[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Dublin supports Ballymurphy appeal

ballymurphybanner.jpg The Dublin government is to raise the case of 11 people shot dead in Ballymurphy by the British Army in 1971 with British Direct Ruler Shaun Woodward.

Published February 6, 2009

EU to spend millions on pro-Lisbon campaign

lisboncover.jpg The European Commission is spending 1.8 million Euro on a blatant propoganda campaign in a bid to win a second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.

Published February 6, 2009

Fresh appeal to save ‘Ireland’s Alamo’

16moorest.jpg A great grandson of a 1916 Easter Rising leader has made an appeal for help in a bid to safeguard a Dublin city centre building that played a key role in the rebellion.

Published February 6, 2009

Workers seize plant as Waterford Crystal ordered shut

Hundreds of workers were occupying Ireland’s world-famous Waterford Crystal factory tonight after being told by text message they were losing their jobs.

Published January 30, 2009

Long Kesh stadium proposal abandoned

kesh.jpg Plans for a new international sports stadium at the site of the former prison at Long Kesh were finally axed yesterday.

Published January 30, 2009

‘Partitionism’ a form of sectarianism - McGuinness

mcguinness.jpg Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness has hit out at the Dublin government for describing cross-border shoppers as “unpatriotic”.

Published January 30, 2009

PSNI raids in north Belfast

psniriot.jpg The PSNI police mounted raids in Ardoyne on Tuesday against an anti-drugs group which they say is linked to republican militants.

Published January 30, 2009

Release McCafferty call

maccionnaith.jpg eirigi spokesperson Breandan Mac Cionnaith has called for the immediate release of Belfast republican Terry McCafferty, who is currently languishing in a prison in the North.

Published January 30, 2009

Bloody Sunday march to protest delays

bloodysundaycommem.jpg This year’s Bloody Sunday Commemorative March in Derry will stop in William Street - where the original march was stopped on its way to the Guildhall before it was fired upon by British soldiers, killing 14 civilians.

Published January 30, 2009

‘Truth panel’ provokes unionist anger

There were angry clashes in Belfast today before the publication of an official report for the British government on dealing with issues of truth and reconciliation in the North.

Published January 28, 2009

Flanagan, MI5 deny culpability

flanagan.jpg Former RUC police chief Ronnie Flanagan has denied any knowledge of Special Branch surveillance of prominent human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson prior to her assassination in 1999.

Published January 23, 2009

Campbell extradition bid

arms.jpg Dundalk man Liam Campbell is the subject of an attempt to extradite him to Lithuania following his arrest this week.

Published January 23, 2009

Turmoil for Greens as economic crisis mounts

greenparty.jpg The Green Party is facing a mounting internal revolt over its participation with Fianna Fail in the crisis-hit Dublin coalition government.

Published January 23, 2009

PSNI technician found guilty in UVF plot

psniuvf.jpg A victims’ campaigner has said he will sue PSNI Chief Hugh Orde after his personal details were passed on to unionist paramilitaries by a computer operator who was working for the PSNI.

Published January 23, 2009

‘Disappeared’ claim denied

gerardevans.jpg A claim that the IRA executed a South Armagh man for working as an informer in 1979 has been denied by local MP, Sinn Féin’s Conor Murphy.

Published January 23, 2009

Closer to justice for Robert Hamill

hamillfamily.jpg Part of the centre of Portadown was sealed off on Thursday night to allow the family of Robert Hamill, as well as members of a public inquiry investigating his murder, to view the area where he was fatally beaten by a loyalist gan

Published January 16, 2009

Anglo-Irish Bank: Ireland’s Enron

anglo.jpg The Dublin government has been forced to nationalise Anglo-Irish Bank because of a scandal over concealed debt and the serious erosion of confidence in the bank as a result, Taoiseach Brian Cowen admitted today [Friday].

Published January 16, 2009

Gaza protests continue

gazaprotest.jpg Thousands have demonstrated in Ireland against the continuing Israeli invasion of Gaza amid mounting calls for the Israeli ambassador to be expelled and economic sanctions against Israel.

Published January 16, 2009

Courts hear appeals for informer records

dannymorrison.jpg PSNI chief Hugh Orde is to be asked to provide the information which led to Danny Morrison’s conviction for kidnapping being quashed.

Published January 16, 2009

First Dail to be remembered

firstdail.jpg Sinn Féin have announced plans to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the first Irish parliament.

Published January 16, 2009


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