[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Ahern sits on Dublin-Monaghan report

The Irish Prime Minister, An Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, has received the long-awaited report by Justice Barron into the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings which killed 33 people, but has refused to make it public.

Published October 29, 2003

The Nature of Unionism

BILL DELANEY puts Tuesday's events into the context of unionism's dark past and uncertain future.

Published October 27, 2003

Christian Brothers clash with abuse victims

One of Ireland's biggest religious orders clashed today with an organisation representing victims of child abuse after denying it has been responsible for widespread abuse.

Published October 27, 2003

Protestors force Bolivian President into exile

Bolivia's neo-liberal political parties have regained control of the South American country's Congress after a general strike put an end to the government of President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada. The parties agreed to formalise Sanchez de Lozada's resignation, his exile to Miami and the election of Vice President Carlos Mesa as the country's new president.

Published October 27, 2003

Deal hopes fade

Trimble prepares election broadcast

As election concerns move to the fore, hopes that the peace process can be put back on track in the short term are fading.

Published October 27, 2003

Interview with Gerry Adams

The following is the transcript of an interview on Irish television on Sunday with Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams.

Published October 27, 2003

PSNI watch as Loyalists tear down posters

Sinn Féin East Antrim Assembly candidate Oliver McMullen has accused the PSNI police of standing by as known Loyalists tore down Sinn Féin election posters in Glenarm.

Published October 27, 2003

UUP election candidate attended racist meetings

An Ulster Unionist Assembly candidate attended meetings of the British white supremacist organisation the National Front, it has emerged.

Published October 27, 2003

De Chastelain could resign over confidentiality

A spokesman for Gen de Chastelain's Independent International Commission on Decommissioning confirmed the general and his fellow commissioners would resign if forced to reveal the extent of IRA arms moves without its agreement.

Published October 24, 2003

Trimble raises the bar

Talks to revive a deal for the full implementation of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement have suffered a fresh blow after Ulster Unionist leader, David Trimble, yesterday resurrected an old pre-condition on his support for a return of the North's local power-sharing institutions.

Published October 24, 2003

Informer's account dismissed as ``pure fantasy''

The claims of the informer Paddy Ward, who has been giving evidence to the Saville Inquiry, have been dismissed by Martin McGuinness as ``pure fantasy''.

Published October 24, 2003

IRA apology for lost remains

The IRA apologised today to the families of the ``disappeared''.

Published October 24, 2003

LVF drugs ring `smashed'; UDA feud lingers on

The IRA apologised today to the families of the ``disappeared''.

It was confirmed on Monday that the remains found at Shelling Hill beach in County Louth were those of Jean McConville, who was killed by the IRA in 1972. Despite the IRA's efforts, the remains of six others who suffered a similar fate have never been recovered.

The IRA said it was sorry for the grief caused to family members for so long. It also insisted it had re-examined all available information and even revisited burial sites, in an attempt to find remains.

The IRA said it had acted in good faith and would continue to do so. The statement said: ``Our intention in initiating our investigation has been to rectify this injustice, for which we accept full responsibility.

``During the course of all of these searches we have continued to process all information that might assist in any way. So far the remains of four people have been recovered. We will do all that we can to bring closure for the other families.

``If further information comes to light we will assess and process that information,'' the IRA said.

Published October 24, 2003

Spin, hype and hope

When journalists and photographers wake up to a 7am announcement of an election date, there can be no denying the palpable buzz of excitement this creates. And when this happened on Tuesday and more of the day's events began to unfold, it did indeed look as though front pages the following day would read along the lines of `Historic Tuesday for the North'.

Published October 24, 2003

US representatives express regret at Trimble's actions

In a statement issued following the breakdown of the progress towards agreement on Tuesday, US Senator Chris Dodd expressed regret at the actions of David Trimble and urged that the elections proceed as scheduled. He said:

Published October 24, 2003

Republicans deliver

On Tuesday, republicans - both Sinn Féin and the IRA - delivered on their side of the agreed sequence of events involving unionists, republicans and the two governments.

Published October 24, 2003

Trimble raises the bar

Talks to revive a deal for the full implementation of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement have suffered a fresh blow after Ulster Unionist leader, David Trimble, yesterday resurrected an old pre-condition on his support for a return of the North's local power-sharing institutions.

Published October 24, 2003

On election footing

At last, Assembly elections have finally been called.

Published October 22, 2003

Craigavon racists put Mosque in doubt

Despite winning planning permission, Muslims in Craigavon have delayed building the first mosque in the Six Counties amid increased racist attacks in the town.

Published October 22, 2003

`Dissident loyalists' blamed for attacks on warders

Two separate petrol bomb attacks on prison officers' homes have benn blamed on unionist paramilitaries.

Published October 22, 2003


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