[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Ulster Workers Council strike of 1974

Thirty years ago, British military forces acted in line with loyalist politicians and paramilitaries and helped to sabotage a political process.

Published May 24, 2004


Republican prisoners at Portlaoise Prison are planning to begin a ‘dirty protest’ for political status within the next two weeks. Meanwhile, protest plans are underway at Maghaberry jail in the North following a reported sexual assault.

Published May 24, 2004

Anger grows over impending Bush summit

The Dublin government is coming under pressure from opposition parties to cancel the planned visit by US President George W Bush to Ireland next month. Mr Bush is due to participate in a summit in Ireland on June 25-26.

Published May 21, 2004

Bombings inquest concludes

The inquest into the Dublin and Monaghan bombings has concluded with relatives of the victims calling again for a public inquiry just over 30 years since the blasts.

Published May 21, 2004

When friends die in distant places

Last month long time denizen of the Irish Echo, Jack Holland, wrote an article about the difficulty faced by some former republican prisoners who have tried to carve out a new life for themselves and their families in the United States.

Published May 21, 2004


The British government tried to pressurise Britain’s top police officer in a bid to halt a public inquiry into the assassination of Belfast defence lawyer Pat Finucane, it emerged in court today.

Published May 21, 2004

Loyalist threats against Sinn Féin men

Sinn Féin last night said a further three members of its party had received threats from loyalist paramilitaries.

Published May 21, 2004

US Congressman shocked by citizenship referendum

Former US congressman Mr Bruce Morrison has said Ireland is handing over to Britain the right to determine who can or cannot become an Irish citizen.

Published May 21, 2004

McDowell, Adams clash again

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams and Dublin’s Minister for Justice have again clashed in advance of the local and European elections in the 26 Counties next month.

Published May 19, 2004

Bush’s Gift to the World

The admission by military intelligence officers to the International Committee of the Red Cross that between 70% and 90% of the prisoners they had taken had no involvement in the attacks on US forces and were arrested ‘by mistake’, speaks volumes about the real nature of the conflict in Iraq.

Published May 19, 2004

Dublin appeals over Colombia 3

The Irish Prime Minister, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has sent a personal message to the Colombian president calling for three Irishmen to be allowed home from Colombia.

Published May 19, 2004

Dublin to impeach Judge

The Dublin government has started unprecedented impeachment proceedings against Judge Brian Curtin whose trial on charges of downloading child pornography collapsed on a technicality last month.

Published May 19, 2004

Efforts increase for quiet marching season

The British government has announced plans for new talks with a body that includes unionist paramilitaries in a bid to prevent a summer of violence.

Published May 19, 2004

Sinn Féin critique of IMC

The following is Sinn Féin’s case against the Independent Monitoring Commission (sanctions body) according to a statement from the party today.

Published May 19, 2004


Another murderous unionist paramilitary feud seems possible after a 34-year-old man was shot dead in east Belfast yesterday morning.

Published May 19, 2004

Sinn Féin mount legal challenge against IMC sanctions

Another murderous unionist paramilitary feud seems possible after a 34-year-old man was shot dead in east Belfast yesterday morning.

The Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) gunned down Brian Stewart, of the breakway Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF) as he sat in his car in an industrial estate.

They fired about five shots at him at close range. He died at the scene.

Sources close to the LVF last night said that Mr Stewart was not a high-ranking member of the LVF although other loyalist sources described him as an “LVF commander”. ind who did this.”

Tensions between the UVF and LVF have been constant since Mid-Ulster UVF leader Billy Wright was stood down by the organisation in 1996 and formed the LVF. They regularly flared in serious blood-letting.

This latest incident follows from a number of recent shootings in Belfast and reports that a number of UVF members had been warned by the police that they were under threat from the LVF.

The murder was also linked to serious violence which erupted during the Irish Cup final at Windsor Park earlier this month.

Yesterday’s murder was the third in six months linked to the UVF.

There are fears that the UVF is abandoning a potential political direction following a poor performance in November’s Assembly election by its associated political party, the Progressive Unionist Party (PUP). Financial sanctions recently imposed on the PUP by the Independent Monitoring Commission recently also infuriated the party, which has declined to comment on the murder.

Tensions between the LVF and the two larger loyalist paramilitary groups, the UVF and UDA, had reportedly been simmering in recent months. The LVF has previously been associated with the breakaway UDA grouping associated with Belfast maverick Johnny ‘Mad Dog’ Adair. That group was largely forced into exile by a UDA purge on the Shankill Road last year.

Sinn Féin councillor Joe O’Donnell said nationalists and unionists living in east Belfast would be concerned by yesterday’s murder.

“People in east Belfast generally will be nervous that this killing will mark the beginning of yet another period of internecine loyalist feuding,” he said.

“Nationalists in the area will be concerned that this sort of internal loyalist feuding will eventually lead to attacks on the local nationalist population, particularly as we approach the summer marching season.”

* Unionists have been blamed for a number of stoning attacks on Catholic homes in Portadown, Co Armagh yesterday.

A group congregating near a loyalist bonfire at Edgarstown, close to the so-called ‘peaceline’ in the town, had targeted Catholic homes in the nationalist ‘Tunnel’ district.

John O’Dowd said he believed that “sinister forces” were to blame for incidents in the Obins Drive and Obins Avenue area and were attempting to increase tensions.

Published May 19, 2004

Politics in Command

Is the issue of Irish national sovereignty relevant at the beginning of the 21st century?

Published May 17, 2004

Campaign against ‘racist’ referendum builds

A press conference on Sunday organised by the Campaign Against the Racist Referendum warned that the controversial citizenship referendum in the 26 Counties could make Article 2 of the Irish constitution, which people voted for in 1998 under the Good Friday Agreement, completely redundant.

Published May 17, 2004

Nominations close in election race

Forty-four candidates are contesting next month’s European Parliament elections in the 26 Counties. Nominations closed at noon for the June 11 poll for the 13 seats, two fewer than in 1999 due to constituency changes.

Published May 17, 2004

Bombed and abandoned

An extract from ‘Bombed and Abandoned - The experience of the bereaved and maimed of the Dublin and Monaghan Bombings’, by Don Mullan.

Published May 17, 2004


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