The Green Party is facing a mounting internal revolt over its
participation with Fianna Fail in the crisis-hit Dublin coalition
Published January 23, 2009

A victims’ campaigner has said he will sue PSNI Chief Hugh Orde after
his personal details were passed on to unionist paramilitaries by a
computer operator who was working for the PSNI.
Published January 23, 2009

A claim that the IRA executed a South Armagh man for working as an
informer in 1979 has been denied by local MP, Sinn Féin’s Conor Murphy.
Published January 23, 2009

Part of the centre of Portadown was sealed off on Thursday night to
allow the family of Robert Hamill, as well as members of a public
inquiry investigating his murder, to view the area where he was fatally
beaten by a loyalist gan
Published January 16, 2009

The Dublin government has been forced to nationalise Anglo-Irish Bank
because of a scandal over concealed debt and the serious erosion of
confidence in the bank as a result, Taoiseach Brian Cowen admitted
today [Friday].
Published January 16, 2009

Thousands have demonstrated in Ireland against the continuing Israeli
invasion of Gaza amid mounting calls for the Israeli ambassador to be
expelled and economic sanctions against Israel.
Published January 16, 2009

PSNI chief Hugh Orde is to be asked to provide the
information which led to Danny Morrison’s conviction for kidnapping
being quashed.
Published January 16, 2009

Sinn Féin have announced plans to commemorate the 90th anniversary of
the first Irish parliament.
Published January 16, 2009

Pat Doherty is to stand down as Sinn Féin Vice President after over
twenty years in that office.
Published January 9, 2009

An Omagh teenager has recorded on his mobile phone an attempt by the
PSNI police to persuade him to become an informer.
Published January 9, 2009

The DUP has interpreted comments by Gerry Adams as an admission that
the hope of a united Ireland by 2016 has been abandoned.
Published January 9, 2009

After a decade of delays and deliberate procrastination, public
hearings in the inquiry into the 1997 murder of Robert Hamill are to
begin in Belfast next Tuesday.
Published January 9, 2009

Ireland is to officially recognise the Great Hunger - more than 160
years after British colonial policies coupled with the collapse of the
critical potato harvest resulted in the death or emigration of some two
million people.
Published January 9, 2009
The Dublin government and all of the political parties in the 26
Counties have condemned Israel’s invasion of Gaza and have backed
calls for a ceasefire in the region.
Published January 4, 2009

The summary imprisonment of Belfast man Terry McCafferty on the eve of
Christmas is being viewed by republican activists as a vindictive
reprisal for the release of the ‘Derry 4’, whose trial collapsed in
Dublin just days before.
Published January 2, 2009

Campaigns to lobby for a united Ireland could tap into the huge Irish
populations living in the US and in Britain, Sinn Féin President Gerry
Adams has said.
Published January 2, 2009

A bomb discovered on Christmas Eve close to an Armagh Gaelic club could
have been picked up by children who regularly use the area.
Published January 2, 2009

The President of Republican Sinn Féin, Ruairi O Bradaigh, has rejected
a claim that the IRA sought peace talks with the British government in
early 1978.
Published January 2, 2009

Independent TD Tony Gregory died today [Friday] at the age of 61 after
a long illness.
Published January 2, 2009
Ireland has joined a wave of international anger and revulsion at the
saturation bombing by Israel of the Palestinian-ruled Gaza Strip in
the middle East this week.
Published December 29, 2008
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