McGeough speaks out over injustice
McGeough speaks out over injustice

Gerry McGeough was at the Six-County Assembly this week to challenge British injustice in selectively pursuing historical cases in the conflict.

Judgment has been reserved in the case against Mr McGeough and fellow Tyrone republican Vincent McAnespie.

Mr McGeough stands accused of an IRA attack on a UDR (British Army) soldier in June 198!. He is also charged with possessing two revolvers used in the attack and being a member of the IRA.

A once senior member of Sinn Fein, Mr McGeough parted ways with the party in 2001. As part of his defence he revealed an amnesty was given to those ‘on-the-run’ from prosecution following the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 and that this was conveyed to him in 2000 by Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly.

However, Mr Mc Geough was arrested and charged in March 2007 as he left a polling station in Co Fermanagh where he was standing as an independent candidate.

The County Tyrone republican was in Stormont on Wednesday at the invitation of former colleague Gerry McHugh who has also since parted ways with Sinn Fein and is now an independent.

“Essentially I have come to Stormont to highlight injustices of our case,” Mr McGeough said.

“The fact that we stood trial in a Diplock court is in itself an attack against the peace process and an assault on the parity of esteem we hear so much about.

“There are numerous members of British forces who have escaped prosecution on Troubles-related charges.

“This is a form of discrirnination aimed at silencing and intimidating me from voicing concerns the Irish people have about the direction our nation is being taken in, particularly in relation to partition.

“There are RUC men in east Tyrone and north Armagh involved in the murder of innocent Catholics that have not been arrested and charged. Why not?

“l feel it’s important to draw attention to what is a fraying of the peace process which is creating growing unease in many sections of the community.

“Soldier F has yet to be arrested and charged despite the Bloody Sunday inquiry linking him to the murder of four people.

“Yet I have been charged with an incident in which no-one was killed and IRA membership dating back to 1975when I when I was just 16 years old.

“How is pursuing me in the public interest and whose purpose does it serve?”

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