No joke over unionism’s response to the Twelfth
No joke over unionism’s response to the Twelfth


Supposed ‘outrage’ over a utility worker’s whispered joke at a loyalist bonfire has marked a new low for unionist hypocrisy.

‘Eleventh Night’ bonfires, when nationalist symbols and images and effigies of politicians are ritually burned in an annual ritual of hate, are some of the most dangerous events for Catholics in the loyalist calendar.

The video in question shows a safety worker wearing a hard hat videoing himself in front of the bonfire and whispering ‘up the RA... shhh... up the RA’ (Up the IRA) while chuckling at his mock bravado.

But it wasn’t concern for the worker’s safety which exercised unionist politicians, or his risk sense of humour, but an imagined expression of support for the IRA.

This came amid a general unionist and mainstream media silence and police inaction over the annual torrent of crimes at the bonfires, or the loyalist paramilitary displays or the threatening sectarian tunes played at ‘ Twelfth of July’ parades the following day.

Other videos which emerged over the period showed bar-rooms covered in loyalist paramilitary flags and symbols where blood-thirsty anti-Catholic songs and chants were sung.

There was also no unionist condemnation of a video that showed evident drug-taking by loyalist bandsmen during last week’s Twelfth celebrations. Video footage widely shared on social media appears to show two bandsmen snorting cocaine.

An embarrassed ‘Bangor Protestant Boys Flute Band’ later said it had expelled two if its members in connection with the video. The PSNI could not even say if a drugs crime was being investigated.

Unionists also failed to condemn a lethal loyalist arson attack on Aontú representative and nurse, Sharon Loughran, in Newry. They also appear to have missed reports that eleven on-duty ambulance staff were assaulted while attending at Eleventh Night bonfires.

There was also no reaction to a rampage by elements of the unionist paramilitary South East Antrim (SEA) UDA on the Twelfth after they beat up an elderly man in Carrickfergus and attacked the home of another loyalist as part of a long-running feud. A rival UVF crime gang then demanded those involved be shot and put out of their homes.

There was also no comment after a former women’s football international said she feared she was being targeted by the UDA after a drunken brawl following a parade in Belfast.

Instead, it appears electricity utility worker, Adrian Kelly, will be the only one to be held accountable for marching season chaos –– for his ‘Up the RA’ wisecrack.

After the DUP complained about what it said was “a lack of leadership from Sinn Fein where there is a continual glorification of the Provisional IRA”, the electricity board confirmed a “full internal investigation” is ongoing into what it claimed was a “deeply offensive” video.

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