[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Fake loan company is MI5 front

regusbuilding.jpg A fake short-term loan company was set up in an office block in central Belfast in a bid to recruit informers, it has emerged.

Published November 15, 2014

Let democracy take its course in Catalonia

cataloniamarch.jpg Following the Catalans’ overwhelming backing for independence, Spain needs to listen and give us an official Scottish-style referendum

Published November 15, 2014

PSNI retaliate after IRA attack

efpcreggan.jpg There were clashes in the Creggan area of Derry this week following an attack by the ‘new IRA’ in which an armoured police patrol was struck by a mortar rocket.

Published November 8, 2014

More stick than carrot for water tax protestors

santryprotest.jpg Several hundred demonstrated outside a Dublin Garda police station after shocking scenes of Garda brutality against anti-austerity protestors.

Published November 8, 2014

Concern over sudden death at Maghaberry

guardofhonour.jpg There have been calls for an urgent investigation into the death of a Maghaberry prisoner, who collapsed in his cell at the County Antrim prison last week. The 30-year-old was taken to Craigavon Area Hospital, where he died on Thursday afternoon.

Published November 8, 2014

Prosecutions could oust nationalist councillors

garydonnellyelected.jpg A prominent Derry republican could be robbed of his poll-topping performance in recent local elections after being being handed an extraordinary six month prison sentence for graffiti.

Published November 8, 2014

Marchers increase tensions in Belfast

novemberflagparade.jpg Unionists have increased pressure on parades and flags ahead of planned talks, with loyalists planning a major flags parade through Belfast city centre on one of the busiest shopping days of the year.

Published November 8, 2014

DUP bigotry fuels new calls for Irish Language Act

gregorycampbellstormont.jpg The DUP’s Gregory Campbell has been called upon to apologise for an attempt to mock the Irish language community in the Six-County Assembly at Stormont.

Published November 8, 2014

Poll, protests confirm dramatic change in Irish politics

waterprotestrural.jpg Sinn Fein has topped an opinion poll in the 26 Counties for the first time in the history of polling in the state, gaining four points to move up to 26%.

Published November 1, 2014

Terror in the Short Strand

pensionershortstrand.jpg The nationalist residents of the Short Strand endured five nights of loyalist violence this week in east Belfast as loyalist mobs attacked with petrol bombs, fireworks and other missiles.

Published November 1, 2014

Cahill ‘cover-up’ accusations unravel

mairiacahill2.jpg The political controversy over abuse allegations by west Belfast woman Mairia Cahill has taken a further twist following the revelation that she actually wrote to the Provisional IRA’s army council to ask for their assistance in seeking justice.

Published November 1, 2014

McConville case discredited as wrong man is arrested

patrice.jpg Former Sinn Fein councillor Pat Rice is the latest to be arrested in connection with the IRA execution in 1972 of informer Jean McConville, but appears to have been an embarrassing victim of mistaken identity.

Published November 1, 2014

PSNI targeted in attacks

bombalertbig2.jpg The ‘new IRA’ has said it planted two devices in the County Tyrone town of Strabane in an attempt to ambush PSNI police on Thursday night. It is the second time in the past two weeks that an attack has been mounted in the north west. A bomb left at a vacant house in Derry was also directed against the PSNI, it has emerged.

Published November 1, 2014

Hart holds talks amid budget progress

hartstormont.jpg New US peace envoy Gary Hart has spent two days in a series of bilateral meetings with the five main parties in the North and the Dublin and London governments.

Published November 1, 2014

Craigavon Two case set for Supreme Court

divisbridgecraigavon2.jpg Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton are to go before the highest court in British law in a bid to clear their names after receiving permission to do so this week.

Published November 1, 2014

The abuse of power

kennycahill.jpg A mud-slinging campaign by the Irish political establishment has effectively halted Sinn Fein’s rise to become the largest party in the 26 Counties.

Published October 25, 2014

Talks ‘a sham’ - Sinn Fein

stormonthousetalks.jpg Sinn Fein has described the Stormont multi-party talks a “sham process” and warned that there is limited prospect of agreement unless the DUP shows a greater willingness to engage.

Published October 25, 2014

UDA targets lawyer

omuiri.jpg A UDA murder gang is targeting west Belfast lawyer Padraig O Muirigh, it has emerged. It is the same outfit which, in collusion with British forces, carried out the 1989 killing of high-profile Belfast defence lawyer, Pat Finucane.

Published October 25, 2014

Ladder of informer recruitment bids

mccusker.jpg A County Derry man has said that PSNI men offered to “get rid” of assault charges if he agreed to become an informer.

Published October 25, 2014

Ill prisoners humiliated by Maghaberry regime

maghaberrybig2.jpg Support groups for republican prisoners in Maghaberry have complained about the medical maltreatment of prisoners at the jail.

Published October 25, 2014


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