[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Executive seeks to boost Six-County economy

The North’s first programme for government aimed at boosting investment and employment was overshadowed this week by the announcement that over 900 jobs have been lost in a County Derry plant closure.

Published November 1, 2007

US bid to bring down ‘peace lines’

A key American behind-the-scenes player in the Irish peace process visited Belfast in recent days in a bid to encourage what once were warring communities to come together.

Published November 1, 2007

New UDA coercion threat

Senior members of the unionist paramilitary UDA have made a thinly-veiled threat to return to full-scale violence following a decision by the Belfast Executive to halt funding for a UDA-linked 'peace' group'.

Published October 24, 2007

Billy Hutchinson arrested over Devlin killing

A leading unionist politician is among seven members of the unionist paramilitary UVF who have been arrested by the PSNI investigating the brutal sectarian murder of a Catholic child two years ago.

Published October 24, 2007

Adams denies Provisionals to blame for death

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has denied his movement had any involvement in the murder of a 21-year-old County Armagh man.

Published October 24, 2007

McAliskey testifies in daughter's extradition case

Former MP Bernadette McAliskey told a court yesterday that she could never see her daughter Roisin allowing herself to be extradited to Germany to stand trial for an alleged IRA attack on a British Army base in 1996.

Published October 24, 2007

Queen, Pope to mark peace with Irish trips

Dublin officials are on standby to prepare for a historic visit by the English Queen sometime next year, it has been confirmed.

Published October 24, 2007

‘Irish language rights will not be stifled’ - Adams

The British government is under pressure to intervene after a minister in the Six-County executive ruled out plans to introduce an Irish language bill in the Belfast Assembly.

Published October 17, 2007

CIRA vows to maintain struggle

Republican hardliners in County Armagh have vowed to continue their armed campaign in the area despite a massive PSNI/MI5 operation in the Craigavon area on Thursday.

Published October 17, 2007

Cameras show PSNI allowed Catholics to be attacked

The Police Ombudsman’s office is to investigate a murderous mob attack on three young Catholic men in Portadown town centre last week which mirrored the controversial murder of Robert Hamill in the town ten years ago.

Published October 17, 2007

Dublin ‘Love Ulster’ rally called off

Organisers of last year’s attempted ‘Love Ulster’ rally have withdrawn their request to hold another rally in Dublin after a meeting with the 26-County government.

Published October 17, 2007

Europe takes action as new Tara monument uncovered

The European Commission has begun legal action against the 26-County government over the continuing construction of the M3 motorway through the Tara Valley.

Published October 17, 2007

MI5 take over North ‘security’

MI5 -- British military intelligence -- has taken charge of all British security interests in the North of Ireland for the first time, it was revealed today.

Published October 12, 2007

Death threat over UDA funds

The North’s Social Development minister Margaret Ritchie has received a death threat days before she was due to withdraw government funding for a group linked to the unionist paramilitary UDA.

Published October 10, 2007

Unionists attack Irish language

An extraordinary unionist attempt to ban the use of the Irish language at the Belfast Assembly has been defeated.

Published October 10, 2007

INLA outs informer

A man who worked as an informer within the Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) has been uncovered within the ranks of the republican socialist movement in Derry.

Published October 10, 2007

Sectarian attack mirrors Hamill killing

Community representatives have condemned the PSNI for failing to intervene during a sectarian attack on two Catholic men in Portadown, County Armagh.

Published October 10, 2007

Peace hopes fade in the Basque Country

A top member of banned Basque political party Batasuna has said the arrest and detention of most of the party’s leadership is a declaration of war by the Madrid government.

Published October 10, 2007

Children under attack in north Belfast

Residents at a north Belfast interface say they are being forced to run a gauntlet of sectarian violence every time they leave their homes.

Published October 3, 2007

Progress seen in Tara campaign

A decision by 26-County Environment Minister John Gormley to place a preservation order on an ancient fort has been hailed as a potential breakthrough in the campaign to save the historic Tara Valley from a motorway development.

Published October 3, 2007


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