[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Unionist bid to steal Christmas from prisoners’ families

paulgallagher.jpg A row has broken out after council staff attempted to remove the names of political prisoners from a public Christmas tree in Strabane, County Tyrone.

Published December 8, 2018

Emotions run high as new group holds meetings

dailabortion.jpg A debate on abortion legislation in the Dublin parliament has seen a bitter attack by Sinn Fein TDs against former comrades as a potentially damaging split in the party continues to grow.

Published December 1, 2018

Loughinisland at the heart of battle over policing

journosbail.jpg Families of those killed in a notorious loyalist/Crown force massacre have welcomed a judge’s decision to dismiss a legal challenge against the Police Ombudsman’s finding that the police colluded with the killers.

Published December 1, 2018

Loyalist violence ignored as gangs issue Brexit warning

carsarsoncarrick.jpg Loyalist paramilitaries “have the run of the town” in County Antrim, according to the owner of a repair business in Carrickfergus whose cars have repeatedly been torched.

Published December 1, 2018

Breakthrough for equality of symbolism in Derry

easterlilies.jpg Derry City and Strabane council is set to be the first council in the north of Ireland to allow staff members to honour Ireland’s war dead by wearing an Easter Lily, a symbol with its roots in the 1916 Easter Rising.

Published December 1, 2018

Early shoot-to-kill incidents recalled

stklaunch.jpg Relatives for Justice have launched a report into the killings of Jim Bryson and Patrick Mulvenna amid outstanding questions about the shoot-to-kill policy of targeted state assassinations which was responsible for their deaths.

Published December 1, 2018

Thousands march over housing crisis

homesforallmarch.jpg Campaigners have taken to the streets of Dublin this Saturday afternoon to voice their anger over the ongoing housing and homelessness crisis.

Published December 1, 2018

Tony Taylor freed, banned from political statements

tonytaylorfreed.jpg Derry republican Tony Taylor, released as his internment by the British approached a significant one thousand days, was released this evening after a day of tense last-minute negotiations around the details of his release.

Published November 28, 2018

Tony Taylor to be released after almost 1,000 days

taylorbars.jpg Republican political prisoner Tony Taylor is set to be freed tomorrow after spending 994 days interned at Maghaberry Jail without charge.

Published November 27, 2018

The Border ‘will be maintained by the gun’

hallidaydodds.jpg Amid a hostile reaction by unionist politicians to a draft Brexit deal, one TUV politician has warned that the border through Ireland will be “maintained by the gun”.

Published November 24, 2018

Councillors join new Sinn Fein splinter party

cussenkeohane.jpg A breakaway anti-abortion, nationalist/republican party being set up by former Sinn Fein TD Peadar Toibin is organising meetings across the country and has already recruited two councillors, Sinn Fein Kildare councillor Ide Cussen and former Sinn Fein Cork councillor Ger Keohane.

Published November 24, 2018

Inquests ‘a problem’, says Karen Bradley

ballymurphyinquest2.jpg Britain’s Direct Ruler in Ireland, Karen Bradley, has been widely condemned for comments that families of victims of British war crimes are part of ‘the problem’ for seeking coronial inquests, and that she was ‘outraged’ by the legal pursuit of the soldiers involved.

Published November 24, 2018

Recruitment target endangered by MI5 approach

approach1118.jpg Members of a British intelligence agency who tried to recruit a vulnerable teenager have “put him at risk”, according to his mother.

Published November 24, 2018

Red mist descends on British military memorial in Dublin

sculpturesoldier.jpg A protest action has seen a giant sculpture of a British soldier at the entrance to Dublin’s St Stephen’s Green daubed with red paint.

Published November 24, 2018

Call for all-Ireland soccer team

irelandssoccer.jpg Sinn Fein deputy leader Pearse Doherty has called for a debate about the possibility of establishing an all-island soccer team, following the resignation of Martin O’Neill and Roy Keane as the Ireland management team.

Published November 24, 2018

DUP MPs told to ‘get over yourselves’

dupmps.jpg The DUP leadership is completely at odds with civic unionism after a draft Brexit deal won praise across the north of Ireland, particularly from farmers and business interests who see significant advantages in proposed arrangements to facilitate trade with both Britain and the EU.

Published November 17, 2018

Republican Sinn Fein name new party President

seosamhomhaoileoin.jpg Republican Sinn Fein has named a new party President, Seosamh O Mhaoileoin, at its Ard Fheis [annual conference] last weekend, replacing Des Dalton without an election.

Published November 17, 2018

Heartbreak for Derry family of interned prisoner

tonytaylordad.jpg The elderly father of a political prisoner who’s been in jail for almost 1,000 days without charge or trial has written a heartfelt letter to the British government pleading for his son’s release.

Published November 17, 2018

Indignation after new files back McGurk’s Bar families

barmylog.jpg A shocking British military archive discovered by a grandson of victims of the McGurk’s Bar Massacre of 1971 proves that the Royal Ulster Constabulary police originated and disseminated “a line” falsely stating that the atrocity was an IRA ‘own goal’, just over 4 hours after the bombing.

Published November 17, 2018

Ballymurphy horror relived at inquest

britsballymurphy.jpg There were emotional scenes in a Belfast court this week as families of the Ballymurphy massacre victims described their grief and loss after British soldiers killed eleven civilians in 1971.

Published November 17, 2018


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