[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Springhill – ‘the forgotten massacre’

springhillmassacre.jpg Springhill is often regarded as the ‘forgotten massacre’, having received very little coverage in the mainstream media, but the people of West Belfast have never forgotten.

Published June 19, 2021

The Carrowkennedy Ambush

flyingsquadmayo.jpg One of the most important battles during the Irish War of Independence took place 100 years ago this week. A look at a famous episode in Mayo history.

Published June 12, 2021

Time for Boris Johnson to stop playing the fool

bennyjohnson.jpg It’s somewhat stating the obvious but Joe Biden is not some angry councillor who phones his local paper every week in order to boost his profile.

Published June 12, 2021

The end of the DUP

dupcrowneplaza.jpg A couple of weeks ago you read here that electing Poots leader would hasten the demise of the DUP.

Published June 5, 2021

Ballymurphy - A conspiracy of cover-up

soldiersballymurphy.jpg The reality is that the Coroner’s conclusions in the Ballymurphy case will not have surprised the security mandarins that run the British system. Every government, Conservative and Labour, has known the truth of these events since they first occurred.

Published May 29, 2021

The final days of Patsy O’Hara

patsyoharacoffin.jpg INLA Volunteer, Patsy O’Hara was one of three INLA Volunteers who died whilst on Hunger Strike, along with the seven Volunteers from the IRA. Patsy survived 61 days on hunger strike from 21 March 1981 until 21 May 1981 when he died, 40 years ago this week.

Published May 22, 2021

The blanket men and a man from America

blanketmen.jpg It was the desperate plight of prisoners In the North of Ireland and the death of Bobby Sands that took me 3000 miles across the Atlantic to meet the Elliott family, whose ancestors long ago had left Derry and settled in the USA.

Published May 15, 2021

Why can’t the EU say the word apartheid?

apartheidisrael.jpg Human Rights Watch has issued a landmark report concluding that Israel commits the crimes of apartheid and persecution against the Palestinian people.

Published May 8, 2021

New DUP will bring down Stormont

dupgroup.jpg The four letters circulating against DUP leader Arlene Foster are four different versions of the same suicide note.

Published April 30, 2021

Are British soldiers above the law for Irish murders?

brits600.jpg Boris Johnson has told the British parliament final preparations were being made to a draft bill that would in effect provide protection from prosecution for British soldiers that served in the North of Ireland.

Published April 24, 2021

Unionists have failed to stop progress

molyneauxpaisley.jpg There’s one aspect of the chronically defective unionist leadership through the decades that you have to admit: consistency.

Published April 17, 2021

A turning point in history

sandselected.jpg Bobby Sands’ victory in Fermanagh and South Tyrone 40 years ago this week gave the republican movement a “victory that not even countless IRA military operations could have achieved”, according to a former prisoner in the H-Blocks.

Published April 10, 2021

What I would have said on RTÉ

joebrollytv.jpg Commentator Joe Brolly has responded to RTE’s controversial effort to silence him during a TV debate on a united Ireland.

Published April 2, 2021

We must talk about referendums more, not less

profharvey.jpg There is almost an unwillingness to contemplate asking people to make a choice in a border poll, combined with a worry about the implications.

Published March 27, 2021

Crossbarry – a major victory for the IRA

tombarry.jpg The success of Tom Barry’s flying column plagued British forces and posed a serious and consistent threat to the authorities in West Cork. A historical account of the Crossbarry ambush, 100 years ago this week.

Published March 20, 2021

Ireland’s misfortune to have Micheál Martin in charge

michealmartin3.jpg A leader with vision would be acting now to promote a managed reworking of the constitutional arrangements in these islands.

Published March 20, 2021

‘The Two Brendans’ — Moley And Burns

twobrendans.jpg In South Armagh Republican folklore, the lives and tragic deaths of two young Irishmen will be forever intertwined, with the names of Brendan Moley and Brendan Burns — ‘The Two Brendans’ as they are popularly remembered — writ large into the story of the struggle for a sovereign and free Ireland.

Published March 6, 2021

Anti-Irish bigotry in Britain has not gone away

antiirish.jpg Where elements of the British press have gone out of their way to pay lip service to the historical wrongs committed against other minority groups, Ireland remains a peculiar blind spot.

Published March 6, 2021

Bobby Sands’ Hunger Strike Diary


Forty years ago today, Bobby Sands began his hunger strike. In order to fight Thatcher’s policy of criminalisation and secure their status as Irish political prisoners, he and his comrades were willing to fast until death. In doing so, they changed the course of Irish history.

Published March 1, 2021

Unionists selling supporters a false prospectus

davidtrimble2.jpg Who said this? Johnson’s Withdrawal Agreement which established an Irish Sea border is “a great step forward and is fully in accordance within the spirit of the Good Friday Agreement.” David Trimble. That was October 2019.

Published February 27, 2021


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