PSNI watch as Loyalists tear down posters
PSNI watch as Loyalists tear down posters

Sinn Féin East Antrim Assembly candidate Oliver McMullen has accused the PSNI police of standing by as known Loyalists tore down Sinn Féin election posters in Glenarm.

The posters were taken down this weekend in Glenarm by known loyalists yards, from a PSNI barracks.

``The active intervention of known Loyalists in the Assembly election is a matter of concern, particularly given the history of Loyalist violence throughout East Antrim, said Councillor McMullen.

``The fact that PSNI members in a barracks just yards from where some of these posters were torn down is also very worrying.

``Throughout this area the tacit refusal of the PSNI or the RUC before them to challenge Loyalist violence and intimidation has made the situation very difficult for nationalists and republicans.

``I would urge leaders within political and paramilitary unionism as well as community and church leaders to ensure that we do not have an escalation of this type of intimidation.''

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