[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Cowen shamed

cowendrinking.jpg The 26 County Taoiseach Brian Cowen has been forced to apologise for a Tuesday morning radio interview that embarrassed his Fianna Fail party and generated widespread negative international commentary.

Published September 16, 2010

UVF murder OK - IMC

bobbymoffett.jpg British military intelligence has said no sanctions should be placed on the UVF despite the unionist paramilitary group murdering a man while supposedly on “ceasefire”.

Published September 16, 2010

No surprises in Wright collusion inquiry

hblocks.jpg Incompetence by prison warders and not state collusion created conditions which led to the killing of Billy Wright, the inquiry into his murder has found.

Published September 16, 2010

Intentions of armed groups in media focus

riraeaster.jpg A number of hidden cameras found in trees overlooking the headquarters of British military intelligence in Ireland may have been planted by a republican armed group, according to reports.

Published September 16, 2010

More evidence of old cover-ups emerge

battleofstmatthewsbrits.jpg New evidence has emerged of attempts by the old Stormont regime and the British Army to prevent British soldiers who shot innocent Irish civilians in the early years of the conflict being tried for murder.

Published September 16, 2010

‘Bitter’ unionists get election court hearing

rodneyconnor.jpg Ulster Unionists were accused of “sour grapes” at a court hearing in Tyrone over attempts by Unionist unity candidate Rodney Connor, who lost out by four votes, to declare void Sinn Fein’s victory in the Westminster election in May.

Published September 16, 2010

Billy Wright Inquiry finds no collusion

The Billy Wright Inquiry has found there was no collusion by the British state in the murder by the republican INLA (Irish National Liberation Army) of the unionist paramilitary leader in Long Kesh 13 years ago.

Published September 14, 2010

Dail fiddles as economy burns

dailchamber.jpg Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams has called for the Dublin parliament to be reconvened immediately to discuss the banking crisis and soaring unemployment.

Published September 14, 2010

Report due on death of Billy Wright

billywright.jpg A 700-Page report into the Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) execution of unionist paramilitary leader Billy ‘King Rat’ Wright is to be published later today.

Published September 14, 2010

Internees bring legal action against Britain

internkeshcages.jpg Hundreds of nationalists interned without trial almost 40 years ago are to launch a multi-million pound legal action against the British governmen

Published September 14, 2010

Landmark ruling for ‘Bik’ McFarlane

bikmcfarlane.jpg The 26-County state been ordered by the European Court of Human Rights to pay compensation to senior republican Brendan ‘Bik’ McFarlane for the extraordinary decade-long delay in bringing him to trial.

Published September 14, 2010

McGeough seeks to halt trial

gerrymcgeoughposter.jpg A prominent republican charged with an IRA action almost 30 years ago has said a leading Sinn Fein politician told him he would not face prosecution.

Published September 14, 2010

Paisley to protest against Pope

paisleypope.jpg Aging unionist firebrand Ian Paisley is to lead a 60-strong delegation to Scotland to protest over Pope Benedict’s visit to Britain.

Published September 14, 2010

Calling the PSNI to account

harassoharemeeting.jpg A Derry priest has said he is shocked by accusations of harassment against the PSNI police made by republican families in the city.

Published September 9, 2010

UDA blamed for school bomb

udaguns.jpg A UDA gang is believed to have planted the pipe bomb at a largely Catholic primary school in County Antrim on Monday which was found by an eight-year-old

Published September 9, 2010

Claudy controversy continues

frchesney.jpg The North’s Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness has said he was in the IRA in Derry city in 1972 but did not know who carried out the Claudy bomb attack, and still doesn’t know.

Published September 9, 2010

Stormont faces budget showdown

stormontstatue.jpg Sinn Fein’s Six-County Ministers have refused to comply with British and DUP requests to identify areas to target public spending cuts in their departments at Stormont.

Published September 9, 2010

Appeal to Ballymurphy soldier

battleofstmatthewsbrits.jpg Families of eleven people killed by the British army in Ballymurphy nearly 40 years ago have revealed that they have been contacted by one of the British soldiers involved in the shootings.

Published September 9, 2010

New setback for Dublin and Monaghan bomb victims

justiceforgotten.jpg The High Court has dismissed a claim by survivors of the Dublin and Monaghan bombings that the handling of parts of a report complied by the Commission of Investigation into the atrocities amounted to a breach of the State’s human rights obligations.

Published September 9, 2010

Basque ceasefire rejected

eta.jpg The Spanish authorities today defied international peace appeals and said they will maintain their bloody conflict with Basque armed group ETA, which is fighting to win independence for a Basque state northeast of Spain.

Published September 6, 2010


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