[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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100,000 march in Dublin against austerity measures

austeritymarch.jpg Up to 100,000 people took part in Saturday’s march and rally organised by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions in protest at the government’s planned programme of austerity.

Published November 29, 2010

Sinn Fein seeks to build on by-election win

adamsdoherty.jpg The result of the Donegal South West by-election has changed the balance of power in the Dublin parliament, with Sinn Fein poised to create a ‘technical group’ over the last weeks and months of the current Dail.

Published November 29, 2010

Trigger-happy PSNI open fire in Portadown

gunshotwindow.jpg The family of a 79-year-old grandfather say he is lucky to be alive after a shot fired by the PSNI police went through his living room window.

Published November 29, 2010

‘Unite Ireland’ - Adams

unitingireland.jpg Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams tonight [Monday] launched a new cross-border initiative at a United Ireland Rally in Monaghan.

Published November 29, 2010

Cowen govt receives 85bn euro bailout

The International Monetary Fund and the European Union have approved an 85 billion euro rescue package for the 26 County state at an average interest rate of 5.83 per cent.

Published November 28, 2010

Pearse Doherty elected TD for Donegal South West

Sinn Fein Senator Pearse Doherty has been elected to the Dail for Donegal South West, without reaching the quota after securing a massive 40% of the first preference vote and the lion’s share of the second preference transfers in Thursday’s by-election.

Published November 26, 2010

Sinn Fein on the march

dswresult.jpg Sinn Fein’s Pearse Doherty has weakened the Fianna Fail/Green Party coalition’s slender hold on power with a stunning and historic election victory in Donegal.

Published November 26, 2010

National fury at bailout austerity plan

euausterity.jpg A major demonstration is to go ahead on the streets of Dublin tomorrow against the savage cuts being imposed by an illegitimate government at the behest of greedy bankers, European bureaucrats and the International Monetary Fund.

Published November 26, 2010

Cover-up feared over Loughinisland massacre

loughinisland.jpg Nationalists have expressed disbelief at news that ‘no prosecution’ is be taken against an RUC policeman over the 1994 Loughinisland Pub Massacre.

Published November 26, 2010

McGeough speaks out over injustice

gerrymcgeoughnobaby.jpg Gerry McGeough was at the Six-County Assembly this week to challenge British injustice in selectively pursuing historical cases in the conflict.

Published November 26, 2010

Dissident protest forces abandonment of DPP meeting

dppprotest.jpg Republicans in Derry forced the abandonment of a local meeting on policing which was to take place in the Guildhall on Wednesday night.

Published November 26, 2010

Commemorations held for fallen heroes

commemblack.jpg Around 150 people gathered in Belfast’s Milltown Cemetery on Saturday afternoon, November 20, to mark the 19th anniversary of the deaths of IRA volunteers Patricia Black and Frank Ryan on active service.

Published November 26, 2010

Sinn Fein set for by-election triumph

Counting is underway in the by-election in Donegal South West, with Pearse Doherty on course to win a historic victory for Sinn Fein.

Published November 26, 2010

Austerity plan to hit poor, students, pensioners, services

The Dublin government today unveiled a raft of budget measures it claimed would restore the 26-County State’s finances by 2014, but fudged key facts and figures on how it would affect the public.

Published November 24, 2010

Greens ‘cut and run’

greensquit.jpg Independent TDs have joined with the opposition parties to pile pressure on the crumbling Dublin government to pull the plug after the Green Party finally succumbed to public outrage and said it is set to pull out.

Published November 22, 2010

Dublin govt submits to international bailout pressure

imfman.jpg The public finances of the 26-County state will, for the next three years at least, be subject to “regular reviews” by external monitors working on behalf of the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, and the British and Swedish governments.

Published November 22, 2010

Sinn Fein TD, protestors attacked

osnodaighgardaprotest.jpg A group of 100 protestors clashed with Gardai as they made their way the gates of the Dublin parliament earlier this [Monday] afternoon, following a protest against the government’s handling of the economy.

Published November 22, 2010

Donegal election breakthrough predicted

pearsedohertyelectionposter.jpg Residents of Donegal’s outlying islands are casting their by-election votes today [Monday].

Published November 22, 2010

‘Mouth search’ increases Maghaberry tension

maghaberrycells.jpg A number of republican prisoners have been refused their visits in Maghaberry prison after they refused to open their mouths and wiggle their tongues before entering the visiting area.

Published November 22, 2010

Republican rivals to hold debate

eirigi.jpg Sinn Fein and new republican political party eirigi will share a platform this week, for the first time, during a debate to discuss Ireland’s economic crisis.

Published November 22, 2010


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