[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Belfast goes green

cands19.jpg The north of Ireland has voted for more nationalists than unionists in a Westminster parliamentary election for the first time after two hardline unionists were voted out.

Published December 14, 2019

As union weakens, Irish politicians focus on Stormont

fostermcdonald.jpg Brexit is unionism’s “biggest ever own goal” and it may lead to the break-up of the United Kingdom, former Ulster Unionist Party leader Mike Nesbitt has admitted.

Published December 14, 2019

Huge mandate boosts Scottish independence

nicolasturgeonwin.jpg The Scottish National Party pulled off a resounding general election victory in the Westminster election on Thursday, pushing open the door to finally ending their union with England and staying within the EU.

Published December 14, 2019

An end seen to Westminster chaos as Brexit looms; Corbyn to quit

johnsoncorbynvote.jpg As the DUP lost its influential position of holding the balance of power at Westminster, the leader of British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, has signaled his intention to stand down as Labour leader in early 2020.

Published December 14, 2019

McDonald slams ‘Tory Boy’ Varadkar over housing tragedies

maughans.jpg Sinn Féin has presented a dossier on the homelessness scandal to Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and Housing Minister Eoghan Murphy. Party leader Mary Lou McDonald said Leo Varadkar was living in a ‘Tory Boy’ bubble over the housing crisis.

Published December 14, 2019

PSNI interrogation over harassment video diary

rucpsni.jpg A Saoradh member has described a heavy-handed home invasion by British Crown Forces during which himself and his brother were detained and hauled off to Musgrave Interrogation Unit.

Published December 14, 2019

Gildernew holds seat for SF in FST; nationalists win majority of MPs

gildernew2019.jpg Sinn Fein’s Michelle Gildernew has retained her Fermanagh and South Tyrone seat by a narrow margin of 57 votes following a recount.

Published December 13, 2019

John Finucane achieves historic breakthrough in north Belfast

finucanewins.jpg John Finucane has taken the north Belfast Westminster seat from the DUP’s Nigel Dodds in a stunning victory for Sinn Féin and a historic election for nationalism in the north of Ireland.

Published December 13, 2019

Westminster exit poll points to big wins for Tories, SNP

boristhumbsup.jpg Polling stations have now closed in the Westminster general election and a major exit poll in Britain has predicted a large working majority for the Conservative Party and a landslide for the SNP in Scotland.

Published December 12, 2019

Turnout high in Brexit election

leaders2019.jpg Turnout is high so far in the Westminster general election in both the north of Ireland and in Britain, where pollsters have been predicting a very slim Tory majority in the House of Commons or a hung parliament following today’s vote.

Published December 12, 2019

DUP in distress

ulsterhalldup.jpg The north of Ireland appears set for an extended period of unionist protest after an event took place on Friday night at the Ulster Hall, the latest in a series of meetings organised by loyalists which have echoed with the word ‘betrayal’.

Published December 7, 2019

US vote backs Good Friday Agreement in Brexit deal

congresspeople.jpg The US House of Representatives has backed a resolution outlining support for the Good Friday Agreement as US support for Ireland in the face of Brexit continues to grow.

Published December 7, 2019

Sectarian attacks in north Belfast linked to DUP

sectariannorthbelfast.jpg A spate of sectarian attacks have taken place against Catholics due to move into a new social housing development in north Belfast. Windows were smashed and a flag was hung from a drainpipe at a property in the loyalist Ballysillan area, one of three recent attacks.

Published December 7, 2019

CIRA claims Belfast attack

militarygrenade.jpg The Continuity IRA has claimed responsibility for a grenade attack on the PSNI in west Belfast last Wednesday.

Published December 7, 2019

Housing failure undermining government - FG TD

homelessboy.jpg Eoghan Murphy has started a rot which is spreading through the government, according to one of his colleagues, after the Minister for Housing narrowly survived a motion of no confidence.

Published December 7, 2019

Dublin govt urged to support Irish citizenship rights

desouzaoir.jpg A Derry woman who is challenging restrictions on her right to legally identify as Irish has called for Dublin to support efforts to uphold the rights of nationalists under the Good Friday Agreement.

Published December 7, 2019

Republicans come together for unity

unitymarchlifford.jpg Thousands of people took to the streets of County Donegal and County Tyrone last weekend to demand a united Ireland.

Published November 30, 2019

By-election victory may mark turnaround for Sinn Féin

wardelected.jpg Sinn Féin’s candidate Mark Ward has been elected to the Dáil following a poll-topping result in the Dublin Mid-West by-election which could represent a change in fortunes for the party following the setback of the local elections in the 26 Counties.

Published November 30, 2019

Finucane rises above ‘gutter politics’

finucanedetermined.jpg Representatives of the unionist paramilitary UDA have openly called for a vote for the DUP to ensure “no abstentionist MPs [Sinn Féin] are elected, nor their cohorts in the SDLP”.

Published November 30, 2019

Conviction overturned on faulty DNA evidence

kevinmclaughlin.jpg A west Belfast man has won his appeal against a conviction on arms charges over flawed forensic evidence. Judges directed that Ballymurphy man Kevin McLaughlin should be freed immediately.

Published November 30, 2019


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