[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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UVF kills again

bobbymoffett.jpg A cold-blooded murder by the UVF in broad daylight on the Shankill Road on Friday has challenged British propoganda about the loyalist paramilitary ceasefires.

Published May 31, 2010

Rocket strikes Derry PSNI base

strandroadpsni.jpg The PSNI have vowed to further increase their fortifications in the North after republican armed group Oglaigh na hEireann (ONH) launched a mortar rocket attack on a PSNI barracks in Derry in Friday.

Published May 31, 2010

PSNI ‘vetting’ dispute escalates

kevinkennedy.jpg Sinn Fein has warned the PSNI it may consider its levels of co-operation unless a row involving a former Catholic priest is resolved.

Published May 31, 2010

Inquest ordered by new Attorney General

francisbradley.jpg The North’s new Attorney General John Larkin has ordered that a new inquest be held into a controversial British army ‘shoot-to-kill’ case.

Published May 31, 2010

Outrage at welfare cuts

povertybegging.jpg Thousands of lone parents whose youngest child reaches 13 will no longer be able to claim one-parent family payments under a new Social Welfare bill that has been slammed as “harsh” and “heartless” by unions and opposition parties.

Published May 31, 2010

Loyalist paramilitary shot dead in Belfast

A senior loyalist paramilitary was shot dead at point blank range by masked gunmen this afternoon on the Shankill Road in Belfast.

Published May 28, 2010

Welcome for Sunday report publication date

freederrysunday.jpg Twelve years after the inquiry began, the Saville report into the Bloody Sunday massacre in Derry will finally be published on June 15.

Published May 27, 2010

End of hunger protest welcomed

liamhannaway.jpg Republican Liam Hannaway has ended his hunger strike at Maghaberry prison following intensive efforts to resolve his dispute with prison authorities.

Published May 27, 2010

Ruling paves way for shoot-to-kill inquest

shoottokillpics.jpg Official reports into British Crown force “shoot-to-kill” murders in the Six Counties should be released to the victims’ families, the High Court ruled today.

Published May 27, 2010

Demand for access to Maghaberry prisoners

colinduffy2.jpg The family of prominent County Armagh republican Colin Duffy have challenged a decision banning them from visiting him in jail.

Published May 27, 2010

‘Dysfunctional’ government behind child deaths fiasco

hse.jpg The failure of government health officials in the 26 Counties to ascertain the number of children who died in state care since 2000 is “genuinely frightening”, Amnesty International warned today.

Published May 27, 2010

McCausland abandons the pretence

nelsonmccausland.jpg The so-called ‘culture minister’ for the Six Counties, the DUP’s Nelson McCausland, has sent an extraordinary letter to museum chiefs in the North asking them to give more prominence to alternative views on the origin of the universe, Ulster-Scots and the Orange Order.

Published May 27, 2010

End Hannaway’s hunger strike

prisonersolitary.jpg There have been calls for urgent efforts to be made to save the life of a republican prisoner on hunger strike at Maghaberry prison.

Published May 25, 2010

‘Historic’ appointment of Attorney General

johnlarkin.jpg A Six-County Attorney General, John Larkin, was appointed today [Monday], the first to hold the post since 1973.

Published May 25, 2010

Tensions at sectarian interfaces, Ballymena march

peaceline2.jpg There have been outbreaks of trouble at so-called ‘peace lines’ tonight [Monday night] in both Derry and Belfast.

Published May 25, 2010

Unity calls cast a new light

robertsaulters.jpg The ‘Grand Master’ of the Orange Order has said a single unionist party is needed to prevent a united Ireland, while a leading member of the SDLP has withdrawn a surprise statement calling for a single nationalist party in the North.

Published May 25, 2010

Tory cuts inspire ‘Celtic’ alliance

salmondrobinsonmcguinness.jpg The threat of cuts imposed by the new Tory Prime Minister, David Cameron, has brought together the leaders of the devolved Assemblies in Belfast, Edinburgh and Cardiff.

Published May 25, 2010

No Rising centenary for North - DUP

2016.jpg The DUP ‘Minister for Culture’ in the Six Counties, Nelson McCausland has rejected a call by Taoiseach Brian Cowen for the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising to be commemorated both north and south of the border.

Published May 25, 2010

Paisley’s lies exposed

reaveypaisley.jpg A Historical Enquiries Team report into the British/loyalist multiple killing of three south Armagh brothers in 1976 has finally confirmed that the murders were purely sectarian.

Published May 20, 2010

Minister visits Maghaberry

davidford.jpg The Six-County Minister for Justice David Ford has made an official visit to Maghaberry as tensions continue to rise inside the high-security jail.

Published May 20, 2010


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