[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Sinn Fein renews focus on Irish unity

towardsunitedirelandpress.jpg Sinn Fein has published a discussion document, ‘Towards a United Ireland’, to lay out the rationale for reunification in terms of the economy, public services and reconciliation.

Published December 3, 2016

Water charges debate reignites after report

waterchargesprotest.jpg A commission on water charges set up by the coalition government has said the charges should be retained but with an increased allowance for domestic water use. Under its proposals, the commission says the “vast majority” of people should no longer have to pay water charges.

Published December 3, 2016

Irish President hails Castro as ‘giant among leaders’

michaeldcuba.jpg A bitter dispute in Dublin’s corridors of power over tributes to Cuban leader Fidel Castro lead the 26 County state to snub a funeral at which Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams was a prominent mourner.

Published December 3, 2016

PSNI ‘targeting our kids’

saoradhkid.jpg There was outrage in west Belfast this week after a ten year old girl was pictured being harassed by the PSNI.

Published November 26, 2016

Relief as British admit Manus Deery was innocent

manusdeery600.jpg The family of a teenager shot dead by the British Army more than 40 years ago have spoken of their relief after the British Ministry of Defence accepted his innocence.

Published November 26, 2016

American family accuse PSNI of cover-up

johnhemsworth600.jpg The family of a US citizen killed by the RUC (now PSNI) police in 1997 have accused those involved of being part of a “conspiracy of silence”.

Published November 26, 2016

Brokenshire condemned by UN for blocking inquests

jamesbrokenshire.jpg Britain’s governor in Ireland, James Brokenshire, has come under renewed pressure to accept responsibility for dealing with the legacy of the conflict in the North.

Published November 26, 2016

Kenny reported ready to accept traveller ethnicity

travellershorses.jpg In an apparent breakthrough for civil rights campaigners, the Dublin government has indicated it will support the recognition of Travellers’ distinct ethnic identity.

Published November 26, 2016

Irish immigrants fear Trump’s deportation plans

trump600.jpg There is concern for the undocumented Irish living in the US after Donald Trump vowed to deport or imprison millions of immigrants.

Published November 26, 2016

Extradition ordered over 1996 PIRA attack

jimmycorry.jpg The High Court in Dublin has ordered the extradition of a man accused of being involved in a Provisional IRA mortar attack on a British army barracks in Germany 20 years ago.

Published November 19, 2016

Fears that cashed-up UDA is rearming

udabig.jpg The South East Antrim UDA has obtained weapons from English-based crime networks in a move which could spark an ‘arms race’ among the various factions of the unionist paramilitary organisation, it has been revealed.

Published November 19, 2016

Retired priest’s home attacked

joemcveighwindows.jpg A popular Catholic priest may be forced out of his parochial house in Fermanagh after it was targeted in a sectarian attack.

Published November 19, 2016

Sinister Crown Force propaganda event at Tyrone school

loretoraf.jpg The British armed forces have been actively promoted by the PSNI police during a school visit in the predominately nationalist town of Omagh, County Tyrone.

Published November 19, 2016

UVF funeral gets PSNI approval

uvffuneral.jpg The kid-gloves handling of a unionist paramilitary funeral has exposed the “rank hypocrisy” of British policing in Ireland, according to Republican Sinn Fein.

Published November 19, 2016

‘All your lough is belong to UK’

loughfoyle.jpg The fallout over Brexit has prompted the British governor in Ireland, James Brokenshire, to aggresively assert a claim over Lough Foyle in the north of Ireland. He told the Westminster parliament that “the whole” of the lough, extending westward to the Donegal shoreline in the 26 Counties, is owned by Britain.

Published November 19, 2016

Discretion trumps all

trumpvictory.jpg Despite consternation and disbelief in Ireland at the result of the US Presidential election, political leaders including 26 County Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams were among those to congratulate Donald Trump this week on his election as US President.

Published November 12, 2016

PSNI harassment claims a second life

paddygreen.jpg A west Belfast man has died in troubling circumstances after being arrested and questioned for over ten hours by the PSNI last week.

Published November 12, 2016

British fear future generations of justice campaigners

mcgurksbanner.jpg A British Army file relating to the McGurk’s Bar massacre will be a state secret until 2056, it has emerged.

Published November 12, 2016

Tribute to Jordan family as justice fight goes on

pearsejordan600.jpg The family of Pearse Jordan have vowed to continue their fight for justice after a coroner concluded he could not say whether his killing by the RUC police was justified.

Published November 12, 2016

Republicanism strained by one-way peace traffic

mcguinnessqueen.jpg Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness has renewed a controversy over his party’s ‘outreach’ efforts after he was spotted at a royal reception in London in which the English queen Elizabeth Windsor unveiled a new painting of herself.

Published November 12, 2016


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