[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Ballyhea still says ‘No’

ballyhea250.jpg The 250th march by the ‘Ballyhea Says No’ protest took place in the tiny village just south of Charleville, County Cork, last Sunday morning as anti-bailout and anti-austerity campaigners seek to escalate their campaign in advance of the upcoming general election in the 26 Counties.

Published December 19, 2015

‘We will not go away’ - victims

relativessignatures.jpg Victims of the conflict in the north of Ireland have directly accused the British government of a “shameful failure” to address the need for truth and justice.

Published December 12, 2015

A government out of its depth on climate

bandonprotest.jpg The town of Bandon, County Cork came to a standstill on Monday night when up to 1,500 people marched through the town and called on the Dublin government to deliver immediately on the town’s flood relief scheme, one of dozens across Ireland which have been devastated by floods and the lack of flood defences.

Published December 12, 2015

Arlene Foster set to be new DUP leader

arlenefosterdup.jpg The DUP Finance minister at Stormont, Arlene Foster, is to become the next leader of the party after the DUP Deputy leader Nigel Dodds dramatically withdrew from the race to succeed Peter Robinson, leaving her as the sole candidate.

Published December 12, 2015

UDA splinter group sparks new feud

udaposter.jpg A breakaway faction of the UDA has embarked on a campaign of intimidation in north Belfast to force residents from their homes. The faction, which emerged during the loyalist flag protests in 2012, are reported to have “taken control” of the Tigers Bay and nearby areas.

Published December 12, 2015

Activists jailed as political corruption is ignored

mcelvaneyrte.jpg A Fine Gael councillor in Monaghan, Hugh McElvaney has been filmed while appearing to demand ten thousand pounds sterling from a fake international company for his support in gaining planning permission for a proposed wind farm, while two other local councillors were also recorded agreeing to assist the firm in return for side deals.

Published December 12, 2015

Family’s concerns for son held in isolation for four years

gavincoyle.jpg The mother of republican prisoner Gavin Coyle has said she fears for his life after he has been held on his own in the punishment block at Maghaberry Prison for more than four years.

Published December 12, 2015

Recriminations continue over talks deal

uniteprotestsf.jpg The PSNI police chief George Hamilton has said his force can’t be blamed for the failures of the ‘Fresh Start’ talks agreement amid angry exchanges over the deal within the nationalist community.

Published December 5, 2015

A clear case of internment

gavincoylethumbsup.jpg The Anti-Internment League has described court hearings in which seven-year-old charges were resurrected against republicans Davy Jordan and Gavin Coyle as “political show trials”.

Published December 5, 2015

Judgement could encourage provocative marches

protestantcoalitionracist.jpg There are fears of increased parade tensions next summer after a rare conviction against a loyalist ‘kick the pope’ marching band was overturned on appeal.

Published December 5, 2015

Political censorship as MI5 sabotages work credentials

seanmontgomery.jpg Employee background checks on nationalists are now including information provided by the British intelligence services, falsely linking some people to illegal organisations in an apparent attempt to wreck their employment chances.

Published December 5, 2015

Action demanded on housing as rent plan backfires

gardahomeless.jpg Over a thousand people have attended a demonstration to demand action on the homelessness crisis on the first anniversary of Jonathan Corrie, a Carlow man who died at this time last year on steps near the Dublin parliament.

Published December 5, 2015

Northerners back a unified Irish soccer squad

faiifalogos.jpg A majority of people inside the Six Counties favour the creation of a single all-Ireland soccer team, according to a report by the Ulster University.

Published December 5, 2015

Wave of armed actions

psnishotscar.jpg A gun attack on a PSNI patrol in west Belfast has been claimed for the ‘new IRA’ amid a series of alerts and incidents attributed to the breakaway IRA groups.

Published November 28, 2015

A century of secrecy for Derry victims

motormantanks.jpg The scale of British state secrecy efforts in the north of Ireland has been highlighted after it emerged that a British Army film file on its murderous ‘Operation Motorman’ in Derry has been declared ‘locked’ for a period of 100 years.

Published November 28, 2015

Racists to parade in Belfast

protestantcoalition2.jpg Loyalists are to hold a protest march next weekend against the presence in the North of refugeees and other foreign immigrants.

Published November 28, 2015

Cash grab by farmers’ body executives

ifaexecs.jpg Pressure is mounting for a forensic police investigation into the Irish Farmers’ Association after a series of revelations that executives in the body appropriated several million euro in the form of inflated salaries, pensions and one-off cash payments.

Published November 28, 2015

New alternative for 1916 commemorations

unfinishedrevolutionpress.jpg Another dimension to the ‘battle’ of 1916 Rising commemorations has been unveiled with the announcement that ‘principled’ republicans will hold their own event north of the border.

Published November 28, 2015

Anniversary of Croke Park massacre marked

bloodysundaycrokepark.jpg The Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) has marked the 95th anniversary of the British army killings of 14 people at a sports match in Dublin, which became known as Bloody Sunday.

Published November 28, 2015

Fury at ‘Thatcherite’ talks deal

freshstart2.jpg There are fears that this week’s talks agreement represents such a victory for unionist and British negotiators that it could wreck the North’s political process, rather than sustain it.

Published November 21, 2015


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