[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Tear down the walls, urges Bloomberg

A high profile US-Northern Ireland investment conference has been taking place in Belfast this afternoon [Thursday].

Published May 8, 2008

US still holds H-Block escaper

H-Block escapee Pol Brennan will remain in a Texas jail for several more weeks, and possibly months, after an immigration judge denied him bail.

Published May 8, 2008

Real IRA convictions quashed

The Court of Criminal Appeal in Dublin has quashed the convictions by the non-jury Special Criminal Court of five Munster men on charges of membership of the Real IRA.

Published May 8, 2008

Cowen elected Taoiseach, names Cabinet

The newly elected Taoiseach Brian Cowen has appointed Mary Coughlan as his Tanaiste [Deputy Prime Minister] in his new Cabinet announced this evening in Dublin.

Published May 7, 2008

New victim support group

A new victims support group has been set up this week by the father of a Protestant collusion victim and a Catholic priest.

Published May 2, 2008

IRA not involved in Quinn murder - IMC

A government-appointed commission which monitors the conflict in the north of Ireland has concluded that the Provisional IRA was not involved in the death of south Armagh man Paul Quinn.

Published May 2, 2008

PSNI goes easy on UDA feud

Charges have been dropped against all 18 unionist paramilitaries arrested in relation to UDA violence in Carrickfergus, County Antrim, despite renewed feuding in the town.

Published May 2, 2008

Shell rejects residents’ proposal on gas terminal

Shell Oil has rejected a proposal by County Mayo residents that it should move its gas refinery to a coastal, rather than offshore, location.

Published May 2, 2008

Spy equipment ‘removed in raid’

The PSNI have been accused of using the search of the home of leading republican hardliner Gary Donnelly as a cover to remove sophisticated electronic equipment

Published May 2, 2008

Parades Commission to be scrapped - reports

Plans to replace the North’s Parades Commission have been described as “absolute madness” by nationalist

Published April 25, 2008

Justice group sues over Dublin’s secrets

Victims of the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings said this week they are suing the Dublin government because it has failed to release part of an investigation into the single most devastating attack in the history of the conflict.

Published April 25, 2008

Orange Order singled out for compensation

A new British government scheme offering financial compensation for attacks on Orange Halls has been described as sectarian.

Published April 25, 2008

Protests as departing Paisley attends Cork reception

Three men were arrested during a republican protest objecting to Ian Paisley’s attendance at a civic event in Cobh, County Cork.

Published April 25, 2008

National treasures under the hammer

Sinn Féin has condemned the sale of historical artefacts relating to the 1916 Rising and the War of Independence at an auction in Dublin.

Published April 25, 2008

Hopes for justice as Nelson Inquiry opens

The head of British military intelligence in Ireland is among a string of top spooks to have been questioned by the inquiry into the murder of human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson, it has been revealed.

Published April 18, 2008

Spotlight on sectarianism

A BBC television documentary has shown footage of their crew being attacked and intimidated in the village of Stoneyford as they were filming a programme about sectarianism.

Published April 18, 2008

Police Ombudsman complains of workload

The new Police Ombudsman Al Hutchinson has warned that his office is in danger of reaching a “tipping point” because of its heavy workload.

Published April 18, 2008

Welcome for equality-based US investment

A $150m investment package is being provided to the Six Counties from New York and will be subject to the MacBride equality principles.

Published April 18, 2008

Surge of support for Scottish independence

For the first time, independence has taken a lead in an opinion poll on Scotland’s constitutional future.

Published April 18, 2008

Peter Robinson to be next First Minister

The DUP has elected Peter Robinson to succeed Ian Paisley as its new leader and First Minister in the northern Executive.

Published April 14, 2008


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