[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Non-jury court exposed by wrongful convictions

olearyscc.jpg A Dublin man has called for an end to the Special Criminal Court after describing his ordeal of being falsely jailed for IRA membership as “horrific”.

Published February 24, 2022

Too early to talk of Stormont alternative - O’Neill

oneillsky.jpg Sinn Féin’s Michelle O’Neill has said the days of democracy in the north of Ireland “on the terms of unionism alone” are over as speculation persists that the DUP will block a return of power-sharing if Sinn Féin becomes the largest party in May’s election to the Stormont Assembly.

Published February 24, 2022

Unionist politicians bicker as election looms

allisterwilson.jpg Loyalist preparations for the Stormont election have been hampered by public infighting and a lack of interest in their protests against Brexit-related port checks.

Published February 24, 2022

GAA caught up in ‘good and bad’ memorials row

clonoememorial.jpg Unionists stand accused of hypocrisy after they criticised a memorial at a Gaelic sports club to former members of the club who died as IRA Volunteers in the line of duty.

Published February 24, 2022

Miscarriage of justice journalist targeted by police

birminghamsix.jpg English journalist Chris Mullin, who exposed the Birmingham Six miscarriage of justice, has accused police there of going “for the guy who blew the whistle” after they sought a court order requiring him to reveal his sources.

Published February 24, 2022

US call for end to amnesty plan

lantos.jpg With evidence piling up of systematic collusion by the British Crown Forces in the murders of more than a thousand innocent Irish civilians, US political leaders have vowed to help stop London passing a blanket amnesty.

Published February 17, 2022

Unionists see new hope for a hard border

dromoreorange.jpg Tory extremists and unionists are exploiting the weakness of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson as “a renewed opportunity” to push for a hard Brexit and a remilitarisation of the border through Ireland, according to reports.

Published February 17, 2022

Sinn Féin’s royal outreach divides nationalists

royalsbox.jpg A statement by Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald congratulating Queen Elizabeth on a “lifetime of service” has renewed a controversy over the party’s relationship with the English royal family.

Published February 17, 2022

‘Vindictive’ convictions overturned

maguirehardy.jpg Two former republican prisoners have had false convictions against them quashed by the Spanish Supreme Court.

Published February 17, 2022

Family calls for British army apology over killing

hayesfamily.jpg The family of a Catholic man killed by the British Army in north Belfast almost 50 years ago has renewed its call for an apology.

Published February 17, 2022

Petition calls on PSNI to release files on Noah Donohoe

noahmissing.jpg Fiona Donohoe, whose young son was found dead in a loyalist area of north Belfast two years ago, has launched a petition to the PSNI Chief Simon Byrne to release four secret files on the case.

Published February 17, 2022

Systematic collusion now undeniable

ormeauroad30.jpg The publication of a detailed report on the extensive collusion between RUC police and loyalist death squads in south Belfast in the 1990s could mark a turning point in the campaign for truth and justice in the north of Ireland.

Published February 10, 2022

Anger grows at impunity and cover-up

toibinmurphy.jpg Pressure is mounting to stop British plans for an amnesty and to ensure full accountability for its forces’ actions.

Published February 10, 2022

DUP met with murder gangs before collapsing Stormont

loyalists.jpg DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson met with a loyalist paramilitary umbrella group just days before he moved to end power-sharing at Stormont, raising fears that crime gangs continue to wield significant influence with his party.

Published February 10, 2022

PSNI handcuff 13-year-old in latest harassment outrage

handcuffedkid.jpg The father of a 13-year-old schoolboy handcuffed during a stop-and-search by the PSNI says his son has been left shaken and distressed.

Published February 10, 2022

Welcome as Glasnevin’s ‘wall of shame’ is taken down

glasnevinwall2.jpg An infamous memorial in Dublin which commemorated members of the British forces who died trying to defeat Irish independence is to be taken down.

Published February 10, 2022

Tension at Maghaberry as jailers maintain Covid lockdown

prisonerscovid.jpg With Covid restrictions being removed and a sense of normality returning, republican prisoners at Maghaberry jail have called for prison visits to be reinstated to the same format as they were.

Published February 10, 2022

DUP First Minister Paul Givan resigns

givanresigns.jpg The DUP’s Paul Givan has resigned as First Minister of the north of Ireland with effect from midnight tonight, putting a question mark over a scheduled election in which his party was expected to poll badly.

Published February 3, 2022

‘We will see them in the dock’

mcaliskeysunday.jpg Several thousand people marched behind the slogan, ‘There is no British Justice’ as the campaign for those killed and injured by the British Parachute Regiment in Derry on Bloody Sunday marked its 50th year.

Published February 3, 2022

Fresh impetus to Bloody Sunday justice push

bloodysundaymarch22.jpg There was a new display of unity in Derry on Sunday as different campaigns aligned to call for justice for the families of the peaceful protesters killed by British soldiers on Bloody Sunday.

Published February 3, 2022


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