[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Paramilitary flags an attempt to intimidate

flagsmotorway.jpg A loyalist bonfire group has said unionists will never remove any flag “at the behest of Sinn Fein/IRA” after the party complained about flags erected near Belfast City Airport.

Published May 20, 2017

Republican harassed on US trip by FBI

joebarr.jpg A Derry republican has described how FBI officers were taken off ISIS detail in the lead up to the world’s largest Thanksgiving parade in New York last November to question him about his political activism in Derry.

Published May 20, 2017

Enda Kenny quits as leader of Fine Gael

kennyquits.jpg Enda Kenny has announced that he will step down as leader of the Fine Gael Party, effective at midnight, but will continue to fill the position of Taoiseach until June.

Published May 17, 2017

Peace messages and protest amid royal tour

adamscharles2017.jpg A visit by British royals to Ireland has again polarised republicans, with protests organised as leading Sinn Fein figures greeted Charles Windsor and his wife Camilla.

Published May 13, 2017

Body of Seamus Ruddy recovered

ruddyfamily.jpg Remains found near Rouen in northern France have been identified as those of republican socialist Seamus Ruddy, who disappeared in unexplained circumstances 32 years ago.

Published May 13, 2017

Activist’s suicide highlights police dysfunction

daraquigley.jpg An activist journalist and blogger has become the human face of the policing crisis in the 26 Counties after she took her life following a public humiliation at the hands of the Gardai.

Published May 13, 2017

Good news for justice campaigns

ballymurphyhappy2.jpg In a surprise move, a date has finally been set for an inquest into the deaths of those shot in a bout of killing by British soldiers in Ballymurphy almost 50 years ago.

Published May 13, 2017

Rally to bring Irish language rights to heart of election

dreamdearg.jpg A major rally calling for the introduction of an Irish language act for the north is to be held in Belfast.

Published May 13, 2017

Death of Brendan Duddy

brendanduddy2.jpg A Derry businessman who acted as a secret communication channel between British military intelligence and elements of the IRA leadership has died at the age of 82.

Published May 13, 2017

ONH denies ceasefire reports

onhpic.jpg The republican armed group known as Oglaigh na hEireann has denied reports that it is involved in talks with the British or 26 County governments or that it is on the verge of disbanding.

Published May 6, 2017

Finucane candidacy electrifies north Belfast election contest

johnfinucanebig.jpg In a significant political development, the youngest son of murdered defence lawyer Pat Finucane is to fight the North Belfast Westminster constituency for Sinn Fein.

Published May 6, 2017

‘Stop fighting a war that is over’ - O’Neill

oneillloughgall.jpg Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill caused a controversy by her participation in the party’s event to commemorate the deaths of eight IRA Volunteers in east Tyrone, during which she called for a complete end to armed actions.

Published May 6, 2017

New effort to release interned RNU activist

tonytaylortalking.jpg The Joint Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement said they have concerns about the detention without trial of republican Tony Taylor in Maghaberry jail.

Published May 6, 2017

Historic ruling blocks PSNI payoff

atmcash.jpg A man targeted by the PSNI as a potential state informer has secured an unprecedented court ruling to prevent the Crown forces from paying money directly into his bank account.

Published May 6, 2017

Public appeal as search is made for remains of IRSP man

seamusruddy2.jpg There is new hope that the remains of a republican socialist who was killed and secretly buried in mysterious circumstances in France will be found and his remains recovered.

Published May 6, 2017

EU backs united Ireland plan

kennytusk.jpg An official statement by the European Union that it will accept a future united Ireland into the EU has been cautiously welcomed by republicans as bringing international diplomatic recognition for impending Irish unification.

Published April 29, 2017

Inquest vindicates truth campaign for Barney Watt

barneywatt.jpg The widow of an unarmed Belfast civilian shot and killed by British soldiers in 1971 has lived to see a coroner clear his name after 46 years of disinformation and lies.

Published April 29, 2017

Parties fail to strike deals ahead of Westminster election

oneilleastwood.jpg The first weeks of the Westminster general election campaign in the north of Ireland have been dominated by suggestions of strategic pacts and alliances, which so far have made little headway.

Published April 29, 2017

British establishment ‘rubbing our noses in it’

mcanespies.jpg Relatives of people killed by the British army have reacted angrily after a Westminster committee recommended a halt to the investigation and prosecution of soldiers for war crimes committed during the conflict.

Published April 29, 2017

Second arson attack on St Patrick’s Church

stpatricksarson.jpg A second arson attack on a Catholic church in Belfast city centre is being blamed on loyalists.

Published April 29, 2017


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