[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Fine Gael in turmoil

endakennyrichardbruton.jpg Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny has sacked Richard Bruton as the party’s finance spokesman and deputy leader as speculation mounts of a looming leadership challenge.

Published June 14, 2010

UVF still armed - PUP

johnkyle.jpg The political representatives of the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) have dismissed pressure for the group to fully decommission its weapons as they appointed a new leader last week.

Published June 14, 2010

Tour of the North rerouted from Ardoyne

marchbrits.jpg Sinn Fein has welcomed a decision by the Parades Commission to ban marchers heading to the highly controversial ‘Tour of the North’ march from the Ardoyne interface in north Belfast.

Published June 14, 2010

Legal challenges to Maghaberry regime

maghaberry.jpg A prisoner at Maghaberry jail has received High Court permission to challenge prison authorities over stripsearching policies.

Published June 14, 2010

Trimble to take part in flotilla raid inquiry

davidtrimble.jpg The Israeli announcement that former Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble will take part in an internal investigation into its murderous assault on a convoy of Gaza-bound aid ships has been greeted with disbelief in Ireland.

Published June 14, 2010

Fianna fraud

uvf.jpg The 26-County Taoiseach Brian Cowen is facing a motion of no confidence in the Dublin parliament after his government was harshly criticised by two preliminary reports into the banking crisis and linked to an attempt to falsify the financial position of Anglo Irish Bank.

Published June 11, 2010

Israeli crimes continue

rachelcorrieashdod.jpg Israel targeted an Irish aid ship heading for Gaza last week despite continuing outrage over the bloody assault on the main humanitarian relief flotilla, which left nine aid workers dead and stunned international public opinion.

Published June 11, 2010

RSF leadership denies Continuity IRA ‘coup’

ciragraffiti.jpg The leadership of Republican Sinn Fein (RSF) admitted this week that a recent convention of local leaders of the Continuity IRA has sought to form a breakaway republican armed group. It described the meeting as “unauthorised”.

Published June 11, 2010

Govt condemned as ‘desecration’ motorway opens

hilloftara.jpg The opening on Saturday of the M3 motorway past Tara, the ancient capital of Ireland, was a day that heritage campaigners had hoped would never come.

Published June 11, 2010

Stormont AG blocked soldier’s prosecution

williammcgreanery.jpg A 41-year-old Derry man shot dead by the British army in 1971 was an innocent victim and was not carrying a rifle, as claimed by the soldier who killed him, the Historical Enquiries Team (HET) has found.

Published June 11, 2010

SF and former councillor in slanging match

dessieward.jpg A major row has erupted between Sinn Fein and former party councillor Dessie Ward following his resignation from the party.

Published June 11, 2010

UVF threats multiply

uvf.jpg PUP leader Dawn Purvis has resigned after a campaign of intimidation by the unionist paramilitary UVF has seen it issue death threats against its critics and a message of terror against the people of the Shankill Road.

Published June 4, 2010

Rachel Corrie to attempt aid delivery

mvrachelcorrie.jpg The Irish aid cargo ship, the Rachel Corrie, is poised to make a fresh attempt to reach Israeli-blockaded Gaza despite Monday’s deadly attack by commandoes against the humanitarian mission, in which at least nine activists died

Published June 4, 2010

MI5, Special Branch orchestrating arrests - Murphy

colmmurphy.jpg Colm Murphy, whose conviction in regard to the 1998 Omagh bomb was overturned and who was subsequently cleared of criminal charges, has accused an alleged British agent of attempting to frame both himself and his son.

Published June 4, 2010

Injustice on the Irish language

irish-need-not-apply-.jpg Senior judges in the North have rejected a legal bid to over turn a penal law ban on the use of Irish language in court proceedings.

Published June 4, 2010

Expenses scandal hits Fianna Fail

ivorcallely.jpg Senator Ivor Callely is set to be expelled from the Fianna Fail parliamentary party after a formal investigation was opened into his expense claims.

Published June 4, 2010

Spanish extradition bids fade

basques.jpg The High Court in Belfast has no power to revoke bail granted to a Basque man whose extradition is being sought by the Spanish authorities, judges ruled yesterday.

Published June 4, 2010

Israel attacks aid convoy

flotilla.jpg Up to twenty human rights activists are believed to have been killed and scores injured after Israeli commandos attacked a humanitarian aid flotilla of ships this morning in international waters.

Published May 31, 2010

UVF kills again

bobbymoffett.jpg A cold-blooded murder by the UVF in broad daylight on the Shankill Road on Friday has challenged British propoganda about the loyalist paramilitary ceasefires.

Published May 31, 2010

Rocket strikes Derry PSNI base

strandroadpsni.jpg The PSNI have vowed to further increase their fortifications in the North after republican armed group Oglaigh na hEireann (ONH) launched a mortar rocket attack on a PSNI barracks in Derry in Friday.

Published May 31, 2010


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