[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Fine Gael to organise in North, work for ‘inclusive’ reunification

varadkaronline.jpg There has been a cautious welcome among nationalists and republicans to a speech by Fine Gael leader and Tánaiste Leo Varadkar in which he said Irish unification should be part of his party’s mission.

Published June 19, 2021

Angry loyalists threaten Dublin

newtownardsprotest.jpg Loyalist paramilitaries have issued a veiled threat to the Dublin government that its Ministers “are no longer welcome” in the north of Ireland.

Published June 19, 2021

Ireland plays key role for British military

raftyphoon.jpg A secret defence pact with London has allowed British RAF fighter jets to operate with complete freedom in sovereign Irish airspace, it has emerged.

Published June 19, 2021

PSNI forced to cancel PR events

psnibikes.jpg A 13-year-old girl was struck with a bicycle by a PSNI man as republican activists confronted the British police force at a recent publicity event in south Armagh.

Published June 19, 2021

DUP MPs off the leash

paisleyvanmorrisonwilsonsausages.jpg The bizarre antics of two of its MPs has provided further evidence of the disarray within the DUP.

Published June 19, 2021

Poots quits in DUP meltdown

pootsout.jpg Edwin Poots has said he will stand down as the leader of the DUP following an internal party revolt against him. He was ratified as party leader less than three weeks ago.

Published June 17, 2021

DUP in crisis over deal to support Irish language


The North of Ireland has a new First Minister, although with no increase in political stability, after DUP leader Edwin Poots defied his own party to go ahead with nominating colleague Paul Givan as First Minister this afternoon.

Published June 17, 2021

‘Historic night’ after Britain commits to Irish language act

achtnagaeilge.jpg Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has expressed delight early this Thursday morning after receiving a commitment from the British government to legislate for Irish language protections.

Published June 17, 2021

Loyalists march as ‘sausage war’ looms

maskedmarch.jpg Scores of masked paramilitaries took part in illegal loyalist parades this week ahead of a key Brexit deadline for EU safety checks on goods traded from Britain into the north of Ireland.

Published June 12, 2021

Biden backs Ireland to insist Johnson honours Protocol

johnsonbiden.jpg US President Joe Biden has made a dramatic intervention in the Brexit dispute as one EU official accused the British government of acting as a “coloniser” against Ireland and its place in the EU.

Published June 12, 2021

Showdown expected over installation of new DUP First Minister

paulgivanband.jpg Irish language activists are piling pressure on Sinn Féin not to proceed with the confirmation of the DUP nominee for First Minister, Paul Givan, until an unstoppable process is set in train for legislation to protect the rights of Irish speakers.

Published June 12, 2021

Lewis announces unionist ‘envoy to USA’

ringland.jpg The British appointment of a minor unionist celebrity as “Northern Ireland’s special envoy to the United States” is the latest evidence that the London government is determined to flout the Good Friday Agreement, and to cause maximum offence in doing so.

Published June 12, 2021

Attacker walks free after sectarian hate crime charge dropped

morgans.jpg The wife of a Catholic building contractor brutally assaulted in County Down two years ago said his family are fearful of going into the town after his attacker escaped jail.

Published June 12, 2021

Mural for teenage victim of British gunman

barrettmural.jpg A mural has been erected in north Belfast ahead of the 40th anniversary of the killing of a schoolboy by a British soldier.

Published June 12, 2021

A royal insult

hillsboroughcrown.jpg A decision by the London government to rechristen a village in County Down in honour of the English royal family is the newest British humiliation to be directed at the nationalist people of occupied Ireland.

Published June 5, 2021

‘Retraumatising’ police behaviour over Glengannon attack

christycummings.jpg The son of a loyalist paramilitary shooting victim is set to mount a High Court challenge against the PSNI police over its failure to return his father’s clothes for an extraordinary 23 years after the massacre bid.

Published June 5, 2021

Shocking persecution of ‘registered’ republican

stopandsearch21.jpg A republican activist from Derry suffered two invasive searches of his vehicle and was dragged away from his hotel to a Crown Force barracks as a night away with his wife was wrecked by British state harassment this week.

Published June 5, 2021

Eddie Fullerton recalled as proud activist

fullertonleinsterhouse.jpg On the 30th anniversary of his death, Sinn Féin has called for an independent public inquiry into the killing of party councillor Eddie Fullerton in County Donegal, in 1991.

Published June 5, 2021

Republican prisoners demand vaccines

vaccinedemo.jpg A protest took place in Dublin on Monday to protest against the refusal by the 26 County authorities to provide Covid-19 vaccines to republican political prisoners in Portlaoise.

Published June 5, 2021

South Dublin facing a referendum on housing

housesdublin.jpg An upcoming by-election in Dublin is set to be dominated by the escalating cost and scarcity of housing in the city.

Published June 5, 2021


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