[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Strong support for Omagh families on 15th anniversary

omaghbombpress.jpg Families of the Omagh bomb victims are being forced to go to the courts to require the Dublin and London governments to hold a public inquiry into the 1998 attack.

Published August 9, 2013

British Direct Ruler condemns Tyrone commemoration

villiersflat.jpg Controversy over a republican commemoration in County Tyrone this Sunday has continued after the British Direct Ruler Theresa Villiers, in an usually partisan intervention, demanded the parade be called off.

Published August 9, 2013

End of ‘civil war politics’ predicted

endakennymichealmartin.jpg Former Fianna Fail deputy leader Mary O’Rourke says it is time for her party and Fine Gael to seriously consider going into Coalition with each other.

Published August 9, 2013

Castlederg massacre ‘would be a great service’

ruthpattersonflat.jpg A unionist councillor was charged by the PSNI this evening over her public support for the idea of a loyalist massacre at next week’s republican commemoration in Castlederg.

Published August 2, 2013

Parade tensions shift

castledergmarch.jpg The controversy over internet comments by DUP Councillor Ruth Patterson will have dramatically escalated tensions over the planned republican commemoration in Castlederg, which unionists want banned entirely.

Published August 2, 2013

Kenny leaves RTE ahead of new broadcasting charge

patkenny.jpg One of Ireland’s best paid public employees, television and radio personality Pat Kenny, has left Irish state broadcaster RTE (Radio Teilifis Eireann).

Published August 2, 2013

Thatcher’s fears over Sinn Fein publicity

adamskingmorrison.jpg Secret British documents from 1983 show the high level of concern in London at the rise of Sinn Fein, and advanced plans to limit media opportunities for the party.

Published August 2, 2013

Houses and cars attacked in Belfast

suffolkcar.jpg There has been a worrying increase in the number of reprisal attacks in Protestant areas as the warm summer continues to fuel sectarian clashes at Belfast’s interfaces.

Published August 2, 2013

McGurk’s families challenge HET secrecy

mcgurksbig.jpg Relatives of those killed in the McGurk’s Bar bombing have called on the PSNI police to release the findings of an investigation by their Historical Enquiries Team into the UVF atrocity.

Published August 2, 2013

Twelfth riots ‘a taster’

twelfthwoodvaleprotest.jpg After warning that the July 12 conflict was “only a wee taster” of future protests, the anti-Catholic Orange Order and its loyalist supporters have said they will make weekly bids to march through the nationalist Ardoyne community in north Belfast.

Published July 26, 2013

Harryville church forced to close

harryvillechurchgraffiti.jpg A Catholic church in Ballymena which was the focus of a long-running and violent loyalist hate campaign has been forced to close.

Published July 26, 2013

Nuns urged to pay for abuses

magdalenekids.jpg Pressure is growing on the religious orders that ran the Magdalene laundries to reverse a decision not to compensate those girls and women who lived and worked for them under slave labour conditions.

Published July 26, 2013

Progress on inquests into Crown Force killings

britsoldier.jpg In three separate cases, the families of victims of state killings have received a boost to their legal challenges for proper inquest.

Published July 26, 2013

Sectarian attacks condemned

ohanlonsouthmemorial.jpg An IRA memorial in County Fermanagh was spray-painted in the latest in a series of sectarian attacks in the north of Ireland.

Published July 26, 2013

Sinn Fein backs Seanad abolition referendum

seanadnorris.jpg Sinn Fein will call for a Yes vote in the referendum to abolish the upper house of the Dublin parliament on October 4th, saying the Seanad [Senate] is “elite” and “out of touch”.

Published July 26, 2013

Ardoyne under siege

loyalistrioters.jpg After a week of the most intense loyalist violence, a decision by the Parades Commission to reroute another planned march by the anti-Catholic Orange Order has been welcomed as good news.

Published July 19, 2013

US envoy to meet Orangemen

richardhaassbig.jpg Former US peace envoy Richard Haass has returned to the north of Ireland to constitute a new discussion group on parades and flags from the main parties at the Stormont Assembly.

Published July 19, 2013

US tourist freed after nine days in captivity

gevelinger.jpg An American student held after he visited a penpal in Hydebank women’s prison was released on Monday after a total of nine days in the hands of the PSNI police.

Published July 19, 2013

Garda ‘message of oppression’ at republican’s funeral

seamusmckennafuneral.jpg The Republican Network for Unity (RNU) have strongly condemned the actions of the 26 County Garda police during the funeral of former republican prisoner, Seamus McKenna, this week.

Published July 19, 2013

Conservation of ‘Ireland’s Alamo’ seen as first step

moorestreetinterior.jpg The announcement of a conservation order around the buildings where the last stand of the 1916 Easter Rising took place has been followed by appeals for the entire battlefield site to be preserved.

Published July 19, 2013


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