUP betrayed again by a British government

dupbetrayed.jpg British policy is dictated by British interests. It has always been so. The fact that Prime Minister Boris Johnson has again betrayed unionists over Brexit should have come as no surprise to anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of how British policy works.

Published December 30, 2020

A tragedy that injustice inflames

patrickohagan.jpg The last time I saw Patrick, he was restating his father’s wish that there be a human rights-compliant investigation into his mother’s killing. At the age of 34 he, like so many others affected by conflict, has now died without seeing truth, justice or acknowledgment.

Published December 11, 2020

The Kilmichael Ambush

kilmichael.jpg This week 100 years ago on a roadside in County Cork, a small group of young men in with hardly any military training lay in wait for their enemy. History was about to be made.

Published December 4, 2020

The British govt is still hiding the truth

johnfinucanebig.jpg On 12 February 1989, my father, the human rights lawyer Pat Finucane, was murdered by loyalist paramilitaries as we sat together at the dinner table in the kitchen of our home in Belfast. I was eight years old.

Published December 4, 2020

Why I want to see a united Ireland

mccleanireland.jpg Ireland international soccer star James McClean wrote this article on his reasons for supporting Irish Unity.

Published November 20, 2020

Cheating politicians cheat us all

leoleaks.jpg Leo Varadkar is either a liar or a very unlucky man.

Published November 6, 2020


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