[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Family seek documents related to British murder weapon

henrycunningham.jpg The family of a County Donegal teenager murdered by loyalists in 1973 ago has started a legal action over suspected Crown Force collusion surrounding his killing.

Published May 11, 2019

Three-volley salute for IRA veteran

pepefuneral.jpg Former members of the Provisional IRA are understood to have fired a volley of shots in memory of their comrade Peter ‘Pepe’ Rooney, who was buried last Wednesday after a lengthy battle with cancer.

Published May 11, 2019

‘New progressive society emerging’ - SF

mcdonaldle19.jpg Counting has been completed in the local elections in the north, with Sinn Féin picking up last minute gains on Belfast City Council.

Published May 4, 2019

Unionist hardliners count the cost

alliancevictory.jpg A second day of counting in the local elections has confirmed that the traditional unionist vote is well down across the Six Counties, while the moderate Alliance Party are the main beneficiaries of the election.

Published May 4, 2019

‘Dirty War’ general seen behind McGurk’s Bar lie

kitson.jpg Relatives of people killed in the McGurk’s Bar bomb have called for an infamous British Army general to be questioned by an independent police force after evidence was unearthed that he was in charge of the brigade which disseminated the lie that the attack was an IRA ‘own goal’.

Published May 4, 2019

Testimony describes soldiers shooting victims on the ground

ballymurphyfieldvictims.jpg A Belfast woman has described looking out of her bedroom window as a British soldier shot two people as they lay on the ground during the Ballymurphy Massacre.

Published May 4, 2019

Graffiti war in Derry as Saoradh challenges censorship

newiragraffiti2.jpg Saoradh has hit out at what it has described as unprecedented censorship and said the group and its members are being denied their civil rights.

Published May 4, 2019

CIRA in show of strength

cirashots19.jpg Footage has emerged of a masked Continuity IRA member firing a gun salute at an Easter commemoration in County Tyrone.

Published May 4, 2019

Sectarianism hides behind unionism in Scotland

churchglasgow.jpg A Catholic church in the West End of Glasgow has been attacked in a series of anti-Catholic and anti-Irish incidents in the city.

Published May 4, 2019

Local elections - Voters seek out new political territory

countle19.jpg A strong performance by the Alliance Party and the Greens is one of the major trends of the local elections in the Six Counties, according to first results this Friday. The overall unionist vote is down, thanks to a poor performance by fringe unionist groups, while on the nationalist side, independent republicans and newcomers Aontú have made a significant breakthrough.

Published May 3, 2019

Turnout holds up in local elections

le19.jpg Voting has closed in local elections in the Six Counties after a quiet campaign which was overshadowed by non-local issues, mainly the crisis over Brexit, the political stalemate, and recent rioting in Derry.

Published May 2, 2019

‘New IRA’ accepts blame for riot death

saoradhdublinmarch.jpg The ‘New IRA’ has admitted it was behind the gun attack on the PSNI that led to the death of journalist Lyra McKee during a riot in Derry last week.

Published April 27, 2019

Talks announced after funeral priest blasts politicians

mckeefuneral.jpg Political leaders in the North and the Dublin and London governments have been publicly humiliated by an angry condemnation from the pulpit at the funeral of journalist Lyra McKee, who died during a riot in Derry last week.

Published April 27, 2019

Scotland ‘should have independence vote by 2021’

sturgeonholyrood.jpg Scottish voters should be given the opportunity to vote again on independence before the next elections to the Edinburgh parliament in 2021, Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has said.

Published April 27, 2019

Reprieve seen for Malachy McAllister

malachymcallister600.jpg The Trump administration has granted a six-month stay on the deportation of former political prisoner Malachy McAllister, who has been threatened with expulsion since seeking asylum in New York in 1996.

Published April 27, 2019

Commemoration for Topper Thompson

topperthompson.jpg A commemoration to mark the 25th anniversary of the murder of a west Belfast man killed by loyalists took place today [Saturday] in very wet weather.

Published April 27, 2019

‘It looks bad’ - DUP candidate wears literal UDA t-shirt

udadupmeet.jpg A DUP council candidate has denied being a supporter of the loyalist paramilitary UDA, despite attending an event glorifying the paramilitary gang and wearing a t-shirt branded with the UDA logo.

Published April 27, 2019


riotpics.jpg There have been appeals for calm following the tragic death of a journalist during heavy rioting in a republican area of Derry on Thursday night.

Published April 20, 2019

Tributes to journalist killed in riot

lyramckee.jpg Tributes have been paid to the young freelance journalist, Lyra McKee, who lost her life during rioting in Derry on Thursday night after she was struck by a bullet aimed at police vehicles.

Published April 20, 2019

Plastic bullet killings a ‘British national secret’

livingstonewhitters.jpg Files on the deaths of nationalist children at the hands of plastic bullets have been closed for a further 50 years for reasons the British government have refused to disclose.

Published April 20, 2019


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