[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Teenagers attacked with iron bars

romancatholics.jpg Two separate sectarian attacks by loyalists last weekend saw a 15-year-old boy beaten with metal bars in north Belfast while another boy of the same age was clubbed, kicked and punched as he walked home in a separate attack in the same area.

Published March 30, 2019

Harassment of republicans directed at political activity

bug1903.jpg A member of Republican Network for Unity discovered a sophisticated GPS tracking and recording device hidden within his car earlier this week. The discovery triggered a violent early morning raid on his home by armed Garda police.

Published March 30, 2019

Ten people a day being made homeless

homelessirl.jpg The 26 County Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy is again being urged to resign after his own manipulated statistics show that there are now more than 10,000 people in Ireland officially living in emergency accommodation.

Published March 30, 2019

One million attend anti-Brexit march in London

brexitrallylondon.jpg A huge protest against Brexit in London today is thought to be one of the biggest in British history.

Published March 23, 2019

New York’s freedom banner is a sign of the times

nycbanner.jpg A banner carried in the annual St Patrick’s Day parade in New York has become a battle line in the upcoming elections in Ireland.

Published March 23, 2019

Judge finds PSNI not impartial in RUC legacy cases

smythcampbell.jpg In an important breakthrough for collusion victims, the Court of Appeal in Belfast has accepted that the PSNI police is too biased to be in charge of an investigation into the drive-by shooting of a west Belfast woman by plain-clothed British soldiers in 1972.

Published March 23, 2019

Republicans to face a choice in council elections

heapheybrollies.jpg Sinn Fein is to face competition from three republican political parties, Eirigi, Republican Sinn Fein and newcomer Aontu, in the local elections in May.

Published March 23, 2019

Direct Rule extended, Stormont salaries to continue

stormontstatue600.jpg British Direct Ruler Karen Bradley has extended the shutdown of Stormont and creeping Direct Rule from London, already more than two years old, until August.

Published March 23, 2019

Dismay at trial of Catalan political prisoners

catalantrial.jpg The trial of the 12 Catalan political prisoners is underway, with the state prosecutor asking for sentences of between 11 and 25 years. The body in charge of passing judgment is the supreme court, which will consider the accusations presented by the prosecutor’s office of rebellion, sedition and embezzlement. Their crime: having organised the 1 October 2017 referendum on Catalan independence.

Published March 23, 2019

Soldier F - A Bloody Sunday scapegoat

sundayconference.jpg The British government is seeking to maintain a cover-up of the Bloody Sunday massacre after it was announced that only one soldier will be prosecuted for the killings.

Published March 16, 2019

Britain sees loyalist violence as option for Brexit breach

geoffreycox.jpg A return of loyalist violence in the north of Ireland could help Britain wriggle out of its international treaty obligations in regard to the border and the Good Friday Agreement, according to its Attorney General.

Published March 16, 2019

Bradley again defends killer soldiers

bradleyagain.jpg British Direct Ruler Karen Bradley is facing further criticism after she praised the “courage and distinction” of British soldiers following the Bloody Sunday decision to prosecute one of them for murder.

Published March 16, 2019

Step forward for Ludlow family

seamusludlowflat.jpg The family of a murdered County Louth man has won the right to challenge a decision not to prosecute British soldiers and loyalist paramilitaries identified as suspects.

Published March 16, 2019

MI5 attempt to recruit McGuinness family member

marvincanning.jpg A brother-in-law of Martin McGuinness has said he was approached by MI5.

Published March 16, 2019

DUP: ‘Unionist homes for unionist people’

wellsballynahinch.jpg The DUP is facing criticism over its attitude towards housing after it issued an election leaflet calling for “local homes for local people”. Another of its political efforts sought to block the construction of housing near a Catholic area in north Belfast.

Published March 16, 2019

Bloody Sunday families told only one prosecution to go ahead

prosecutionsdecision.jpg Families of the Bloody Sunday victims have been left angry and upset after Crown Prosecutors claimed today there is sufficient evidence to prosecute only one one the seventeen soldiers known to have been involved in the massacre.

Published March 14, 2019

Crash Brexit unlikely as May loses control at Westminster

mayfox.jpg In a day of dramatic developments, the Westminster parliament has rejected leaving the European Union without a deal under any circumstances. It is a heavy defeat for British Prime Minister Theresa May, just as her government sought to threaten Ireland and the EU with that very scenario.

Published March 14, 2019


bradleyred.jpg Widespread revulsion has greeted a statement by the British Direct Ruler Karen Bradley that killings by members of the Crown Forces in the north of Ireland are “not crimes”.

Published March 9, 2019

Bloody Sunday families to hear prosecutions decision

katenash600.jpg A decision on Bloody Sunday prosecutions is due to be issued on Thursday, and the day will mark a key moment in a 47-year-old campaign for justice.

Published March 9, 2019

Trauma for families as shootings recalled

ballymurphyfamilies2.jpg An eyewitness has told the Ballymurphy inquest how he heard the last words of mother-of-eight Joan Connolly after she was shot in the face.

Published March 9, 2019


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