[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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‘Ignorant’ Bradley blocks court-ordered election

bradleywestminster.jpg After admitting to a parliamentary magazine that she hadn’t understood how the North of Ireland is divided politically, British Direct Ruler Karen Bradley has introduced legislation at Westminster to halt Six County Assembly elections until 2019.

Published September 8, 2018

Journalists seized in PSNI’s war on truth


The PSNI stand accused of once again actively colluding in a loyalist massacre by directing the arrest of two award-winning investigative journalists who worked to expose the truth behind the 1994 Loughinisland killings.

Published September 1, 2018

Oppression ‘backfiring’ on PSNI

stopandsearch2.jpg With incidents of harassment by the PSNI rising significantly, a report for the Stormont administration has admitted that the abuse of stop and search powers is actually bolstering support for republican groups in Derry.

Published August 25, 2018

Omagh’s appalling vista

nualaoloan600.jpg There has been an outcry after former Police Ombudsman Nuala O’Loan hinted at a police cover-up and said she was certain the PSNI (then RUC) ‘could have prevented’ the 1998 Omagh bomb attack, in which 29 civilians died.

Published August 18, 2018

Britain gears up for Brexit oppression


A new border zone is being set up by the British government in which military and customs officials would have additional powers to stop, search and interrogate members of the public within a mile-wide strip across Ireland.

Published August 11, 2018

Sinn Fein wavers on border poll

marylouwaver.jpg Sinn Fein has denied media claims of internal disagreements after a significant shift in the party’s attitude on Irish reunification was unveiled by party leader Mary Lou McDonald on Monday but largely recanted less than 24 hours later.

Published August 4, 2018

Protestants ‘must be protected’ in United Ireland


Former DUP leader Peter Robinson has said he believes reunification could happen because of Brexit and has called for a debate on “protections” for the unionist community.

Published July 28, 2018

UVF handed PSNI database


In a major incident of potential collusion, elements within the PSNI have passed on to loyalist paramilitaries the details and electronic data of hundreds of people who they have been spying on.

Published July 21, 2018

PSNI raids follow peace rally

sfpeacerally.jpg The homes of republican youths in Derry are currently the focus of a PSNI crackdown following several nights of clashes around a major sectarian parade through the city centre.

Published July 14, 2018

Savagery of bonfire thugs


A Catholic man was dragged from his car and severely beaten in broad daylight in a rabid attack by loyalist thugs enraged by the failure of their bonfire nearby. It is believed the victim was attacked randomly and was only identified as Catholic by the football jersey he was wearing.

Published July 7, 2018

Collusion monster is Garda Commissioner


Widespread shock at the appointment of a sinister RUC figure as 26 County Garda police commissioner has been followed by a row after Sinn Fein vowed to “hold him to account”.

Published June 30, 2018

Sham prosecution falls apart

damienmclaughlin.jpg A judge in the non-jury trial of a prominent republican has admitted the prosecution was based entirely on allegations extracted by police threats and ordered him to be released, more than five and a half years after he was initially charged.

Published June 23, 2018

Royal visit denounced as one-sided, anti-republican

charlesoneillmcdonald.jpg The latest visit by British royals to Ireland has once again sown division among nationalists and republicans.

Published June 16, 2018

Robinson backs ‘fixed’ border polls

peterrobinson600.jpg Peter Robinson, the former leader of the hardline unionist DUP, has suggested agreement on a strategy for phased reunification could allow him to support a Six County referendum on unity.

Published June 9, 2018

‘The North is next’

northisnext.jpg The issue of women’s rights and access to abortion are now being placed alongside calls for same-sex marriage as part of an equality agenda being opposed by unionists.

Published June 2, 2018

‘New politics’ brings historic change

repealcastle.jpg An overwhelming vote in favour of repealing the 8th amendment of the Irish constitution has opened the way for the liberalisation of Ireland’s abortion laws, with a final result of 66.4% to 33.6%.

Published May 26, 2018

May runs away from border poll

andersonbradley.jpg Theresa May has privately ruled out a vote on Irish unity within the north of Ireland because it could produce a majority in favour, according to leaked reports from a secret Tory briefing.

Published May 19, 2018

British soldiers gloat over massacre

hereford.jpg Former members of the British Crown Forces have been sharing photographs of the assassinated IRA Volunteers of Loughgall and gloating about how they held “parties” in the van in which three of the martyrs were killed, it has emerged.

Published May 12, 2018

Lives of Irish women sold out by the state

vickyphelan.jpg A dodgy deal for cut-price cancer tests and a subsequent cover-up wrecked the health of hundreds of Irish women over the past decade, with 17 deaths attributed to the scandal.

Published May 5, 2018

Sinn Fein accused of ‘political oppression’

doorrammed.jpg The PSNI have taken to using saws and battering rams in raids on the homes of republican activists in Derry following appeals by Sinn Fein for “tangible action” against armed groups in the city.

Published April 28, 2018


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