[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Unite Ireland so we can have Brexit, say Tory members

johnsonhunt.jpg There has been a welcome in Ireland for the result of a survey of Britain’s ruling Conservative Party which revealed that most of its members would be willing to see Irish reunification if it meant that England could leave the European Union. The poll puts the Tories completely at odds with their DUP allies in the London government.

Published June 22, 2019

Final journey for IRA legend

coffinmckee.jpg Thousands lined the streets of west Belfast today as republicans from across Ireland gathered to pay tribute to Provisional IRA founder Billy McKee, a man who dedicated most of his life to the cause of freedom and lead the defence of the nationalist people at a time of their greatest need.

Published June 15, 2019

Malicious agenda beaten

journoswin.jpg Two investigative journalists have accused the PSNI of “malicious intent” after a bogus case against them in relation to a documentary on collusion in the north of Ireland was finally dropped.

Published June 8, 2019

British general derided at massacre inquest

generaljackson.jpgg A claim that the British Army “don’t do conspiracies” by one its most infamous liars, General Mike Jackson, drew derision and frustration in equal measure at the inquest into the Ballymurphy massacre this week.

Published June 1, 2019

INLA leader laid to rest

inlafuneral.jpg Several thousand people attended the west Belfast funeral of leading republican socialist ‘Marty Mac’ Martin McElkerney on Wednesday. A former PoW, Mr McElkerney was closely involved in the IRSP’s peace strategy after being released from Long Kesh prison in 2000 under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement.

Published May 25, 2019

Euro election could make history

allisteranderson.jpg Sinn Féin’s European election candidate in the Six Counties, Martina Anderson, clashed with hardline unionist Jim Allister on live television as campaigning for the European elections to be held across Ireland reached a climax.

Published May 18, 2019

Optimism urged for new talks process

talks1905.jpg Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has said she believes an agreement can be reached after round-table five-party talks began in Belfast this week for the first time in more than a year.

Published May 11, 2019

Unionist hardliners count the cost

alliancevictory.jpg A second day of counting in the local elections has confirmed that the traditional unionist vote is well down across the Six Counties, while the moderate Alliance Party are the main beneficiaries of the election.

Published May 4, 2019

‘New IRA’ accepts blame for riot death

saoradhdublinmarch.jpg The ‘New IRA’ has admitted it was behind the gun attack on the PSNI that led to the death of journalist Lyra McKee during a riot in Derry last week.

Published April 27, 2019


riotpics.jpg There have been appeals for calm following the tragic death of a journalist during heavy rioting in a republican area of Derry on Thursday night.

Published April 20, 2019

No restriction on armed PSNI crossing border

drewharriscar.jpg An extraordinary incident involving Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has forced the Dublin government to confirm that heavily armed members of the British Crown Forces are routinely making incursions into all areas of the 26 Counties without any checks or controls.

Published April 13, 2019

Irish are ‘second class citizens’ in new GFA breach


The British government has provoked anger after it said Irish citizens born in the north of Ireland cannot vote in a unity border poll or any other referendum under British law, and cannot have the same rights as other EU citizens.

Published April 6, 2019

Standing up to the Fascists

bcab1903.jpg The people of the border communities in Ireland are today demonstrating against the demands of the unionist far right as Britain moves closer to a crash exit from the European Union and a remilitarisation of the border area across Ireland from April 12.

Published March 30, 2019

One million attend anti-Brexit march in London

brexitrallylondon.jpg A huge protest against Brexit in London today is thought to be one of the biggest in British history.

Published March 23, 2019

Soldier F - A Bloody Sunday scapegoat

sundayconference.jpg The British government is seeking to maintain a cover-up of the Bloody Sunday massacre after it was announced that only one soldier will be prosecuted for the killings.

Published March 16, 2019


bradleyred.jpg Widespread revulsion has greeted a statement by the British Direct Ruler Karen Bradley that killings by members of the Crown Forces in the north of Ireland are “not crimes”.

Published March 9, 2019

‘We won’

finucanessupremecourt.jpg The Supreme Court in London has unanimously backed the appeal by the family of Pat Finucane against the refusal of the British government to carry out a proper inquiry into his 1989 murder by state agents.

Published March 2, 2019

MI5’s plan to foment civil war

johnweir600.jpg A film which exposes a horrific plot to massacre Catholic children and nuns at a school has premiered in Belfast. It also reveals the rationale behind MI5’s most shocking target.

Published February 23, 2019

Hamilton - the face of collusion in 2019?

hamiltoncap.jpg PSNI chief George Hamilton stands accused of subverting justice in regard to dozens of loyalist killings in the late 1980s and early 1990s after secret police documents relating to collusion unexpectedly came to light.

Published February 16, 2019

‘Dial moving’ for a border poll

mcdonaldmarr.jpg There are signs of a growing acceptance in London that a referendum on unity in the Six Counties will be required in the circumstances of Britain’s departure from the EU.

Published February 9, 2019


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